Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E12 The Lonely Lady

Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 12

Back together and ready for the king's mission, the party takes to the air in the Lonely Lady...

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Episode 12: The Lonely Lady…

Without the cart or wagon, Umgurn and Enacelle agree to ride on Theophania’s back for the journey to Pathilia because the next caravan leaving will take too long. They set off on the afternoon of the 6th day and make it to the wilds by nightfall with Theophania pushing herself at a full gallop. They make camp at a place not very far from their first campsite on the road to Pathilia. 

[Theophania makes a Survival Check, DC10] rolls 15 

[Enacelle makes a Cooking check, DC15] rolls 13

Though tired, Theophania easily procures two rabbits and a pheasant for dinner which Enacelle clumsily prepares, missing dearly the skills of Malege. The group still enjoy the meat though there is a bit of singed fur with some of the rabbit and the pheasant may still have a few pin feathers in its skin. 

[The party (En, Th, Um) make Perception checks] Roll 10, 25, and 6.

Umgurn continues to joke with Enacelle about her lousy cooking which makes Enacelle laugh. Theophania, despite being tired from the gallop, hears a crack in the grass which is unnatural and bolts to her feet with an arrow drawn. Umgurn and Enacelle respond by scrambling for their weapons and looking towards the woods. A zing shoots out of the dark and there is a thwat near Theophania’s head as an arrow strikes a tree trunk. Five bandits emerge into the firelight from the road, one of which seems to be the leader as he yells for the others to attack.

[Everyone Rolls for Initiative]

[Theophania casts Ensnaring Strike and attacks the Bandit Captain with her longbow, second horde breaker attack] Rolls 15 vs AC15 for a hit for 11 damage, Captains STR saving throw 13 vs DC14, fails, restrained, Rolls 9 for a miss.

Theophania, with an arrow already notched, murmurs a few words and tiny iridescent vines encircle her arrow. She releases, hitting the apparent leader in the thigh. From the wound erupt entangling vines that restrain the arms and legs of the captain. She launches a second shot at the bandit next to the leader but the shot goes wide and skitters across the road.

[Bandit C moves into melee with Enacelle, attacks with scimitar] Rolls 21 for 2 damage.

The bandit to the leader’s right charges into melee with Enacelle and swings with his scimitar, slashing her lightly across the leg.

[Enacelle casts Moonbean center on Bandit B (including Bandit A and the Bandit Captain); uses Hungry Jaws on Bandit C] Rolls 12 versus AC12 for a hit, for 7 damage and 2 temporary hp.

Enacelle calls down a beam of strong moonlight which engulfs the three bandits nearest to Theophania in radiant light. She then snaps her jaws on the forearm of the bandit that attacked her, sinking her teeth in and drinking a bit of his blood.

[Bandid D moves into melee with Enacelle, attacks with scimitar] Rolls 12 for a miss.

The remaining bandit outside of the moonbeam rushes over to join his brother next to Enacelle but flinches when he sees her teeth tearing into his arm and bounces his scimitar strike off of her shield.

[Bandit A makes Con saving throw DC14] Rolls 5, fails, takes 13 damage, falls

The first bandit in the moonlight attempts to move but is burned to his skin by the radiant light and collapses.

[Umgurn moves to melee with the Bandit Captain, attacks with double-bladed scimitar twice (advantage, restrained), uses Divine Smite] Rolls 17(6) for a hit for 8 damage plus 9 Divine Smite and 20(8) for a hit for 4 damage.

Umgurn pulls his double-bladed scimitar to his chest and charges around the fire the bandit captain, avoiding the moonbeam. He utters holy words of power and slams the restrained bandit with a forward and backward slash of his blade.

[Bandit captain takes damage from snare, makes moonbeam CON sav, attempts STR saving throw, moves out of moonbean but still in melee with Umgurn ] Rolls 6 damage (snare), Rolls 15 versus DC14 CON for save (8 damage takes 4), Rolls 21 STR versus DC15, breaks restraints

The leader screams as the thorny vines tear into his flesh and the moonbeam’s radiance burns his skin but he manages to break the vines with rush of energy and moves around Umgurn to maintain melee distance.

[Bandit B makes moonbean CON Sav, moves to Theophania, Attacks with scimitar] Rolls 19, saves (11 damage, takes 6), rolls 10 for a miss.

The bandit in the middle of the moonbeam screams as his flesh burns. He runs with his scimitar raised towards Theophania but the transition from moonlight to firelight disrupts his vision and he swings wide.

[Theophania casts Ensnaring strike and  attacks Bandit B with one shortsword, draws second shortsword] Rolls 8 for a miss. 

As the bandit swipes and misses, Theophania mumbles a few words causing her shortsword she has drawn to flare with green vines and slashes for a miss while she draws her second shortsword for the next attack.

[Bandit C attacks Enacelle with scimitar] Rolls 8 for a miss

The bandit who first engaged Enacelle swings again with their scimitar but Enacelle catches the blow with her shield.

[Enacelle moves the moonbeam over to Bandit C and D, uses Hungry Jaws] Rolls 8 on Hungry Jaws for a miss.

Enacelle hums and the moonbeam shifts from the far side of the camp to engulf both of the bandits in front of her. She snaps her jaws at the one still standing but misses, grabbing only cloth.

[Bandit D makes moonbeam Con Sav] Rolls 4 (fail) for 14 damage, dies. 

One of the bandits in front of Enacelle crumples from the radiant energy searing his flesh.

[Umgurn attacks the Bandit Captain  with double-bladed scimitar twice, uses Divine Smite] Rolls 17 vers AC 15+2 (parry) for a hit for 10  damage plus 7 Divine Smite and 12 for a miss.

Umgurn spins in place, murmurs his holy words again, and slashes the bandit across the chest with an upward blow then barely scrapes his thigh with a backswing of his scimitar.

[Bandit Captain makes two scimitar attacks and one dagger attack at Umgurn] Rolls 11 (miss), 11 (miss), and 20 (hit) for 6 piercing damage.

The leader, screaming in pain from Umgurn’s deep cuts, slashes twice quickly with his scimitar at Umgurn stomach but is off balance from his thigh injury, falling to one knee. He thrusts his dagger straight up and catches Umgurn in the forearm.

[Bandit B Attacks Theophania with scimitar] Rolls 8 for a miss.

The bandit in front of Theophania rears back his scimitar to slice her across the chest but she catches the curved blade with her shortswords and pushes it away.

[Theophania makes two shortsword attacks, one at Bandit B, moves into melee with Bandit Captain and attacks] Rolls 21 for 5 damage, activates ensnaring strike, Bandit rolls 11 is restrained and unconscious; Rolls 22 for 6 damage, he goes down

Theophania thrusts her shortsword at the bandit, sinking it deep into his chest and causing vines to ensnare his unconscious body as it hits the ground. She leaps over him and into melee with the bandit leader where a second slash of her sword drops him unconscious to the forest floor. 

[Bandid C makes moonbeam Con Sav] Rolls 6 (fail) for 12 damage, dies. 

As his leader falls, the last bandit turns within Enacelle’s radiant moonbeam to run but is brought down by the searing energy and collapses. 

[Each party member receives 200 xp]

[Enacelle makes 5 Medicine checks] Rolls 21, 9, 18, 24, and 19

Enacelle moves quickly to each bandit and checks them with Umgurn next to her laying on hands for those that are not already dead. Two have already succumbed and they move their bodies to the side. The other three are only unconscious and they bind their hands and legs tightly before reviving them. They also strip them of all of their belongings except for their clothes and place it all in a pile next to the fire. This includes 4 light crossbows, 43 crossbow bolts, 5 scimitars, 1 dagger, 1 studded leather, 4 sets of leather armor, 48 sp, 40 cp, 2 pair gold earrings, 2 vials of acid, and a pair of fingerless gloves. Theophania and Enacelle dig graves several feet into the forest for the two dead bandits while Umgurn questions the remaining three.

“Who are you? State your names and where you are from now.” 

[Umgurn makes an Intimidation check versus three bandits Insight checks] Rolls 20 versus 8, 15, and 14

“I’m called Cornelius and I’m from the Fingers. These boys are Joe and Belfin. They’re also from the Fingers. The two dead uns were Caleb and Revin. They were from The Fingers.” Cornelius drops his head after answering, avoiding Umgurn’s gaze.

“You are very far from The Fingers. And you didn’t just get here today. How did you come to be on this road attempting to rob us?”  He crosses his arms and stares angrily at the three men.

“We were fishermen, you see. We made our living mostly in the large white fish and shellfish on the reef west of the Blight. Not many will fish those waters for fear of the Blight. But we were part of a crew of 10 people that worked those waters. Then, about a moonturn ago, our boat capsized. Half our crew drowned. The five of us woke up on a strange shore. It was the Blight, you see. We were there and saw something amazing! Grass! Trees! And creatures! But they weren’t too friendly. In fact, they were terrifying.  We managed to find enough of our boat to make a sturdy raft and put it back out to the water. We were lost for a day or two and then familiar land came into view. It was home. When we landed, we told our story. Half the people thought we murdered our friends and were liars. The other half thought we were cursed for even mentioning the Blight. So, we were run out of town. We made our way north to Canville Port, stole some horses, and headed west. None of us have any family, you see. We were all orphans. That’s how we formed our boating crew. We didn’t have anyone else.” Cornelius concludes and drops his head again. Umgurn can hear a pitiful sobbing coming from all three men.

“There are much better ways to earn a living than robbing strangers on a road. And, whether your story of the Blight is true or not, you are indebted to us for saving your lives. I am very sorry we couldn’t save the other two. However, if you will accept our generosity, we are in need of a few extra hands for an upcoming job. And, if you have firsthand knowledge of the Blight, that may be helpful. What do you say?” Umgurn continues to stare firmly. Cornelius looks up with a sudden mask of horror on his face. The other two look at him with equal horror.

“No, sir. I am sorry. You can kill us or throw us in prison. But we will never go back to the Blight.” All three shake their heads solemnly.

“Well, I appreciate your honesty. We will at least feed you a decent meal this evening and then you are free to go in the morning. And take this.” Umgurn throws a small cloth sack to Cornelius who smiles when it jingles as it hits the ground. “That is enough to get you to Woodshead and if you mention my name, Umgurn, to the Constable, he will find work for all of you that is… acceptable.” 

[Umgurn gives 50 gps to Bandit Leader]

“You are not a very typical drow, are you? Hell, you aren’t a very typical man at all.” Cornelius smiles in deep appreciation and nods.

Theophania and Enacelle finish burying the bodies including fresh flowers, herbs, and shiny stones. When they return to the camp, they find the three remaining bandits eating voraciously with their feet still tied and Umgurn standing over them, smiling. He explains in a whisper all that he has learned and Theophania and Enacelle nod silently, complacent with his plan.  They all have a meal and then set a watch for sleeping through the night. In the morning, when Enacelle and Theophania awaken, the bandits are already gone with all of their gear and Umgurn is making breakfast. 

The three returned to Pathilia and the Salty Pig later that day having made very good time consolidated to just Theophania’s speed even with the drow and lizard on her back. The flying ship is scheduled to depart in three days time so the party took time to gather all their needs and supplies. They include some additional dynamite (100 sticks); extra rope, pitons, torches; more oilcloth, salt, rations; and the dragon meat from Malege. Over dinner each evening, they catch each other up on what they have learned with the story of the bandits from the Blight being the most fascinating and frightening. The morning of the last day, the party gathers in front of the tavern and a contingent of king’s guards arrive to escort them to the launch field. About an hour’s ride south of the southern gate, far into the marshes, a large field of deep green grass appears upon which sits seven dirigibles. Six of them are identical with color banners of the king and fully loaded with crew. The seventh one is slightly different, somewhat smaller, and only has four people on its deck making preparations. The lead guard with the party turns to Umgurn.

“That is your ship. The Lonely Lady.”

All seven ships launched at the same time, heading east away from Pathilia and towards the eastern arm of the mountains. The ships are fast, moving the equivalent of a day’s ground journey in about an hour. After 5 hours, which is mid-afternoon, the six main dirigibles turn slightly south as the mountains approach and, within an hour, they are no longer visible.  The Lonely Lady passes over the mountains and the bulk of the East Mornwood as Isvara begins to approach the horizon. As night falls, the party and the four crew see the lights of South Canville passing on their right. Everyone finds a place to sleep and one person stays awake in two hour shifts with two of the crew. The night is cold and silent with nothing more than the wind whispering across the deck of the ship. When dawn finally breaks, the ship is hovering about 500 feet off the ground with a tower to the due south and mountains behind. Ahead is what appears to be a vast desert of sand, hills, dunes, mesas, canyons, and stone. 

“Is this the Blight?” Malege emerges from below deck and walks to the edge of the railing to look across the vast sea of sand.

“It should be.” Captain Fishdwain, the head of the ship and a king’s guard, stands next to Malege pointing at the distant sea to the south. “That is the sea pass from Reigel’s Hope leading to the ocean. I paused here because my orders were to get you to the Blight but then you would direct us from there.” Umgurn, Kace, Theophania, and Enacelle are also now standing on the deck looking out at the vastness of the desert. Piece and Fodinis are at the back of the ship looking behind the static flying vessel. Kace pulls a copy of the map of the Blight that the party shared with the King from his bag and lays it on a small table next to the ship's main steering apparatus. 

“According to this map, the closest structures should be in Filla which is also closest to Santernafulse if these drawings are accurate. But it is third on the list of dates.” Umgurn points at Filla and looks up at the captain. 

“We can be there in about three or four hours if this map is correct.” The captain nods and returns to the steering apparatus, pulls a few levers, and the ship begins moving again, heading for Filla. “While we are traveling, it’s best I explain a few things about the ship. At the front, there is a single ballista that launches steel shafted, 25 lb arrows. It takes about 30 seconds to reload it. On each side, there are three additional ballistas that do the same. One deck down, there are four steel ball cannons that take about 15 seconds to reload and deliver a 20 lb steel ball load. At the back on top are two more ballistas. Lastly, on the bottom of the ship there are four rotating flamethrowers that can shoot a jet of fire 50 feet for about 10 seconds before they need to recharge and refill for about 15 seconds. But those I can control from here.  Those are all the defenses we have. Not that I think we will need them.” He pauses and looks around at the party, all of whom seem a bit shocked except for Malege who is running to and fro looking at all of the weapons with excitement. 

“Suppose something were to… attack the ship, Captain. What would…. I mean… What would attack this ship?” Umgurn folds his arms and leans against the railing. Piece and Kace join Malege in inspecting the weapons. 

“Well, the only thing that would be a threat at this height would be something that can fly. Nothing on the ground could hit us until we are much lower.” The captain smiles and nods. Umgurn does not seem convinced. He asks the party to stay on alert as they approach the first ruins.

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) make Perception checks] Roll 8, 8, 19, 12, 3, 18, 15

The party continues watching carefully for the horizon, the skies, and the ground below. After a few hours, Malege, Kace, and Theophania all begin whistling and move to the front of the ship. Ahead, just coming into view, is a small peninsula of land jutting out into the ocean from the desert which has some semblance of structure from above. Southwest of the structures is a small island composed entirely of a single mountain peak protruding from the ocean below. Captain Fishdwain takes the Lonely lady down a few hundred feet and cruises behind the mountain so the party can observe out of direct sight. Captain Fishsdwain has four spyglasses which he passes around for everyone to use.

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) make Investigation checks] Roll 5, 12, 7, 14, 6, 10, 3

The spyglasses prove very difficult for the group to use and, although Enacelle and Malege can confirm that there are some sort of structures, no other details can be determined. The captain agrees and decides they should move a bit closer. After about a half an hour, the ship is less than a mile off the coast and the structures are much easier to see. The buildings seem to be overrun by sand for the most part but the roofs and taller structures are clear. Most importantly, there is a large amount of grass growing between and around the buildings from the sand. Malege turns to Umgurn.

“According to the mindflayers, the weapons used before killed all living things. But plants are growing here. Mustn’t that mean it’s safe?” Malege points down at the green clearly visible among the buildings occasionally dotted with color from possibly flowers. 

“The appearance of safety can be deceiving.” Umgurn looks again with the spyglass. As he gazes through the long brass tube at structures in the distance, the spyglass suddenly goes dark. He looks up to see several large bats and a dragon flying towards the ship.

“Incoming!!” He runs to the captain at the steering wheel and points.

[Everyone rolls for initiative]

[Giant Bat B, carrying Kobold B, moves across the deck, 10 feet up]

[Kobold B attacks with sling at Theophania] Rolls 11 for a miss

The first of six giant bats, each carrying a kobold, flies low across the deck of the ship and the kobold on its back hurls a rock with a sling at Theophania which misses, bouncing off the shaft of a ballista.

[Giant Bat D, carrying Kobold D, moves across the deck, 10 feet up]

[Kobold D attacks with sling at Captain Fishdwain] Rolls 20 versus AC 19 for 4 damage

The second of six giant bats makes another low pass across the deck of the ship and the kobold on its back hurls a rock with a sling at Captain Fishdwain which catches him in the shoulder with stinging pain.

[Theophania casts Hunter’s Mark on Giant Bat B, attacks with longbow, uses Horde Breaker on riding Kobold] Rolls 18 vs AC 13 for  4 damage plus 1 damage, Rolls 27 (crit) for 16 damage, killing kobold rider.

After dodging the stone from the Kobold, Theophania murmurs a few arcane words and a red halo appears over the head of the bat carrying the kobold. She releases and arrow, planting the shaft in the creatures wing. She launches a second shot at the kobold rider and catches him in the neck, causing him to crumple and fall from the bat.

[Captain Fishdwain attacks Kobold D with crossbow] Rolls 18 versus AC12 for a hit for 4 damage.

Reeling from the sting of the stone, Captain Fishdwain shoulders is crossbow and fires a bolt at the offending kobold, hitting him firmly in the chest.

[Fodinis moves 40 feet and uses cunning action to dash 20 more feet and holds his action]

Fodinis, at the back of the ship, moves quickly to be in the midst of the party, shortswords drawn and waiting for closer combat.

[Shipman Thesseline attacks Giant Bat B with javelin] Rolls 9 versus AC13 for a miss.

Thesseline quickly hurls a javelin at the bat that flew past Theophania but is to eager and the flying spear goes wide as the bat changes direction.

[Giant Bat A, carrying Kobold A, moves across the deck, 10 feet up]

[Kobold A attacks with sling at Enacelle] Rolls 7 for a miss

The third bat dives for Enacelle and its rider makes a sling throw at Enacelle but misses, the stone bouncing down a hole in the deck and vanishing.

[Giant Bat E, carrying Kobold E, moves across the deck, 10 feet up]

[Kobold E attacks with sling at Firstmate Filby] Rolls 13 vers AC 17 for a miss

The fourth bat careens towards Enacelle and Firstmate Filby and its rider makes a sling throw at Filby which bounces off her shield

[Enacelle casts Summon Beast, Air, and instructs it to attack  Giant Bat B]

[Summoned Air Beast attacks Giant Bat B, flies out of melee] Rolls 9 versus AC13 for a miss

Enacelle uses her gilded acorn, mumbles a few words and gesticulates her hands, summoning a glowing blue giant bat which immediately flys towards the giant bat with no rider and bites but misses, flying away.

[Kace moves to the edge of the ship, makes a spear attack at Giant Bat B (advantage, within 20 feet), activates Dancing Longsword to attack Giant Bat E] Rolls 26 versus AC 13 for 7 damage, Rolls 24 versus AC13 for 8 damage.

Kace charges towards the bats to the edge of the ship and hurls his spear at the first one, striking it in the chest. He tosses his longsword into the air and it flies towards the second bat, striking it across the back.

[Shipmen Sarafanee attacks Red Dragon Wyrmling with longbow] Rolls 13 versus AC17 for a miss.

Sarafanee notches an arrow and aims for the red dragon heading towards the ship but the wyrm dives as it approaches and it misses.

[Piece casts Sacred Flame at Giant Bat B] Bat Rolls 15 Dex save versus DC14, saves, no damage.

Piece moves their paws in a rhythmic fashion and purrs out a string of words causing a bolt of radiant light to drop towards one of the giant bats but it only shimmers as it illuminates its wing.

[Umgurn moves to Balista L4 and fires at Red Dragon Wyrmling, casts Compelled Duel] Rolls 6 versus AC17, misses; Dragon rolls Wisdom ST 2 versus DC13, Dragon is compelled.

Umgurn rushes to the nearest balista which is closest to the red dragon and fires the mechanism. Unfortunately, his lack of familiarity with the device misses the dragon by two lengths.  Umgurn responds by muttering a few holy words and the dragons eyes flash with yellow light… It is not focused on attacking only Umgurn.

[Firstmate Filby attacks Giant Bat F with Balista L1] Rolls 16 versus AC13 for 15 damage.

Filby rushes to another balista, aims at the closest bat, and fires a heavy steel spear into the bat’s side, severely damaging it’s body and wing.

[Malege uses 6 charges of Wand of Magic Missiles on Red Dragon Wyrmling] Rolls 25 damage.

Malege aims his wand at the red dragon and 8 glowing darts emerge from the tip and race towards the wyrm, slamming into its chest, wings, and head. 

[Giant Bat C, carrying Kobold C, moves across the deck, Kobold C attacks Umgurn with a sling] Rolls 8 for a miss.

Another giant bat sweeps across the deck, close to Umgurn, and the kobold riding it hurls a stone at Umgurn carelessly, bouncing off his armor harmlessly.

[Giant Bat F, carrying Kobold Dragonshield, lands on the deck next to Filby and Malege and attacks with a bite, Kobold Dragonshield lands on the deck and makes two spear attacks at Filby] Rolls  11 (bite) vs AC17 for a miss; Rolls 15 and 19 for one hit for 2 damage.

The last giant bat swoops in and lands next to Filby who just struck it with the balista spear, it’s wing badly damage, and makes a snap at him with its fangs but finds only the blade of Filby’s longsword in its mouth. The armored kobold on the bat’s back jumps onto the deck and lunges at Filby twice with its spear, grazing his shoulder on the second pass.

[Red Dragon Wyrmling, no longer compelled, lands on the edge of the ship within 15 feet of Umgurn and Captain Fishdwain and uses Firebreath] Umgurn rolls 18 Dex Save versu DC13, Captain Fishdwain rolls 8 versus DC 13, Dragon rolls 25 damage (12 half damage)

The red dragon flies to the edge of the ship and lights on the bow, opening its maw and releasing a cone of fire 15 feet towards Umgurn and Captain Fishdwain. Umgurn easily dodges the fire blast though still gets singed. The Captain, trying to maintain the steering, takes the full burnt of the fire attack and is badly wounded.

[Giant Bat B makes a bite attack at Air Beast (Enacelle)] Rolls 18 versus AC13 for 6 damage

The injured bat with no rider lunges its fangs at the beast air spirit summoned by Enacelle and sinks its teeth into the creature's wing.

[Giant Bat D lands on the deck next to Captain Fishdwain and makes a bite attack, Kobold D leaps to the deck and attacks Captain Fishdwain] Rolls 18 verus AC 19 for a miss, Rolls 16 versus AC19 for a miss.

One of the bats lands on the deck next to Captain Fishdwain and its rider leaps from its back onto the deck. Both make swipes at the Captain, one with fangs and the other with a dagger, but both only find the Captain’s shield.

[Theophania moves close to Umgurn, casts Ensnaring Strike, attacks dragon with longbow] Rolls 19 for 5 damage, Dragon rolls 21 Saving throw, saves, not restrained

Theophania gallops across the deck to a position a few feet behind Umgurn and murmurs a few words as her notched arrow entwines with green glowing vines. She fires an arrow at the dragon, striking it solidly in the chest as vines erupt and try to entrap the beast. It beats its wings rapidly and the vines snap and break.

[Captain Fishdwain manifests an Echo of himself behind the bat and kobold, attacks bat with longsword, unleashes ECHO to attack kobold] Rolls 24 versus AC13 for a hit for 5 damage, rolls 8 versus AC12 for a miss, 

Captain Fishdwain slams his longsword into his shield and a gray translucent echo of him appears behind the kobold and bat. He slashes the bat across the chest with his longsword and his echo slashes at the kobold but misses the small creature.

[Fodinis moves behind Giant Bat F and Kobold Dragonshield and attacks both with shortswords] Rolls 16 versus AC13 for 8 damage (killing it), rolls 24 versus AC12 for 11 damage.

Fodinis sprints around the deck to come up behind the bat and kobold in combat with Filby. He slashes the bat across the back with his shortsword, killing it instantly. His offhand swing catches the armored kobold in the shoulder with a deep gash.

[Shipman Thesseline goes into a rage, attacks recklessly, attacks Kobold Dragonshield with Greataxe] Rolls 20 versus AC15 for 11 damage

Thesseline screams with rage and rushes recklessly towards the armored kobold, bringing their greataxe down on the creatures shoulder with tremendous force.

[Giant Bat A lands next to Enacelle and Sarafanee, attacks Sarafanee with bite, Kobold A leaps onto deck, attacks Enacelle with dagger] Rolls 8 for a miss, Rolls 23 for a hit for 3 damage. 

Another bat lands on the deck with their rider leaping to engage Enacelle. The bat tries to bite Sarafanee but chomps into her scale male. The kobold’s dagger grazes Enacells shoulder but doesn’t bleed much.

[Giant Bat E lands next to Kace, attacks Kace with bite, Kobold E leaps onto the deck, attacks Kace with dagger] Rolls 17 for a miss and 6 for a miss.

The bat and rider closes to Kace light on the deck and the bat tries to sink its fangs into Kace’s chest but it’s teeth clink off of Kace’s armor. The kobold attempts to stab Kace in the leg but trips on its thrust and misses.

[Enacelle combat wild shapes into a Giant Spider, launches web at Red Dragon] Rolls 20, red dragon is restrained.

Enacelle morphs into a giant spider and launches a web of sticky strings at the red dragon, entangling it on the edge of the deck.

[Summoned Air Beast attacks Giant Bat B] Rolls 24 versus AC13 for a hit for 14 damage, killing the bat.

The beastial spirit of Enacelle mauls the giant bat in front of it with a killing blow, sending the flapping beast falling to the ocean below.

[Kace attacks Kobold E with Spear (advantage within 20 feet), orders longsword to attack Giant Bat E] Rolls 12 versus AC12 for 6 damage, killing it; rolls 22 versus AC 13 for 9 damage.

Kace’s spear returns to his hand and he lunges it into the kobold next to him, skewering him in the heart. His dancing longsword flies over and slashes the giant bat across the back again.

[Shipman Sarafanee designates Giant Bat A her Slayer’s Prey, attacks with shortsword] Rolls 24 versus AC13 for 6 total damage.

Sarafanee pulls out her shortsword after pointing at the giant bat in front of her and yelling, “Ye be mine!” and swings for slashing cut into the bat’s wing very deeply.

[Giant Bat A attacks Sarafanee with a bite] Rolls 15 versus AC17 for a miss.

The bat, angry at the slash of its wing, lunges with its fangs at Sarafenee but its teeth meet the flat side of her shortsword.

[Piece spends one ki point and makes 1 unarmed strike plus fury of blows at Red Dragon (advantage, restrained)] Rolls 18 versus AC17 for a hit for 6 damage,  rolls 26 (crit) for 11 damage, rolls 24 for 8 damage. 

Piece, seeing the webs of Enacelle wrapping and restraining the red dragon, seized the opportunity to charge the beast and make three ki-enhanced cat’s claw slashes, mercilessly cutting into the dragon’s side and chest.

[Umgurn uses Guiding Bolt at Red Dragon] Rolls 16 versus AC17 for a miss.

Umgurn seeing the bravery of Piece in engaging the dragon directly, tries to assist by flaring the beast with radiant energy but his glowing burst of holy fire bounces off the creature's wing.

[Firstmate Filby attacks Kobold Dragonshield with longsword twice (action surge)] Rolls 7 and 8 for misses.

Filby unsheathes his longsword and swings twice at the armored kobold but the creatures shield is to broad and deflects both strikes easily.

[Malege moves to within 15 feet of Red Dragon Wyrmling, Uses Burning Hands] Rolls 12 damage, Dragon rolls 8 Dex saving throw, fails.

Malage, seeing the main threat is the red dragon, dashes across the deck out of melee with any creatures, places his hands together at the thumbs, and releases a burst of fiery heat at the beast, catching it across the face and wings.

[Giant Bat C lands next to Theophania, attacks with bite; Kobold C leaps to deck, attacks with dagger] Rolls 17 versus AC17 for a hit for 7 damage; Rolls 15 for a miss.

The last bat with a rider lands on the deck next to Theophania and immediately sinks its fangs into her hindquarter. The small kobold leaps from the back to land next to Theophania, lunging with his dagger but only stabbing her saddle bag.

[Kobold Dragon shield attacks Filby with spear twice] Rolls 13 and a 6 for misses.

The armored kobold, now surrounded with no bat for escape, pokes at Filby with their spear but only manages to push Filby a bit back without any damage.

[Red Dragon Wyrmling recharges breath, Strength Check for Webbing, flies 60 feet to middle of front of ship between Kace and Fodinis] Rolls 3 (no recharge), Rolls 24 (breaks webs).

The red dragon, infuriated by the cuts from Piece, beats its wings aggressively, casting of the webs of Enacelle. It flies into the air and lands on deck between Kace and Fodinis.

[Giant Bat D attacks Captain Fishdwain with a bite attack] Rolls 10 versus AC19 for a miss.

The bat next to Captain Fishdwain attempts to bite his leg with his viscious fangs but only finds his leather boot and no flesh.

[Theophania attacks Giant Bat C with Shortswort then hoarder breaker attacks Kobold C with shortsword] Rolls 16 versus AC13 for 4 damage and 12 versus AC12 for 6 damage, killing the kobold.

Theophania, now face to face with a bat and kobold, pulls her shortsword and slashes the bat across the face then whips the blade quickly towards the kobold and decapitates it.

[Captain Fishdwain uses Action Surge to attack Giant Bat D twice with longsword] Rolls 16 versus AC13 for 11 damage and 22 for 8 damage, killing the bat.

Fishdwain screams a primeval guttural roar and slashes at the giant bat twice with his long sword, deeply gashing the chest and then ripping open the belly.

[Fodinis attacks Kobold Dragonshield with two shortsword attacks] Rolls 16 versus AC15 for 19 damage and 17 for 6 damage, killing it

Fodinis, worried about the dragon and hoping to end this armored kobold quickly, makes two deep cuts with his shortswords across the creatures thighs, severing major arteries and sending it to the deck unmoving. 

[Shipman Thesseline still in rage, attacks recklessly, attacks red dragon with Greataxe] Rolls 25 (crit) vs AC17 for 20 slashing damage

Thesseline, still in the throes of a deep rage, charges the red dragon that has just landed on the deck and catches the beast squarely in the chest with his greataxe for a critical blow which opens the beast from heart to belly and drops it to the deck.

[Kobold A tries to mount Giant Bat A, AoO for Enacelle] Rolls 25 (critical) for 12 damage, killing it.

The kobolds, seeing the dragon fall, attempt to mount their bats and retreat. Enacelle is too quick for the first one and tears into its throat with her spider fangs.

[Enacelle as Giant Spider attacks Giant Bat A, recharges web] Rolls 14 versus AC13 for  8 damage, Bat rolls 2 Con saving throw, fails, for 8 poison damage, killing it.

Enacelle as the Giant Spider turns to the remaining bat and sinks her fangs into its shoulder, pumping toxic poison into the wound and killing it instantly.

[Summoned Air Beast attacks Giant Bat E] Rolls 24 versus AC13 for 13 damage, killing it.

The summoned air beast moves into melee with the giant bat engaging Kace and swipes at it with a claw, knocking it dead to the deck.

[Kace moves 30 feet towards Giant Bat C, attacks Giant Bat C  with spear, moves Dancing longsword to Kobold C and attacks] Rolls 20 for 11 damage; rolls 9 for a miss.

Kace rushes towards the last remaining bats and hurls his spear, striking the bat in the neck. The dancing longsword flies over to the adjacent kobold and slashes but misses because of the strong  wind.

[Shipman Sarafanee moves into melee with Giant Bat C and Kobold C, attacks with shortswords twice] Rolls 22 for 7 damage and 12 for 7 damage, killing the last two creatures.

Sarafanee rushes the last bat, slicing through its wing and into its neck then rushes the last kobold for a final swing, removing its head.

[Each character receives 250 xp]

Enacelle and Theophania begin examining the red dragon and the bats.

[Enacelle makes a Nature check with Aid from Theophania (advantage)] Rolls 17

Enacelle and Theophania are able to salvage 3 vials of dragon blood, dragon wyrmling skin, a dragon breath pouch (fire), and two dragon wrymling wings along with 11 pieces of dragon meat totaling 44 lbs. They find a similar hidden bag of holding on the chest of the dragon wrymling but the last greataxe slice from Thesseline tore it open, destroying it but revealing 2941 gp and 764 pp which spilled all over the deck. They are also able to salvage 5 giant bat hides and 5 pairs of giant bat wings. In addition, 250 lbs of bat meat is harvested. The five kobolds  were carrying 4 daggers, 4 slings, 1 spear, 1 shield, 1 leather armor, 345 sps. Enacelle raps each carcass in oil cloth with fresh flowers, herbs, and shiny stones and has Kace and Fodinis throw them over the side into the ocean far below.  Captain Fishdwain, still very injured from the fight, steers the ship back behind the mountain out of sight of the ruins and drops a sky tether anchor so the dirigible is secured out of the wind and out of sight. He suggests the party takes a long rest to recover which they do as isvara is setting.

The following morning, after a peaceful night of sleeping in the gentle breeze of the mountains with guards in shifts, the party awakens and has a large breakfast while discussing their greeting party from the day before.

“I was not expecting anything like that.” Captain Fishdwain, now fully rested and healed, pats Umgurn on the back and nods to the party apologetically.

“Nor were we. Not for another few moonturns.” Umgurn hands cooked dragon meat to the party. Malege, who set up his large oven, continues to cook dragon and bat meat which he began last night. 

“Maybe they are a patrol from Santernafulse. We are not that far, no?” Theophania chews on a piece of succulent dragon meat and looks out over the bough towards the south where the far distant mountains of the polar cap are barely visible. 

“It is possible they are a scouting party. But we must not dismiss the idea that they were from Filla.” Fodinis looks east towards Filla, barely visible around the crest of the mountain.

“I think if we drop down low here and cruise towards Filla just off the surface of the water, we may be in a better position to assess threats from the sky.” Captain Fishdwain takes a large swig of ale from an animal skin and smiles. 

“I think it would be wise to approach low and from the north. They will be expecting us from the west and will expect anything from the south is their own people. From the north, they would not be sure. I think.” Umgurn scratches his head, unsure if his logic is sound. Malage pats him on the back.

“No worries, Umgurn. I think this was likely a fluke scouting party that maybe was even lost. I don’t think we are going to see much more like them.” Malege smiles and swallows a hunk of dragon meat.

“What concerns us is this dragon. It was a red dragon wyrmling. A baby. If we were planning an invasion or even sending a scouting party, wouldn’t we send something more ominous and intimidating? Honestly, they were hardly a threat in the end.” Piece chews a piece of crispy dragon meat and swallows a gulp of water.

“Perhaps it was a fluke after all, Piece. Maybe our ship was just a curiosity.” Kace smiles at Piece and gobbles down another hunk of dragon meat. Umgurn sits down and pulls a set of bones from his belt which are marked with various runes. He casts them before him.

[Umgurn uses Augury] Results are weal.

“I believe that landing low, from the north, will be our best chance for the time being.” He collects the bones and moves over to Captain Fishdwain to discuss the landing entry route. The party all nod and finish their meal. Captain Fishwain makes a few adjustments while the shipman pull up the sky tether and the Lonely Lady begins moving again. Around the mountain and far north of the ruins of Filla, the ship begins descending towards the clear open plain north of the ruins. After an hour, the Lonely Lady hovers ten feet off the ground with the ruins of Filla due south of it less than a mile. The party gather their gear and drop down to the desert floor by means of a rope ladder over the side. Once they have all descended and are firmly on the ground, Captain Dishwain takes the ship back up again and it disappears behind the mountain island, planning to return just before isvara sets at the same location.

Once they are on the ground and moving over the high sand dunes towards Filla, they begin to appreciate the scene unfolding before them. Moving from the north, they see that there is a cluster of very high, very steep hills that seem to form the raised, eastern edge of the peninsula and some of the highest peaks have snow. There are three large rivers of water flowing from the mountains, one on the north and south side of the remains of Filla, and one running through the middle which forms a winding lake leading to a waterfall at the coastline. Palm trees of many different types line all three bodies of water, making it easy to spot them. The most prominent structures are six large, nearly 300 feet high stone archways that look like they may have been supports for aqueducts or roads but nothing more remains. As they approach the palm tree line next to the northern river, deep green grass is visible all along the river’s edges as well as in rows and patches surrounding the remaining buildings. Other than the tall archways, there are about 3 dozen somewhat intact structures along the central river and many dilapidated and destroyed ruins surrounding. As they come down the dunes and look back north, it is clear that nearly 200 feet of sand rises behind them such that any number of buildings or structures may have once been part of this city but only these buildings are currently visible. An equally high run of dunes rises past the south river, suggesting the same. 

“Look at all the growth! And the height of the trees!” Enacelle marvels at the glistening water and the swaying palm fronds high above them. “Some of these trees are more than 50 isvara old.” 

“Or they are growing unnaturally.” Malege looks down at the soil under their feet. He scoops up a bit of it, filters it through his fingers, then looks off in the distance. “I’d suggest we use all of those familiars I helped you find to scout the city more efficiently.” 

“Excellent idea.” Umgurn smiles and the familiars from each party member begin appearing from their pocket dimensions. Vesper, Thought, and Vizal take to the air and begin fanning out, staying within 100 feet of Malege, Piece, and Umgurn. Malege climbs onto Theophania’s back, Piece climbs onto Kace’s back, and Umgurn climbs onto Fodinis back. Deaf and blind on their own, Malege, Piece, and Umgurn describe in detail what their familiars are seeing and Enacelle scratches out a rough map on a piece of parchment provided by Piece. The party moves to the northwest corner of the ruins and pauses while Enacelle scratches down the comments from the three linked to their familiars. Slipknot, Filigree, Hestia, and Sister venture below into the ruins while the other three fly above but do their reconnaissance on their own. After about a quarter of an hour, the four ground creatures return, having telepathically relayed everything they saw as best they could. Once the area is mapped, the party moves another 200 feet east and repeats the process. After 4 hours of mapping, the party reaches the eastern edge of the ruins where they approach the mountains. 

[The party (Um, Fo, Th, Pi, En, Ka, Ma) makes Perception Checks (advantage, familiars)] Roll 14, 9, 24, 24, 22, 12, 12

Theohania, Piece, and Enacelle correctly surmise that it will likely take at least another day to map out the whole area safely. In addition, they notice an overgrown grassy area at the base of the mountain which appears to have several caves or entrances. The party decides to rest for an hour and then continue mapping the city. Everyone eats a ratio and drinks some water which they refill from the clean flowing river. After a brief rest, they continue back west, now in the thick of many small building ruins which the familiars spend a bit of time in to give detailed reports. After another 4 hours, they return to where they began but to the south. As isvara will be setting soon, they elect to move back to the meeting point to rejoin the ship and discuss the details of the map with Captain Fishdain and the crew in the safety of the mountain anchorage.