Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E6: Underdark Intrusions...

Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 6

While the druid and the ranger investigate the woods, everyone else waits... nervously... 

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Episode 6: Underdark Intrusions…

Enacelle and Theophania move along the road, a few hours after the last of the watchtowers in the thick of the wilds. A small clearing on the left side of the road opens up and Theophania pulls over. Enacelle unhooks her cart and sets it up on its stand. Theophania checks her weapons and nods to Enacelle. 

“I will scout ahead quietly and find an animal, ritual cast my ability to speak with them, and wild shape into that form to see what I can learn. I can do that twice but then I will need to rest for a bit. Sound good?” Enacelle checks her weapons and begins trekking into the woods. Theophania nods and follows her about 30 seconds behind, keeping her in sight at a distance.

[Enacelle and Theophania make stealth checks]  Rolls a 9 and a 15. 

Enacelle stumbles a bit on the rocky terrain and ruffles more than one bush trying to make her way through while Theophania steps more carefully and remains essentially silent. After almost an hour of traversing the woods, Enacelle spots a brown bear next to a stream batting the water for fish. She settles behind a rock out of sight and begins her ritual. After 10 minutes, she wild shapes into a brown bear and moves closer to the beast by the stream.

“Hello, friend.” Enacelle moves to within a few feet of the bear and then sits down, showing submission.

“Who…. why….” The bear stops batting the water and also sits down.

“Exploring the woods for new threats.” Enacelle tries to keep the concepts simple.

“Threats. New threats. Here. Many.” The bear chews on the pad of its paw.

“Describe the new threats.” Enacelle absentmindedly digs up a few shiny stones from the stream.

“In the dark. Lots of flying not bats. Lots of hooks. Dangerous.” The bear rolls on his side and scratches his belly with his back foot.

“Where.” Enacelle chews on her paw pad as well.

“Show.” The bear rolls to its feet and begins lumbering through the woods. Enacelle follows as does Theophania at a distance. After 15 minutes of walking, the bear growls and nods its head up and down. Enacelle realizes her spell has ended but she sees the large cave the bear wants to show her. She sits down and yawns then looks away. The brown bear looks away as well and then lumbers off through the trees and vanishes. Enacelle shapes back into herself and Theophania joins her.

“This cave looks old, not like the eruption we saw with the kruthik.” Enacelle moves closer to the entrance and Theophania follows.

[Enacelle and Theophania make investigation and perception checks] Rolls 18 & 9 and 23 & 7. 

Theophania does not notice anything about the cave itself or hear or smell anything in particular. Enacelle finds several bone fragments of various ages among the rocks at the mouth of the cave and can smell a stench of death and decay wafting from the cave itself. She finds a broken fragment of a black hook-like structure and estimates the total hook was quite large. She pockets all of the items and looks to Theophania.

“Should we explore a bit of the cave while we have some daylight?” Enacelle looks back out towards the woods and the mid-morning sun. 

“What do you suggest?” Theophania puts an arrow on her bow and looks around. Enacelle smiles and wild shapes into a giant spider. She begins to lumber into the cave. Theophania laughs and turns towards the woods to stand watch. 

Enacelle travels down into the cave quietly, climbing along the walls and ceilings in several places, for several minutes. She sees more bone fragments and the carcasses of a deer and bear. After a half an hour, the natural cave ceiling, floor, and walls are interrupted by a large hole in the floor and left wall. Similar to the eruption they found by the side of the road, this hole appears recent and broken outward with debris scattered around the mouth. Enacelle ventures down into the hole a few hundred feet and sees the new growth of unique cave moss, glowing mushrooms, and several scrambling, chittering creatures she doesn’t recognize. Satisfied that this is likely another passage from the Underdark, she returns to the mouth's entrance and scurries out of the cave back to Theophania. She transforms back into herself. 

“There is another eruption site in this cave. Let’s return to the cart so I can rest.”

Enacelle and Theophania continue this survey method for several days and find, along the road between Pathilia and Woodshead, at least five unique eruption points. They are careful to be back on the road by nightfall and do not see any creatures other than expected wildlife for the duration. Enacelle is able to add quite a few more beasts to her wild shape potential which are mostly common animals. On their last planned day before returning to Pathilia, they find a small grotto with another cave but the hare that Enacelle speaks with does not seem to think there is anything dangerous about it. As they approach the cave to take a closer look, three black panthers emerge from the mouth of the cave. They immediately growl and bare their fangs. Enacelle notes that their paws are covered in fresh blood and they have deep scratches in their shoulders and sides.

“Something has attacked them.” She considers casting speak with animals and wild shaping but they have already seen both she and Theophania. The cats move closer, preparing to attack.

[Everyone rolls for initiative]

[Theophania casts Hail of Thorns; Attacks the Panther B with longbow] Rolls 12 versus AC12 for hit for 5 damage; Panthers roll 12, 15, and 17 Dex Saving throws versus DC15, 1 fail, 2 saves, taking 3, 4, and 5 damage.

Theophania doesn’t hesitate when the three panthers, all side by side, emerge from the cave and move towards them, first mumbling a few words so that her notched arrow glows with small thorns, then launching the area towards the middle panther, striking it in the shoulder. A shower of thorns erupt from the arrow and bombard all three panthers.

[Enacelle moves into melee with all three panthers, attacks Panther A with scimitar, attacks Panther B with hungry jaws] Rolls 12 vers AC12 for 10 damage, Panther A collapses; Rolls 13 versus AC12 for 3 damage.

Enacelle is concerned that the panthers may pounce on Theophania and moves into melee with all three of them as a barrier. She slashes at the panther on the left, catching it in the throat and killing it. She then lunges at the panther in the middle and sinks her teeth into its shoulder.

[Panther B tries to bite Enacelle] Rolls 10 versus AC19 for a miss.

The wounded middle panther snaps at Enacelle after she bites  its shoulder but misses.

[Panther C attacks with claw] Rolls 21 versus AC 19 for a hit and 5 damage.

The panther on the right slashes at Enacelle with its claw, scraping her shoulder.

[Theophania casts Hail of Thorns; Attacks the Panther B with longbow] Rolls 23 versus AC12 for a hit for 8 damage, killing it; Panther C makes a Dex saving throw of 17 versus DC15, saves, takes 2 damage.

Protected by Enacelle’s rush forward, Theophania releases another arrow emboldened with magical thorns, striking the middle panther in the eye, killing it instantly. The magical barrage of thorns tear into the remaining panther.

[Enacelle attacks Panther C with scimitar] Rolls 24 versus AC12 for 9 damage, killing it.

Enacelle turns toward the last panther and slashes with her scimitar, catching it in the throat as well, and it falls dead. 

[Enacelle and Theophania receive 75 xp]

Theophania and Enacelle examine the panther's bodies and wounds carefully as well as the cave.

[Theophania makes a Nature and Medicine check and Enacelle makes a Survival and Investigation check] Rolls 20 & 6 and 15 & 18.

Theophania manages to skin the hides from all three panthers and prepares them with salt, sand, and grass as she’d done before. She salvages 23 pieces of meat weighing 92 pounds and salts it and wraps it in oil cloth. During this process, she cannot determine what had previously attacked the panthers or how long ago. Enacelle looks at the wounds and the surrounding cave mouth and sees several kinds of blood as well as another large broken hook. She ventures into the cave for a few minutes and finds the body of a humanoid, disfigured beyond recognition, with signs of both panther strikes and something more powerful. She examines the body for any identifying items and finds 12 gps, 24 sps, a silver bracelet, a shortsword, and the remains of a lute that’s been shattered but nothing else of value. She drags the body to the mouth of the cave and begins digging 4 holes next to a large flowering tree. Once they are deep enough, she places the body of the humanoid and the panthers along with herbs, flowers, and a few shiny rocks on the bodies and then buries them. She burns some herbs inside the cave to cleanse it and then returns to Theophania.

“I didn’t explore too far beyond the body but I think there is a high likelihood of another eruption here as well.” She pulls a piece of parchment from her bag that they have been using to mark the locations and adds the cave.

“I think we’ve done enough the last couple of days. Let’s get back to Pathilia now.” Theophania hoists Enacelle, who is weary and bleary eyed, onto her back and gallops back to where they left the cart.

[Theophania and Enacelle reach level 3]

[Theophania chooses Hunter Ranger Archetype, and Hunter’s Prey - Horde Breaker]

Navigating the multiple gateways, pathways, hallways, waiting areas, and enormous rooms filled with courtiers fascinates Piece as Umgurn moves them through. With a series of nods, hand gestures, and bows, they find themselves in a small antechamber only an hour after entering the castle from the main gates. They are the only people in the antechamber and it is quiet and warm with a fire in the corner knocking the chill off the air. Umgurn sits in utter silence, staring at the fire. Piece removes a piece of parchment from their bag and begins composing some draft lines of a poem comparing the grandeur of the castle to an ocean and then to a bamboo forest. They continue to scribble, cross out, make notes, and add new lines for some time. After another hour, a door opens and a servant wearing all white bows and nods for them to enter. Umgurn leaps from his chair, turns to Piece to check their appearance, and then enters with Piece in tow.

“Umgurn, my loyal servant and most trusted friend. Please come in and sit.” The king is at least half-human by Piece’s eye but the other half is unclear. He is very tall, quite handsome, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He wears only a simple robe of deep blue from a collar to his sandaled feet with a thin gold belt at his waist. Umgurn bows deeply before the king which Piece mimics adding their downward turned paws. The king then sits on a red velvet sofa made of dark mahogany wood with a large fire roaring in the background. Umgurn sits only after the king and Piece follows suit. A quick survey of the room reveals that no one is present except the three of them, not even a servant. However, Piece is sure that with a slight gesture, servants would appear.

“Callia, my king, thank you for seeing us, your majesty.” Umgurn sits forward in his seat and pulls the map from his pocket. He places it on the table between them. Callia flicks his wrist and baubles of bright light appear over the table illuminating the map. Callia leans close to it, studies it for a few minutes, and then sits back on the sofa. Umgurn wrings his hands gently and also sits back.

“An exploration expedition by Santernafulse. Into the Blight? It is as ingenious as it is insane.” Callia turns his hand to the left and a goblet of wine appears in it which is joined by two goblets on the table next to the map, both of which are filled with milk. 

“But is it a ruse, my king? Could this be a decoy or a distraction? Is this druid/warlock a threat? And this map must be ancient. Who is she in league with?” Umgurn takes the goblet of milk and sips it. Piece looks at him curiously, takes their own goblet, and sips it a bit more aggressively.

“Enicryn Chelpira. Yes. She is what we will have to call a necessary evil. I must deal with all manner of people as King, Umgurn. I must meet with some of them in public and some of them in private, like you. My information is that Chelpira must be left alone for the time being. I leave it to your bugbear friend to reduce the threats of the contracts she has out on your lives. ‘Burn Pathilia to the ground’... That, my friend, is the ruse, I think. She can’t possibly hope to succeed. No, the real question is what is Santernafulse really up to. I doubt this Blight map is genuine. Likely a plant for distraction but I could be wrong. I would appreciate it if you could leave this with me and let me examine it properly. And Enicryn... All talk and no action. I do believe she is a valuable asset for keeping tabs on one possible threat…. Tell me, Umgurn, what is happening in the Underdark as we speak?” Callia finishes his wine and seems to drop the glass but it vanishes in mid air.

“The Underdark? I can only tell you that on our travels hear, we saw what appeared to be an eruption from the Underdark of kruthiks. Some of our people returned to the wilds to investigate further, a druid and a ranger. I hope they will bring us news that this was a freak incident and not something more.” Umgurn finishes his milk and as he sets the goblet down, it vanishes.

“Enacelle Zalane is a true friend of the court. I have known her parents for years. They are one of my main peacekeeping tools with Oldestall. She is kind beyond measure. And Theophania is one of my most trusted but she refuses to take a position in court. Always wants to be in the wilds. Clever girl. My mother was very fond of the wilds, you know. When Enacelle and Theophania return, please get their report to me as quickly as possible. The navy in the southeast grows bored with inactivity and the towers have seen nothing for months. Santernafulse is always plotting, Umgurn. We must root out what they are up to and get ahead of it. As always, you are my friend.” Callia stands and moves back towards his large desk sitting in front of a magnificent window with a view of the mountains illuminated by mid-day sun. 

“We will take our leave.” Umgurn stands to leave, nods to Piece, and heads towards the door they entered. Callia looks back at them both and smiles.

“Piece of the Puzzle. Our little multiverse traveler. Is there nothing that you wish to say to the king of Pathilia or ask?” Piece feels their face go blush under their fur and bows as gracefully as possible.

“Your majesty, we are here by accident and have thoroughly enjoyed wandering in your kingdom. For our people, there is no greater honor than to have us recite a poem at your behest.” Callia turns towards Piece directly and his face goes stern and focused. He gives a quick nod. Piece thinks deeply to their favorite poem of home, something short to not offend, and begins to recite the verse with a melodious tone and soft sounds. The king’s face remains stern throughout, unmoving, staring deeply into Piece’s eyes. After the last line, Piece bows deeply for half a minute and then stands. Callia has moved to stand directly in front of them. 

“You are truly a gift to your people and I am sure they are heartbroken to have lost you. However, the kingdom of Pathilia is indebted to the beauty which your verse and prose bring to us. You are welcome to my court to recite your work anytime you like.” With that, the king bowed impossibly low to Piece who was instantly mortified and unsure what to do. When the king rose, he placed an object in Piece’s hands and folded his own hands over theirs. “May the peace and light of Isvara ever shine on you, Piece of the Puzzle.” With that, the king turned away and strode to the far corner of the room where he vanished through a door and a curtain. Piece looked at Umgurn with wide eyes.

“Ummm… Let’s just go and we can talk about THAT later.” Umgurn hurried to the door and Piece followed. 

Within an hour, they were entering the Salted Pig. Fodinis, Malege, and Kace were sitting in a corner eating a hearty stew and drinking a strong local ale. 

“How did it go with the…ummm…. other folks?” Umgurn sits down and waves to the barmaid to bring over stew and drinks for Piece and him. 

Fodinis looks up from his stew, smiles, and then relays the entire events in the depths of the monastery. He shows off the new handles of his daggers and their ability to go dark. Malege pulls his necklace from his shirt. Kace explains the new approach to strength and fitness which makes Piece exceedingly happy and giddy for the rest of the evening.  And they all recount, in rounds, the mindflayer who seeks memory control of others, the treachery and trust of Enicryn, and the fate of Fodinis’ own memories. When they conclude, Umgurn is silent for many minutes while Piece describes the castle in detail and the magnificence of King Callia. Umgurn clears his throat.

“We are at a crossroads, my friends. Is Enicryn’s threat of burning down this city real or a ruse? Is this map of the blight real or a distraction? Is Fodinis’ mindflayer a threat or a decoy? The king was greatly concerned with the Underdark. I believe we must wait for Enacelle and Theophania to return and then reassess. Today has been most troubling. I must retire for the evening to gather my thoughts. I do not expect Enacelle and Theophania for 4 more days. You know where to find me if you need me. And please keep a watch on Malege.” With that, he stands and strides quickly to bed. After he leaves, Piece smiles.

“The king gave me this!” They open their palm to reveal a ruby the size of a walnut. Fodinis gently takes it from Piece, holds it up to the light of a candle, and whistles. 

“Ummm…. this is a very valuable gem, Piece. I’d suggest you keep it for now as it’s easier to hide and can always be converted to gold.” Fodinis smiles and sits back in his chair.

“Fodinis, we care not for gold. But this was a gift in return for our poetry from the king. It could be a river stone and we would be just as delighted.” Piece tucks the ruby away and Fodinis smirks. Kace pats Piece on the shoulder which makes Piece purr with delight.

Malege sits up and puts his hands on the table. “We are in the BIG CITY. What are we doing for the next four days?”

The party spends one quinday on downtown activities while they await the return of Enacelle and Theophania.

Umgurn, distressed by recent events and in need of guidance, spends three days praying at various temples and churches throughout Pathilia.

[Umgurn makes Charisma Checks x 3 versus Possibility of Divine Guidance DC (roll 2d20)] Rolls 20, 8, and 19 versus 22, 38, 24.

Despite his constant prayer and devout consultation, no divine inspiration comes to him. Umgurn spends one day in the library of the Fairhope Monastery, the largest in the city which includes access to the secret archives of the mindflayers–although that is not publicly known–searching for any information to assist him with the issues of the Underdark, the Blight, and Santernafulse.

[Umgurn makes an Investigation check with advantage versus tiered DC5-20] Rolls a 14.

His search finds a limited history of what is known of Santernafulse, a history of the interactions with drow and the surface world, and a limited text on what is known of the Blight. He can find nothing about the Blight before it was destroyed nor anything about the details of modern Santernafulse. He spends the last day in conversation with the General of the king’s army and the Admiral of the king’s navy who both were in Pathilia for a military funeral. 

[Umgurn makes a Persuasion Check versus two Insight Checks] Rolls a 14 versus a 4 and a 13

Over glasses of wine in celebration of their fallen comrade, both the General and the Admiral are very open with Umgurn about the current status of the king’s forces.  The General confirms that, outside of Pathilia where there are always 10 garrisons of 20 soldiers each throughout the city, each city in Pathilius has between 2 to 4 garrisons of 5 to 10 soldiers each.  The exception, of course, is Plandeno and Pendegren which are the reserves’ towns and each have 250 soldiers ready to travel to any town in Pathlius. The Great Wall, a relic of the Thrum empire, is mostly uninhabited except for limited security troops that regulate the border with Devenmere, primarily for commerce and trade. The Admiral similarly describes the naval might of the king as being concentrated in South Canville, Reigel’s Hope, The Fingers, and Canville Port where more than a dozen ships serve each. A smaller force of eight ships serve Shaybrook and the east. The Admiral reports mostly an inactive status off the shores of Santernafulse and peace in the shipping lanes her army protects. She notes that every other week, at least one ship makes the passage close to the shore of the Blight, and nothing has been seen there for years.

  Umgurn  spends all of his evenings covering the night guard for Pathilia and earns 31 gps.The Salty Pig lodging and meals costs him 5 gp per day (25 gp total) for the week.

[Umgurn receives 31 gps and spends 25 gp]

[Umgurn has reached 3rd level]. Chooses Oath of the Crown.

Fodinis spends the week mostly guarding Malege during the day and night, alternating with Kace, which includes quite a bit of shopping as the shops of Pathilia are overwhelming for Malege. During his time shopping, he finds a few random items.

[Fodinis rolls 4d100 on the Trinket Table] Rolls 29, 41, 52, and 59

He finds and purchases a pair of old plaid socks which have his initials, FO, on them; a scrap of cloth from the banner of the army of Thurm; two toy soldiers in king’s army garb that are bugbears but one is missing a head; and a rabbit’s foot on a silver chain for a total cost of 21 gps.

Fodinis, when he is not guarding Malege, connects with the local rogue’s den and peruses the contracts available for assassinations. He finds, not surprisingly, a contract for any fire genasi for 10,000 gps which requires delivery of the heart. There is a second contract for a clergy for 7,500 gps which is definitely not in Fodinis’ forte. The third is for Redgewick of the House Holloborne for 5,000 gps. Fodinis spends time in the den subtly looking for more information about all three contracts.

[Fodinis makes 3 Deceptions checks versus 3 Insight checks] Rolls 15, 18, and 24 (nat 20) versus 8, 14, 19

Fodinis confirms that Enicryn Chelpira has taken out the contract on Malege and the payment upon delivery of the heart is to happen at the Fractured Crown, a notorious bar and brothel on the northern edge of Pathilia. The clergyman is the brother of a local businessman whose business recently began to boom because his main competition in artisan brass- and copper-ware, along with his entire family, were burned to death in their home. Redgewick of the House of Holloborne is a recent arrival from Cantheria who appears to be a fraud or conman, and has a proclivity for physically abusing brothel workers. Fodinis elects to accept this contract and easily locates Redgewick who is loud, obnoxious, and draws attention to himself frequently. As Redgewick is leaving a tavern–or possibly was thrown out–Fodinis follows him and watches for a dark, isolated place to strike.

[Fodinis makes a Perception Check and a Stealth Check versus Perception check with disadvantage (drunk)] Rolls a 13 and a 15 versus 14 (and 18).

Redgewick turns down an alley which Fodinis can tell is fairly dark and he slips quietly down the alley to follow him. Halfway down, with only light from either end of the alley, Fodinis attempts to grab him from behind and slice his throat quietly..

[Fodinis makes an attack with advantage with his dagger] Rolls 26 (16), assassinate = autocritical (2d4 +5) plus sneak attack critical (4d6) plus surprise attack critical (4d6), rolls 30 damage, killing Redgewick instantly (AC14, hp 22).

[Fodinis attacks Reddgewick with dagger (advantage, assassinate, surprise, sneak)] Rolls 26(auto critical) vs AC14 for 30 slashing damage

Fodinis searches the body and finds 20 pp, 30 gp, and 500 sp, two gold rings with gemstones, a gold chain with a gemstone pendant, a gold bracelet inlaid with onyx, two daggers, and a fine red cape with gold embroidery. The body has a tattoo on its forearm which was listed in the contract as the proof of death. Fodinis extracts the tattoo and puts it into the belt pouch from the body. In the pocket of the tunic on the body, Fodinis finds a series of letters from a person named, Elerisa Ghatterly, at least 10 of them, along with an unsent letter addressed to Elerisa in Pathilia.

[Fodinis makes an Intelligence check DC10] Rolls a 9. 

He can’t quite recall where that address might be in the city as he has limited experience with Pathilia outside of this week. He stows the letters as well. Later that evening, he returns to the den and gives the Master of Contracts the pouch and collects his payment. 

[Fodinis receives 5000 gps]

He leaves the den and heads to a local fence that was suggested to him by the Master of Contracts. Not surprisingly, all of the jewelry is fake and the daggers are mundane. The cape is of very fine quality and the fence informs Fodinis that a shop in the Ardmore District on the west side of town sells these capes and they are very expensive. 

[Fodinis makes an Intelligence check, DC10] Rolls a 4

He does not know anything about that area of town. He accepts 100 gps for the cape as the fence assures him it will be hard to sell..

[Fodinis receives 100 gps and gives away all of the contraband from the body, save the letters]

During the week, his gambling kicks into high gear as Malege is very interested to learn as many of the games as possible. Fodinis gambles all 5 days while guarding Malege. He does not attend any caged fighting matches.

[Fodinis makes 5 Gaming Checks (Sleight of Hand) versus DC 2d20] Rolls 23, 22, 20, 15, 11 versus 29, 15, 12, 36, 35 (2 successes (2d20 x 10  gp), 3 failures 1d20 x 10 gp); wins 320, loses 290 = up 30 gps.

Having to keep one eye on Malege while gambling prevents Fodinis from focusing and his gambling skills are not superior. But Malege follows the rules of the games by the end of the quinday. The Salty Pig lodging and meals costs Fodinis 5 gp per day (25 gp total) for the quinday.

Kace is happy to escort Malege around during the quinday, providing him protection while he shops. Kace has little interest in shopping and lets Fodinis deal with those activities. Kace does manage to find the local cage fighting matches in Pathilia which he never experienced during his brief time after emerging from the sewer. He approaches the master of the matches, Beveel Hardstrung, a halfling like the one in Woodshead. 

“Kace Amberdream! I know you! My cousin runs the Woodshead matches and told me of your first match! Ready to try your luck in our arena?” Beveel writhes his hands greedily, considering what odds he can set to temp or scare his bettors. “You’ll find enough contenders for a match every night here!”

“I accept.” Kace shakes the halflings tiny hand and spends the next 5 nights for less than half an hour engaged in a cage match with Malege watching from the safety of the audience and two enormous brutes that Kace entreated to guard him during the matches. 

On the first night, Kace’s opponent is a bugbear who is tall and lanky, named Brank Tovith. The match begins with Kace throwing the first punch which doubles over the furry fighter. Brank responds with a weak upper cut which barely grazes Kace’s jaw. With his stance open from the upper cut, Kace punches Brank solidly in the face, knocking him unconscious.

On the second night, a half-orc named Thagar Gudim is the challenger. He is a bit weakly looking to Kace but has a lot of bulk. Kace again comes out strong with a face punch to which Thagar responds with a weak gut blow. Kace counters with an even hard blow to Thagar’s face. The half-orc responds with another weak punch. The half-orc seems delirious and Kace takes a light swing at him, missing, in hopes Thagar will land a solid punch to make the fight seem fair. But, the half-orc’s swing is mistimed and he does not land the blow. Kace sighs and punches Thagar directly in the face, dropping him to the cage floor.

The third night, a beefy human wearing only pants but with massive arms enters the cage. He is called only Roy. When the match starts, Roy rushes at Kace and throws an off target punch which he catches in his own paw and responds with a solid punch to Roy’s belly. Roy snatches back his hand and tries to spin around and back hand Kace across the face. Kace catches his forearm and punches him directly in the face, dropping him to the cage floor. At the conclusion of the evening, Kace finds Beveel counting coins in a corner.

“Beveel… These matches are not enjoyable. I am beating your sad contenders nearly to a pulp.” Beveel smiles devilishly. 

“Very well. Tomorrow, you will have a real contender.”

On the fourth night, Kace enters the cage and is greeted by what may be a half-giant but he is unsure. Rather than saying its name, it simply grunts at him. The opponent's fists are the size of Kace’s head and its arms are larger than Kace’s thighs. The half-giant rushes forwards and swings an open palm at Kace, catching him in the ribs. Kace counters with a swing but the blow seems to hit steel. The beast backhands Kace in the face hard, stunning him and causing his counter swing to miss widely and pathetically. The creature laughs loudly and its next punch misses as Kace dodges to the left. With some advantage, Kace throws a punch to the creature’s open face and lands a solid blow. One of its teeth fall out. The creature smiles and upper cuts Kace which is the last thing Kace remembers. When he  awakens some time later, he is all smiles when Beveel comes to see him. 

“That was a fight!” Kace is laughing.

“More like a slaughter but an excellent show for the crowd.” Beveel laughs heartily and walks away.

On the last night of the week, Kace enters the cage and sees a large dragon man pumping his arms for the crowd and blowing puffs of fiery breath from his mouth. Kace smiles at yet another worthy adversary. When the match starts, Kace rushes the scaly foe and swings hard but the blow lands against a solid abdomen that feels like stone. The dragon man returns the punch and knocks Kace 5 feet backward with a wallop. Kace takes a breath, leaps into the air, and brings both fists together and down on the foe’s neck and shoulder. The dragon man stumbles back a few feet and tries to return the punch but misses within inches of Kace’s jaw. Dodging the blow, Kace throws a solid punch at the staggering dragon man, catching him in the throat. With a gasping breath of fire and smoke, he falls. 

Kace wins 4 of the 5 matches and receives 100 gps for every match plus 200 gps for every win (1300 gp).

[Kace receives 1300 gps]

One late afternoon, Malege asks Kace to accompany him back to the mindflayer colony so that he can spend several hours with Drebask, Tasgam, and Rhuophim which he does. During this time, Kace reads a book loaned to him by Rhuohim on maps of the Underdark of Angedrian.

[Kace makes an Intelligence check] Rolls 19

The layout, names, and places of the various Underdark cities and connections throughout Angedrian is easily understood and processed by Kace. He has memorized all of the relevant cities under or near Pathilius and most of the neighboring land masses. He takes some notes on parchment provided by Rhuophim.

[Kace now can add his proficiency bonus to any checks made while navigating on the surface to cities of the Underdark or while traveling in the Underdark near Pathilia (Survival, Nature, Investigation, Insight, History)]

The Salty Pig lodging and meals costs Kace 5 gp per day (25 gp total) for the quinday. Gifts and tributes from admirers at the caged matches and while he works out in the mornings provide him 640 gps.

[Kace is now 3rd level]

[Kace chooses Echo Knight Martial Archetype]

Malege does not look forward to the week of being guarded and escorted all over the city and loathes what Enicryn is forcing his colleagues to endure. We would prefer to perform in the street with his hair on fair but Umgurn has forbidden him from being seen out of disguise which Fodinis applies daily. Still, with his bodyguards, he finds time to go shopping. He purchases a very fine set of woodcarver’s tools for 10 gps. He also finds a tailor shop that makes him a fine performance costume for juggling and playing with fire including a sleeveless, fire-retardant vest and billowing breeches with tapered ankles and a pair of red and orange sparkling slippers at a cost of 75 gps.

[Malege pays 85 gps for a very fine woodcarver’s tools, fine fire juggling clothes]

Malege hangs out in the gambling halls and taverns with Fodinis while he gambles during the week and observes him playing for many hours. He chooses not to gamble but learns the basics and some strategic concepts. During the late afternoons into the evening with Kace, Malege spends some time in the Fairhope Monastery library, sometimes seeing Umgurn, and does his best to research elemental planes and planar travel as well as warlocks, patrons, and demons. 

[Malege makes 2 Investigation checks and 2 paired Intelligence checks] Rolls a 16 with a 14 and a 12 with a 15. 

Malege is able to locate several books on the lore, knowledge, and understandings of the elemental planes as well as books on planar travel. He spends quite a bit of time studying them and, by the time he has become mentally exhausted from the topic, he has gained a basic understanding of the planes of existence, their descriptions, and relative locations. He understands the various forms of planar travel and how it might be achieved. He does not feel comfortable with attempting planar travel based on what he’s read. He also concludes that planar travel is very different from multiverse travel so he has no insights for Piece or Kace.  

Malege can only find a few books on warlocks, patrons and demons. However, he gains an understanding of the pact magic of warlocks and their relationship to their patrons. He finds an illustrated history of famous warlocks and their patrons. He learns that demons and many other beings from beyond the material plane have and can serve as patrons but with varying costs to their warlocks. He is not able to learn anything specific about Varkidar beyond what he already learned from the mindflayers and does not have further insights into Enicryn and Varkidar’s relationship.

Malege goes to the caged fighting matches with Kace, as Kace is guarding him, and they befriend two large half-ogres named Breg and Krog who keep an eye on Malege while Kace is in the arena. The master of the caged matches set the odds for Kace’s first match at 25 to 1 and Malege bet 25 gps, winning 525 gps. For the second match, the odds rose to 10 to 1 but Malege was very confident in Kace and bet 100 gps, winning 1000 gps. The third match, the odds rose to 3 to 1 and Malege was concerned the opponent might be very strong so he didn’t bet and lost no funds. For the fourth match, the odds dropped back to 25 to 1. Watching Fodinis bet during the day, Melege knows that Fodinis would have bet big on such a chance to score but Malege is cautious. He looks carefully at the other fighter for the match and sees that he appears a bit larger than Kace and his muscles seem bulkier. But Malege has a gut feeling that Kace can beat him and bets 750 gps. But Kace loses the match. Malege decides not to bet on any more matches until he has discussed it with Kace and Fodinis.

[Malege receives 775 gps in net winnings] 

Malege accepts the mindflayers’ offer and returns to visit them one afternoon with Kace. Although he has many questions, he focuses on one for the discussion.

“Drebask, what did the forces of Santernafulse do to the kingdom now known as the Blight? What kind of weapon?”

Drebask pauses as if to consider how much it should reveal of a very long and complicated story and its tentacles seem to settle quietly into a bundle on its chest. 

“This world is filled with magic and the people of this world rely on magic more often than they should. There are many sources of magic and, about 500 years ago, there was an influx of a new font of power which has fueled society’s current dependance. But the history of this planet’s humanoid populations is vast and long. We do not concern ourselves with it or the details. But we will tell you that this world has previously had a very deep and powerful grasp of the natural truth of the world, some call science. Our power, for example, though alien to this world, comes from the natural power of the mind and the biology of our forms. The combination of our biology and your magic is what, for example, the demon seeks to fuse for his machinations. Back to this science. You have no doubt seen Isvara, as it is called, in the sky? Although the people of this world think it is a dragon that gave birth to the universe, it is, in fact, a giant ball of gasses composed of one type of simple substance that fuses to form another more complicated substance resulting in the creation of heat. The process is called fusion. Similarly, it is possible to split an existing substance into two new substances which releases energy. That process is called fission and the energy released is sometimes called radiation. Radiation is very dangerous as it destroys the fabric of living beings or mutates them. But, radiation can occur naturally in many substances that are often found deep in the earth. Our understanding of the weapon that destroyed the kingdom now known as the Blight was a combination of dragon fire and the seeding of the land of the kingdom with substances producing radiation. The result was death and destruction from the dragon fire and prevention of life or habitation from the radiation. The forces of Saternafulse, we believe, were experimenting with the weapon when they created the Blight. Clearly, nothing living can venture there.” Drebask pauses with his eyes wide as if to look for a sign of confusion or distrust from Malege but also hoping that the little genasi would provide his view on the topic.

[Malege makes an Intelligence Check] Rolls 17

“This radiation you speak of, as it occurs naturally in the world, must have a balance. It must dissipate over time. Otherwise the whole world would not be habitable. If the Blight was created many hundreds of years ago, theoretically, the radiation from the seeding could have or could be dissipating. Is it possible that the dates on the map we obtained from Enicryn are when the Blight is safe to enter? Or perhaps it is already safe to enter but they are planning it strategically? Let’s assume this knowledge about the natural world and radiation is true, how would the forces of Santernafulse have obtained it so long ago?” Malge sits back in his chair and strokes his chin.

“Most clever. MOST clever. Yes, Malege, it is known that radiation dissipates just as you say and natural radiation dissipates faster. Importantly, it can also be absorbed by certain materials. It is theorized that there are even organisms that can consume and render it harmless, using it as an energy source. Where this knowledge comes from is part of the dark history of this world. In the past, the humanoids harnessed the power of fission and fusion. The result was an end to their civilization. We fear that some remnant of that knowledge persisted. Enough, at least, for the dark forces of Santernafulse to weaponize it, though nowhere near to the degree of the ancients.” Drebask closes its hands together and its tentacles undulate slightly. 

“Drebask. I think it is imperative that we gain some insight into the state of the Blight safely. What would you suggest for exploring the Blight safely?” Malege leans forward with his hands on the desk.

“Only the ground of the Blight was uninhabitable.” Drebask’s pauses, testing Malege.

[Malege rolls an Intelligence check] Rolls a 20

“Kace, we have to go! We need to figure out how we can fly over the Blight!” Malege waves to Drebask whose tentacles are undulating with what looks like glee.  The Salty Pig lodging and meals costs Malege 5 gp per day (25 gp total) for the quinday.