Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E7: Decisions, decisions, diecisions...

Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 7

After everyone, except the druid and the ranger, have a somewhat relaxing week in Pathilia, the party discusses their options, makes some inquiries, and then must come to some tough decisions...

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Episode 7: Decisions, decisions, decisions….

Piece of the Puzzle opts to be the night guard for Malege and, as such, sleeps for a few hours in the morning and for a few hours in the late afternoon. This allows them to have the middle of the day to explore Pathilia. At the start of the quinday, Piece goes shopping with Fodinis and Malege. They have been traveling Pathilius since they arrived in a simple robe with a small undergarment and a sash at the waist which stands out and is becoming a bit shabby. Piece works with a tailor and acquires a pair of white cotton loose fitting pants with several deep pockets and a heavy cord drawstring, a white cotton loose fitting shirt which wraps to the back from the front and ties in the back, creating several internal pockets, and a new deep purple cape with hood and lined with silver filigree that has a red silk sash for tying at the waist. They also procure simple black pants, black shirt, and a black cloak. A cobbler makes two pairs of shoes, one for each outfit, that are a pair of heavy leather sandals with strong binding cords and a pair of fitted black ankle boots. Piece pays 100 gps for all items. 

They also find a jewelry smith and ask her, a rotund firbolg, to look at the ruby from the king and suggest an honored way that Piece could wear it safely. 

“Well! What a beautiful stone! Two carats and flawless with a beautiful clear red color! I know this cut well. The king’s private jeweler! Yes, I can see why you want to honor it and keep it safe.” She places the stone on a dark black soft cloth and reaches under her counter, pulling out a wooden box. She opens it to reveal a variety of settings made from different metals, some attached to chains, others to leather straps. She selects a few, lays them next to the ruby, and puts them back. She shrugs and looks up.

“Tell me, what is your name?”

“We are called Piece of the Puzzle. We are not from here, exactly. We are what you call a tabaxi. We are a poet and a, what you might call, a monk.” Piece bows with their paws held together and turned forward in their usual way.

“I’m Gesrelda Monkingshy. I’m not from here either! My parents moved to Pathilia when I was a child from Everfeld, the great Firbolg city in Isperia. Fascinating place. Stars fall from the sky there frequently. So, you are a poet and a monk. That’s some quiet time and some very active time. Lots of flips and kicks, I think. Ah, I know just the thing!” She vanishes into a back room and Piece hears a few boxes fall over and what sounds like a chair fall to the ground. Gesrelda returns from the back and lays a short golden rod on the cloth. Piece looks at it curiously and blinks a few times slowly.

“What is it?” 

“Ah, Sorry!” She pulls one end of the rod and a short length of it pops off to reveal a steely point. On the opposite end is a small bar that has a space at the end large enough for the ruby. “You see? This is a very fancy writing pen! When you lift this little bar, the nib at the end drinks ink from your ink bottle. Then, you set the little bar back and it closes the inkwell inside. Then you can write with it!” Piece stares with their mouth open.

“May I try it?” Piece is already removing a bottle of ink from their bag along with a piece of parchment.

“Of course!” Piece places the nib in the inkwell and lifts the bar away from the pen body. They are used to dipping their ink pens or quills in the inkwell and writing briefly with the poorly controlled flow. But the black ink flows up into the pen and into what appears to be a glass chamber that holds nearly half the ink bottle. When it stops filling, they push the bar back in place. Piece puts the nib on the paper and a large blot of ink forms quickly.

“Oh! Wait. I think I understand.” They move to another part of the parchment and place the nib but immediately begin moving it, writing ‘Piece of the Puzzle’ in common. Piece’s eyes almost fill with tears at the beauty of the letters, the flowing lines and the beautiful curves. 

“See! Perfect! Give me an hour!” Gerselda takes the pen from Piece, unscrews it in the middle, and removes the glass chamber, placing it carefully on the counter. She then vanishes into the back with the ruby and the base of the pen, leaving the head with nib behind. Piece sighs and wanders around the shop looking at the other items on display. In one case, they see a most interesting brooch, which has eight stylized gambling dice covered in symbols and surrounding a central pendant, all inset in silver. Wouldn’t Fodinis look handsome with his brooch while gambling? They look at every case with intense curiosity, hoping to find something that would look handsome on Kace when he’s fighting, but to no avail.

Gerselda returns after an hour with an incredibly satisfied look on her face carrying a wooden box. She sets it on the counter as Piece walks over. She opens the lid. Inside, Piece sees the base of the pen, now with their king’s ruby safely attached to the loading bar. There are two additional glass ink chambers, each with a metal cap along with four additional nibs of various sizes and widths. Gerselda caps the full ink vial and places all the pieces in the wooden box. Piece claps their paws together and releases an uncontrolled long pur. But then they look up with big round sad eyes.

“This is SO beautiful and exquisite. I fear that it may be well beyond what I can afford?” Piece’s paws open in close in an alternating rhythm on the side of the counter. 

“Nonsense, my child! This ruby was a gift from the king, was it not? And as a servant of the king, it is my duty to make sure this ruby is as honored and safe as you cherish it. You need only cover the costs of my gold and materials and the labor is free. I hope that 75 gp will not be too much?” Piece’s face quivers as a tear forms in both of their eyes.

“You are too kind, Gerselda. I will gladly pay you 100 gps. But, for my sanity's sake, if you were to sell this in your store, without my ruby, what would you normally charge?”

“Hahahahahah… you are a curious cat, Piece. I suppose some things about cats are always true. Let’s just say that most people would need to bring in two rubies like yours…. One for the pen and one to pay!” Her  light, melodious laugh fills the shop. Piece gathers all the pieces of their new fountain pen, closes the box, fastens the small clasp, and places it in their bag. They hand her the 100 gps.

“I will cherish it for all of my life.” Piece bows again. “May we show you a few pieces we salvaged from a spider’s nest in the woods on our journey to Pathilia? We wonder if you might recognize them so that we might return them to their owner?” Piece removes the gold locket, silver ring,  dagger with hematite, malachite, and moss agate stones inlaid in the blade, hilt, and knob, short sword, horse tackle, and holy symbol from their bag. They put the shortsword and tackle to the side. Gerselda looks at each item carefully. She produces a small glass loop and surveys them each in turn. 

“The locket and ring are nice pieces but very common designs. And the locket is empty.” She clicks it open to show Piece that it could hold about 2 tablespoons of material but has no marks or engravings. She holds up the ring with the loop and Piece can see that it is smooth and without markings. 

“This dagger is clearly a unique design and largely, I would guess, ornamental. You can tell it would not hold together well in battle though it will look pretty on a shelf. This holy symbol is not familiar to me but it is made of polished wood, base metal, and stone. I’d guess it originated in Oldestall.” Gerselda pulls the short sword over and looks carefully at the hilt, handle, and blade.

“Ah! See here!” She points to a series of engravings just above the hilt on the blade. “This is an offhand shortsword of a king’s stealth trooper. I don’t know if they can be identified beyond that but, perhaps, with all these items together, someone at the king’s garrison can identify them? I’d keep it all together and see what they think.”

“Thank you. Also, if I may inquire, Gerselda, that small brooch in the cabinet with the dice?” Gerselda moves to the cabinet, removes the brooch and places it on the black cloth. 

[Piece makes an arcana check] Rolls 18

Piece gets the very distinct impression that this brooch possesses magical properties for an attuned wearer but they cannot determine more than that.

“A really gaudy piece, if I must say.” Gerselda fingers it with a sigh. “It was pawned by a rather shady fellow that I think might have stolen it. He wanted to get rid of it and wanted coin.  Just came in about four days ago. I think it’s hideous and not as beautiful as my own work. But the stone work and metal are valuable, so who knows. You have a friend that might like it? Would probably suit a gambler, no?”

“We do have a friend that might like it though we agree it’s kind of gaudy. What do you think you would sell it for?”

[Piece makes a Deception check versus Gerselda’s Insight check] Rolls 6 versus 7.

Gerselda smiles smugly. “You really think it’s gaudy? I mean, I do. Probably no more than 100 gps. It is silver with small garnets.” Piece swallows as quietly as possible and steadies their voice.

“He is a dear friend and I do owe him my life. I think I will buy it.” They paw over another 100 gps. 

[Piece receives a ruby adorned golden fountain pen and a unknown magical brooch in exchange for 200 gps]

After their one day of shopping, Piece spent most of their free time during the day walking around Pathilius in their new white outfit, perusing bookshops and libraries, and occasionally stopping on a street corner to recite poetry from their homeworld or from their book of Angedrian poems.

[Piece makes 4 Performance checks] Rolls 22, 7, 11, and 14

Some of their recitations are very well received while others do not seem to catch the ears of passersby. However, on most days, some coins are thrown to them as they bow.

[Piece receives 39 gps, 5 cp, 4 sp, 17 ep]

Piece finds four libraries in Pathilia and spends an hour or so at each looking for information about the Dream of the Blue Veil or other forms of multiverse travel.

[Piece makes 4 Investigation checks and 4 Intelligence checks, paired] Rolls 19 & 13,  18 & 6,  3 & 5,  18 & 10.

At three of the libraries, Piece manages to find many books that discuss the magical spell, its theory, how it works, and anecdotal stories of multiverse travel. They manage to gather that the spell itself works with both a magical item made in the destination realm, as Kace described with Drebask, but also that the destination can be to a place where one of the participants in the spell was born. Other forms of multiverse travel are rare and Piece comes across a report of the existence of “planeswalkers” but there are too few details for them to understand exactly what they are. They take two pages of notes in their journal to discuss with Kace and the others.

While guarding Malege at night, which involved mostly watching the fire genasi sleep, Piece composed new poems about Pathilia, their fights with the owlbears and spiders, their own brush with death, and character studies of each of their current party companions. They are most proud of a poem about the bravery of Kace with the spiders.

[Piece has reached 3rd level]

[Piece chooses Way of the Kensei for Monastic Tradition, painting, spear, and darts]

Enacelle and Theophania make it to the Salty Pig on the first day of the quinday, both looking worse for wear. Theophania finds a tannery inside the city walls before the inn and manages to sell the owlbear skins and the panther skins for 50 gps. Malege had also given Enacelle the owlbear feathers which she sells for 10 gps to the same tannery but adorns her quarterstaff with three of them tied onto the top with leather beaded cord that the furrier sold her for 2 gps.

[Theophania gains 50 gps and Enacelle gains 8 gp]

At the inn, the party reunites and everyone is happy to see Theophania and Enacelle alive and well. Umgurn arranges for a private room for them all to have a celebratory lunch and to share the details of their quinday apart.

[Umgurns spends 25 gps on a private room with a full lunch]

After everyone has had their fill and are all smiling and happy, Umgurn turns to business and begins by recounting everything he has learned. The party follows suit and each member gives a full account of their activities and what they have learned. Kace is the last to speak and, when he concludes, the party falls silent for several minutes. Then Malege sits up in his chair, leans forward, and gathers his thoughts.

“The facts as we have discovered them are the following:

“First, Enicryn is an unknowing spy for the mindflayers–so we can’t touch her–to keep tabs on Varkidar who is a demon/mindflayer hybrid possibly plotting to replace leadership throughout Pathilius to assist Santernafulse in quietly invading by completing his experiments on mind stealing and memory replacement, which our friend, Fodinis was one of the first experimental subjects–but the king doubts Varkidar is the real threat…

“Second, Enicryn from all external indications seems hell bent on having my heart, including a current contract on my life for 10,000 gps, to set the city of Pathilia on fire in hopes of plunging Pathilius into chaos and assisting Santernafulse with an active timed invasion of the Blight which may or may not be habitable now that the ancient weapon has dissipated and its possible to assess if we can sort out a way to fly–but the king thinks this is some sort of ruse…

“Third, there are at least six eruptions from the Underdark which Enacelle and Theophania have accurately mapped, as we can see here, and seem to have occurred along the road from Woodshead to Pathilia except for this random one south of the road and Kace has managed to learn how to navigate the Underdark in this area with a detailed map–and the king is most concerned about these events…

“Did I miss anything?” He concludes and takes a breath. Kace and Fodinis chuckle. Piece sits up.

“We procured this interesting magical brooch, which we have not figured out, for Fodinis as a gift.” They hand the brooch to Fodinis who admires it and smiles. Kace looks a bit hurt and looks away.

“We have written this most delightful and illustrative poem about Kace which we would like to read for you.” Everyone smiles at the giddy cat and nods. Kace looks back at Piece with a smile of pure joy. Piece reads the poem in its entirety. Theophania and Enacelle wipe tears from their eyes and Kace hides his face in his paws, gently sobbing. Fodinis grabs his shoulders to comfort him. Umgurn seems unmoved but nods slightly in approval. Malege sits with his mouth hanging open.

“Piece! You are a master of the written word! Fefelle!” Malege claps genuinely. 

“Fefelle?” Kace looks up, composed, and stares comically at Malege. “What is Fefelle?”

“Oh. Well, in my home, when someone does something extraordinary, others clap loudly and scream, ‘Fefelle! Fefelle!’. I was stolen when I was very young so I don’t really know what it means other than, maybe, ‘good job!’?” He smiles, slightly embarrassed.

“Little one, I think we should, perhaps, just change your name to Fefelle.” Fodinis reaches into his pocket and pulls forth the letters. “This is probably nothing of concern but I came across this information, a series of letters between possibly a noble or wealthy lady of Pathilius and a conman. I have not had a chance to read them but I thought one of you might determine if anything more needs to be done.” Malege and Piece pull the letters towards them and begin opening them and reading them together. After two letters, Piece pauses. They pull a bundle of blue cloth from their bag and place it on the table.

“These items were in the spider nest that Kace and we examined on the road. We spoke with a jeweler, and she suggested this holy symbol might be of Oldestall but she was sure this shortsword belonged to a King’s Stealth Trooper. Umgurn and Fodinis, we thought you might take the lot to the local king’s guard and see that it might be returned?” Without another word, Piece returns to the letters. 

Enacelle pulls another bundle of burlap from her bag and places it on the table. “These were together on a body in the cave of the panthers–a bard I believe. I think a similar effort to see if anyone can identify the remains would be helpful. I know where the grave is so that we could share that as well.” She bows her head solemnly and pushes the bundle to the table. 

“Malege and Piece, feel free to study those letters but, at some point, please look at the brooch of Fodinis.” Fodinis places the brooch on the table and frowns. “Fodinis, let’s take these two bundles to the king’s guard house–there is one a few blocks away–and see if we can find a home for them. Enacelle and Theophania, please get some rest. Kace, I would appreciate if you could watch over Malege until we return.” Kace nods and smiles at the little genasi who is reading pages extremely fast while Piece carefully examines the script and writing.

Within a few minutes, Umgurn and Fodinis arrive at the king’s guard house. The soldier on duty outside bows quickly to Umgurn as this is the station he has been supporting for the last quinday, and allows them inside. The captain of the station is a wizened dwarf with ashen skin and a long thick beard who constantly has a large cigar in his mouth, unlit, that he seems to chew upon. He is a jovial fellow but often smells of sweat, burning meat, and stale ale. 

“Umgurn, you black-skinned scoundrel from the depths of the Underdark, what are you doing out in the sun?” Fodinis chuckles and pats Umgurn lightly on the back.

“Good to see you as well, Captain Ironfeast. We have come in search of some assistance with some remains.” 

“You brought dead bodies into my guard shack! You dirty bastard!” He releases a cacophany of laughter accentuated by a few coughs which are wet and deep. Fodinis joins him in laughing as well. Umgurn ignores the jests and places the bundles on this desk, unfolding each of them in turn.

“These were found in a giant spider’s nest on the road between Woodshead and Pathilia”

“I’ll be! That’s a Stealth trooper shortsword. They are only stationed here, not in Woodshead. Fellis! FELLIS!” A small thin soldier wearing very little armor and carrying a small sword runs in from the back room.

“Yes, Captain?”

“Check the registries for these items. Assume they are all from the same unlucky bastard! And what’s this other bundle?” Umgurn separates the items.

“Appear to be from a bard and were found in a cave on the same road, possibly killed by panthers or something more sinister.” Umgurn looks down quickly and then at Fodinis as if to say, ‘I didn’t mean to say that’.

[Umgurn makes a Deception check at disadvantage versus the Captain’s Insight check] Rolls 5 vers 15.

Ironfeast goes a bit quiet, stands up from the desk, crosses his arms across his chest. “Umgurn, what ‘something more sinister’ are you thinking?” Umgurn sighs deeply and looks up at the captain.

“The evidence found near the body suggests that perhaps a hook horror from the Underdark attacked the bard.” He waits for the explosion of anger and winces but then opens his eyes. The captain is chewing on his cigar and has sat back down.

“Tell me what else you have learned about the road to Woodshead. We have been getting reports of trouble and more than one report suggested similar creatures and others might be involved. Please, Umgurn, advise me of what you know.” The very serious tone of the captain and his complete lack of jest reassured Umgurn. He stepped forward and placed his hands on the desk.

“What my colleagues have determined, Galdain, is that there are multiple eruptions of the Underdark along this road. Evidence of kruthik, hook horrors, darkmantle, piercers, rust monsters, and possibly a roper on the surface in the daylight were found. We are currently evaluating all of the information to try and understand the source.” Umgurn pauses and stands with his arms crossed.

“Yes, yes. That makes sense. Fellis. Fellis!!!” The thin soldier returns and bows. “The Guild of the Melodious Merry. Make sure these items are delivered to them so that they can let us know if any missing bard could be a match.” 

“Yes, sir. And I have determined who the Stealth Trooper was, sir.” Fellis smiles like a dog waiting for a scrap of meat.

“Well, spill it boy!”

“Her name was Noua Gn’ug. She was a bugbear from Oldestall and one of our most loyal and decorated soldiers. She vanished about a year ago. There was a letter from her father that her brother was missing and she requested permission to go and search for him. That is all we know.”  Fellis takes the second bundle and departs to the back room. 

“Very good. Very good.” The captain reaches towards his ear and Fodinis notices a similar set of earrings along his ear to the constable, although these are of different stones. He taps one and whispers into his palm. He continues this for a few moments, takes a deep sigh, and looks up.

“Umgurn, I am afraid there is nothing for it. The king is certain–and he sends you his regards–that this Underdark eruption represents a threat that must be investigated immediately. However, he is afraid to start a panic or risk the loose lips of the guards and their families. We can shut down the road for two quindays maximum. During that time, the king has requested that you investigate these eruptions.” Umgurn drops his arms and begins to open his mouth.

“Umgurn, this is not up for debate. You are from the Underdark. You know it better than anyone. If you want to take a team with you, assemble them immediately. You depart first thing in the morning. We must have an answer to these attacks and understand their source.” Ironfeast takes a piece of parchment and quill and begins writing on it frantically. When he concludes, he stamps the bottom of the page with a wax seal and hands it to Umgurn. “Have your people sign their names before you start. That way, if they are killed, their families can receive their share of the contract.” Umgurn looks down and sees 25,000 gold pieces written as the contract fulfillment. He smiles and looks up from the contract. 

“We will do our best, Captain. We will return in two quindays or we will not return.” Umgurn bows and exits with Fodinis trailing behind. As Fodinis is about to exit, the captain clears his throat loudly. Fodinis looks back at him.

“Strong work on eliminating that whore beater. He was a miserable piece of manure.” The captain nods and Fodinis exits quickly. 

As they travel down the street, Umgurn clears his throat. “Whore beater?”

Fodinis smiles. “I had some time on my hands so I looked for a little work. There really are NO secrets in this town.”

“The letters.” Umgurn sighs. “Well, if there is anything more to know, the firebrand and the eloquent cat will sort it out. And you are correct. The king knows everything.”

Piece and Malege continue to study the letters.

[Malege makes an Investigation check and an Insight check] Rolls 11 and 14

“Elerisa Ghatterly is a high lady of a noble house and lives in the Hyde’s End district which is a very wealthy part of Pathilia. From what I can determine, she was having—at least–an emotional tryst with someone name Redgewick of the House Holloborne. Much of her letters heap praise on him which seems unwarranted. His last letter to her, which was unsent, seems to be his final plea for funds to start some sort of endeavor but the details must be in his other letters.” He pauses and looks through the papers again.

[Piece makes an Investigation check and an Insight check with advantage(calligraphy expertise)] Rolls 14 and 22

“We agree, Malege. But there is more. Redgewick is clearly a charlatan and a liar. His word choice is responsive and patronizing. His letter strokes indicate he is of very low intelligence but uses practiced words and phrases that he thinks will appease his reader. Our thought is that this Ghatterly is either very elderly, very desperate, or very stupid to have been taken in by him. We agree that the machinations he planned are impossible to determine but the sum of funds he planned to extract was very high. We wonder how Fodinis came by these letters.” Kace, who was quietly sitting in the corner watching the door and the windows, looks over to the tabaxi and smiles.

“Our bugbear friend can slip in and out of shadow, through narrow cracks and down dark deserted alleys without being seen. This is a big city full of many people. And this Redgewick sounds like a foul conniving person. Or, rather, seems like someone who would cheat at games of chance. I think Fodinis probably relieved him of his burden.” Piece looks over and furrows their brow.

“What burden?”

“The burden of his miserable life.” Kace smiles and returns to the windows. Piece looks quickly at Malege whose face has gone a bit ashen. Piece pulls their journal from their bag, makes a few notes including the name, address, and a few details of the exchange. When they are through, they nod to Malege who scoops up all the letters and tosses them into the fireplace where they are burned to ash in a few moments.

By the time Umgurn and Fodinis return to the inn, it is mid-afternoon and the streets are bustling with crowds of people moving all over town. They find Malege and Piece sitting near a window, Malege in full light with an odd, bold look on his face while Piece sits behind an easel with a canvas working with brushes. Kace is sleeping in the chair by the door but Enacelle and Theophania are fully awake and talking. Enacelle seems to be working on making some sort of potion.

[Enacelle completes 10 potions of healing at a cost of 500 gp]

Fodinis moves over to Piece and Malege and observes the canvas on which Piece is creating a simple portrait of the fire genasi.

“Anything important in the letters?” He smirks. Malege looks up from his pose and Piece looks up from their canvas.

“I think Elerisa Ghatterly is very luck that Redgewick of the House Holloborne will never bother her again.” Malege returns to his pose.

“And should we pay a visit to Elerisa Ghatterly, we would very much like to see the correspondence she received as there may be some valuable information there.” Piece returns to his canvas.

“You burned the letters, yes?” Fodinis smiles broadly.

“Of course.” They both replied in unison and without flinching.

“You’re corrupting everyone around you, Fodinis.” Umgurn pats him on the back as he sinks into a deep chair cushion and almost instantly falls asleep. When the drow begins to snore, Fodinis taps each person on the shoulder and gathers them close to him away from Umgurn. He whispers quietly so that the roaring fire covers his voice.

“Umgurn has been charged by the king to investigate the Underdark eruptions. He will need our help. And they will pay handsomely. If you are not willing to set off tomorrow with Umgurn on this adventure, I suggest you pack your things and exit before he awakes from his nap. Is that perfectly clear?” Fodinis looks at each of them in turn with a stern but friendly face. They all nod solemnly.

Isvara has drifted towards the horizon and it is nearly supper when Umgurn awakens suddenly from his nap. He feels well rested but frantic that he let the day slip away from him with such a responsibility on his shoulders for tomorrow. He sits up, rubs his eyes, and takes the measure of the room. 

Fodinis, Kace, Piece, Malege, Theophania, and Enacelle are all there and each nod and smile at him. He returns their smile weakly.

“My friends, I am afraid I have much to ask of you and you need not feel compelled to do it.” Theophania holds up a hand to stop him.

“Umgurn, we have packed the wagon and added the extra supplies we will need for the two quinday expedition into the eruptions of the Underdark. We have sufficient food, shelter, water, and Underdark exploration equipment. All that we need from you now is a starting point.” Umgurn smiles broadly, something he rarely does.

“It is always best to start at the beginning but, in this case, we do not know the beginning. So, we shall start with the closest eruption and work our way from there.” He nods to the group and stands. “I think it’s time for a well deserved, LARGE, supper. And, dare I go too far when I say, it’s Fodinis’ treat!” Everyone smiles and laughs except Fodinis who frowns slightly, opens his mouth to protest, and then joins the rest in light laughter.

If he was going to have to pay, Fodinis wanted to do something special. He moves the party through the streets which are still bustling, to a large building which has many windows on its facade for all four stories. The amount of light emanating from the windows makes Umgurn squint even though Isvara has set. 

“The House of Passard! There isn’t a finer place to dine in Pathilus other than the king’s table! And this is the only ‘restaurant’ in Angedrian.”  Everyone’s eyes go quite wide with excitement as they enter the building. Theophania is impressed with extra wide and tall doors and, upon entering, the spacious tables and arrangement. Four centaurs could easily dine without bothering other guests. The clientele of the restaurant is primarily very wealthy patrons who are adorned with fine brocades of silk, cotton, and satin in a rainbow of colors. Many wear very large, almost ridiculous white puffy wigs–which Fodinis whispers to Malege are call “perruques des pompeux” –on their heads and Malege points at one and snickers into Piece’s ear. An incredibly thin man wearing a deep green suit with a light green shirt and dark green tie floats towards them and bows slightly.

“Hello, monsieur Oradurk. We are so delighted that you are joining us this evening along with your six guests. Might I suggest the third floor parlor of the vainqueur exalté?” This seems to not be a suggestion but the only option available. Fodinis looks back at the group and smiles.

“Alexandre-Aime… I think, for tonight, we would be much more comfortable in the cave secrète de délice.” Fodinis smiles and bows slightly. Everyone looks nervously at Alexandre-Aime.

“But, of course!” This seems to be a much better choice and excites Alexandre-Aime, which confuses everyone else. He leads them through a door off the main dining room and down a spacious flight of stairs that Theophania easily navigates. At the bottom, they walk down a large stone and wood hallway illuminated by glowing orange gas lamps. The host pauses at a large door, bows, and bade them to enter. 

The door opens to reveal a room that is as exquisite as it is comfortable. There is a large table in the center of the room around which are seven chairs, each of which looks as if it was hand selected for the seven guests. There is a large chaise lounge of deep fluffy cushions for Theophania, and six additional chairs which appear to be the exact width, depth, and height for the remainder. They can easily find their seats because placards have already been placed with their names on them. The table is round and, in the center, is an enormous candelabra which has a base no larger than a human hand. The walls are covered in paintings and exquisite wallpapers of various designs. On the far wall is a large roaring fire. Everyone finds their seat and settles into their chairs. Each face betrays how incredibly comfortable the seat is and how relaxed they all feel. 

Over the next three hours, Alexandre-Aime orchestrates the fluid and almost soundless movements of Gabriel, Blaise, Charlotte, and Adeline who bring them wine, water, ale, milk, and tea. When the courses begin to arrive, each plate is the same but slightly different depending on whom it is sat before. The salad has strips of beef for Fodinis but Piece’s has strips of pheasant. The cheese course has rich, young milky cheeses for Umgurn, Piece, and Kace but well aged, hardened cheese for the rest. And so on and so forth the courses continue to arrive. When the final desert course is served, Malege is counting on his fingers and looks up with surprise.

“Fourteen courses! We’ve had fourteen courses!!” Fodinis laughs out loud. As the deserts are placed, everyone gasps as they each have their own unique desert. It is molded or shaped into a likeness of their face and is made with a unique combination of each person’s favorite sweet flavors. The food is finally cleared and everyone is poured a large, bowl shaped glass of a dark brown liquid except Umgurn and Piece–who receive milk. Kace seems to be falling asleep in his glass and Theophania stretches her body across the cushions and sighs.

“My friends. I hope this meal has been a triumph and a blessing to your minds and your bodies. We go with our brother, Umgurn, tomorrow to face an unknown darkness at the behest of the king. There is no greater honor and I am most humbled and delighted to be taking this journey with you.” Fodinis bows his head quickly and sips his drink. The group silently sips and eventually finishes their last beverage and stands to depart. Alexandre-Aime walks over to Fodinis and they place both their hands together and kiss each other on each cheek. The host bows deeply, smiles at the group, and leaves. 

As they walk down the street back towards the inn, Malege leans close to Fodinis.

“How much did that cost?” His eyes are wide with anticipation and he whispers in hopes of gaining the secret sum.

“You could have afforded it, Malege. But…. you might not have any coin left!” Malege gasps then grasps Fodinis hand tightly and holds it all the way back to the inn.

“And what language were they speaking? It didn’t sound like the common language of Pathilia?” Malage swings Fodinis had back and forth. 

“The chef and most of the people that work in the restaurant are from a place called Montagnesecrète. As far as I know, they are the only people from that place that live in Angedrian. But I was told on my first visit to Pathilia by a fellow gambler who introduced me to the restaurant not to ask about it. Apparently, it is a very sad story. But wherever it is, they clearly love food.”

At the front door, Fodinis turns to the group and points across the street. “If you want my advice, a branch of the Pathilius National Bank is there. I think it’s a good idea to reduce the weight you are carrying and your gold will be safer there. Best to do that first thing in the morning when you awaken.”

During the night, everyone sleeps soundly with their bellies full and the agreed upon mid-morning, “late” start after their business with the bank. As the breakfast crowd clears out and the inn's main floor is virtually empty, the party gathers for tea and conversation. 

“The wagon that we secured in Woodshead has been repacked with everything we might need for basic supplies including additional rope, tools, lanterns, oil, torches, some explosives, and sufficient rations. I assume you all have some and I included that in the count so there are 84 total. That is, 1 day rations per person for 10 days plus an extra two days of bonus. I would suggest we redistribute the supplies so that each of you carries only two rations on your person and the rest are in the cart along with your tools, rope, etc. Please keep your water skins on you and I have secured two large barrels of water which are 5 days each.” Theophania pauses and picks up her tea, taking a long, slow swig.

“Excellent, Theophania. I assume everyone has sufficient spell components or other items you need for casting and rituals.” Everyone nods in agreement with Umgurn. “Very good.”

“Oh! Fodinis! Your brooch that Piece gifted you. I spent some time identifying it last evening as best I could. It is, quite appropriately, a magical brooch to assist gamblers in being better at gambling! What a find! You’ll need to attune to it but, once you do, you’ll find improved odds in your gambling endeavors. You can also, but only once per day, transfer that luck to one thing you do. It’s pretty cool! I was unable to determine all of its properties, unfortunately. But you can see for yourself!” Malege hands the brooch back to Fodinis.

[Fodinis receives a Brooch of the Gambler: While this silver brooch, which depicts eight stylized gambling die covered in runes and surrounding a silver pendent, is on your person, you have advantage on all Dexterity- and Charisma-based checks and saves. Once per day, you can double your bonus for any check or save, regardless of base ability. You cannot use this ability again until the next dawn.]

Fodinis takes the brooch, looks at the back and front, then slips it in his pocket. “I’m not one to cheat at gambling but anything that might improve my gambling face is appreciated. I’ll attune to it while we are traveling.” He smiles at Piece and Malege then returns to his tea.

“I have managed to make some healing potions for everyone so you should all have one on your person and I’ll keep the rest.” Enacelle starts removing the potion flasks from her pack and placing them on the table.

“Very good. Let’s all meet at the wagon in half an hour and we can get started.” Umgurn stands and heads for the door.

Fellis, the thin guard from Captain Ironfeast’s office, greets Umgurn and the party as they load the wagon, carrying a letter which is sealed with a wax stamp. Umgurn looks at the letter which is otherwise unmarked.

[Umgurn makes a history check] Rolls 2.

He does not recognize the seal and looks at Fellis expectantly. Fellis nods towards the bugbear and then runs off back towards the direction of the guard house. Umgurn frowns then turns to Fodinis and hands him the letter. Enacelle is standing next to him and sees the seal.

[Enacelle makes a history check] Rolls 5. 

She looks at Fodinis and shrugs her shoulders. Fodinis opens the letter. He looks up from it quickly and with a confused look on his face. Umgurn moves over and takes the letter. He recognizes that it is written in goblin, a language that almost every bugbear would know instinctively but, with his memory erased, Fodinis seems to have forgotten it. He scans the letter, sighs, and folds it up.

“This is nothing of great import and we can deal with it when we return.”

[Umgurn makes a Deception check versus the party’s Insight check] Rolls 11 versus 6. 

The party nods complacently and thinks nothing more of it. Umgurn tucks the letter inside his tunic.

The party travels for two days on the road still surrounded by the farms of Pathilia with no delays. They stay at the two inns which they had previously frequented. 

[Kace, Fodinis, and Piece make checks for gambling/entertainment x 2 days] Kace rolls 14, 15; Fodinis rolls 28, 20; Piece rolls 22, 6. 

[Kace receives 25 sps, Fodinis receives 5 gps, and Piece receives 16 sp]

On the morning of the third day, within an hour of traveling, they are into the wilds. Theophania pulls forth her map which Enacelle reviews over her shoulder. Umgurn slows the wagon to a halt. Enacelle and Theophania whisper and point at the map.

[Theophania makes a Survival check aided by Enacelle] Rolls 25 

“The first eruption is about 15 minutes ahead on the left side of the road. It is in a bit of treacherous terrain so we will need to leave the wagon and cart. However, Enacelle and I found excellent coverage last time in a dense nearby grove that is not too far from the road.”

“I can easily set a loud, blaring alarm on both the wagon and the cart as well. That will scare off anyone who comes near except for us. Will take me less than half an hour once we are settled.” Malage leans forward from the back of Theophania’s cart and pats her on her hindquarter. She nods and begins moving again.

[Malege casts Alarm twice as a ritual, once on each vehicle, after they are hidden]

Less than an hour later with the wagon and cart hidden and alarmed, the party is standing outside of the eruptions which tore through the base of a large tree. It is nearly mid-day but the eruption is very dark even standing in the full light of Isvara. Theophania and Enacelle each carry a bullseye lantern loaded with oil and lit as they descend into the hole. The others pick their way carefully, reliant on their darkvision. The eruptive cavity is structurally unsound and challenging to navigate carefully. The descent to the bottom is at least a 3-hour journey of several miles through newly dug soil and rock.

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) make Dexterity Checks and Stealth Checks DC12 on each] Roll Dexterity 24, 18, 7, 9, 14, 5, 18 &  Stealth 25, 12, 11, 5, 16, 24, 13

Fodinis, Enacelle, Umgurn, and Piece scale the rocks with ease and find footholds and handholds to clamber down into the darkness. After many hours, they land at the bottom of the eruptions almost soundlessly, noting the tunnel they have entered is ancient, carved, and well maintained. The loose rocks are a bit challenging for Theophania who slips and slides on her four legs for most of the descent, landing in a cumbersome pile when she reaches the bottom but barely disturbing the rocks or making a sound. Unfortunately, Kace doesn’t seem to be able to get his bearings or footing in the loose soil, stone, and dirt, slipping and sliding frequently. He dislodges many rocks and stones which rain down upon his party members. In the last 20 feet of the tunnel, his foot slips and he rolls and tumbles down the hole, landing flat on his back in the Underdark tunnel with a loud thud. Malege, likewise, dislodges stones, slips and slides through rubble and debris, and, at the bottom, lands loudly on top of Kace. They both gasp. 

“Are you two okay? Theophania, are you alright?” Umgurn surveys the darkness around him while the party rights itself and gets their bearings. 

[The party  (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) makes Investigation and Perception checks DC 10 and DC15) Roll 11, 20, 1, 11, 10, 20, 1  Investigation, and roll Perception 15, 26, 1, 7, 2, 17, 6

Kace has dust in his eyes from the fall and his head is ringing from striking a rock on the way down. Piece, seeing Kace struggling, moves to assist him, paying little attention to everything around them. Malege and Umgurn get a sense of the cavern which connects to the eruption with loose debris from above scattered all about. Umgurn points to several tunnels that lead off from the eruption site and Malege nods. Fodinis, Enacelle, and Theophania also see the tunnels leading away from the eruption but notice that there are three distinct patterns. The tunnels leading away have a natural stone floor that appears polished and dust free from constant use. The ground near the eruption which leads up out of the space is covered in fresh dirt, rocks, and debris. However, running away from the party in both directions appears to be a newly dug pathway through the original tunnel with some sort of patterned marks cutting through. Within those newly dug tunnels, they hear the soft echo of footsteps and the faint clank of metal. Fodinis, Enacelle, and Theophania touch the shoulders and back of the other four quickly and nod or point towards either end of the new tunnels. As their eyes adjust and Theophania and Enacelle’s lanterns illuminate the space, the glint of dark eyes sparkles from the ebony shadows. Twelve kobolds charge the party.