Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience
Angedrian, a blue and green planet in the habitable zone of the star Isvara, is a planet thriving with life, which is orbited by the Dragon Moon. It is home to a great many species of thriving humanoids including commonly dragonborn, dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, human, tiefling, bugbear, lizardfolk, centaur, tabaxi, and every manner of half-species mix. Sequestered away in their own enclaves are firbolg, goblin, goliath, kenku, kobold, minotaur, orc, tortle, and yaun-ti. And everywhere, there can always be changelings. Angedrian is a natural flux point for multiverse transgressions with many other species appearing and disappearing through some magic or portal from a distant universe. But Angedrian is also an ancient world with its humanoid populations having become sentient, organized, and civilized more than 50,000 isvarana ago. Civilization’s stability is fleeting and, at this moment, Angedrian is in the 5th age of civilization, built upon the ruins, magic, bones, history, and power of four previous ages. What great heights did these previous ages achieve? Very great heights of enormous technical and magical renown! But Angedrian today is less than 2000 isvarana into its current age. Magic abounds but technology was all but lost. The current machinations and political schemes at work across the 12 kingdoms to control Angedrian, for good or evil, are in constant battle, though largely political and economic. All the while, the ancient Underdark civilization of the drow and their kindred watch and wait for a surface world faction to emerge with whom they can align.
Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience
S1:E4: The Road to Pathilia
In need of an audience with the king and possibly a conversation with a mind-flayer, the party heads out across a five day stretch of road that's has become... somewhat unsavory in recent weeks...
Episode 4: On the road to Pathilia…
From Woodshead to the outer gates of Pathilia is a journey of at least 5 days by horse drawn wagon, for about half of which the East Mournwood lies to the southwest and for the latter half the enormous lakes and marsh take over. To the northeast of the road for the entire 5 day journey are the wilds of Pathilia. Although mostly hilly and with variegated forests, there are trees of great heights, large hillocks with many burrows, and small crevasse with cave systems. Immediately around the cities and towns, however, are only farms as far as the eye can see. The farms surrounding Woodshead and using it as their major business center extend for about a day’s journey from the Woodshead gates. Similarly, for about 2 days from Pathilia, the farms begin again. But there is a stretch of open country of about 2 days' journey in total for which the landscape is lonely, quiet, and dangerous. Here, the wilds of unexplored Pathilius grow unchecked and are filled with beasts and creatures lurking day and night. In general, these beasts keep away from the roads because of the risk of flying arrows and swinging swords. The last of the Woodshead farms are marked by 30 foot watch towers that sprinkle the periphery of the last farms creating a barrier to the wilds. The group of travelers from Woodshead passed the last of those towers at first light this morning and have been traveling all day. They are moving towards Pathilia to tend to their urgent business with the king and a mindflayer, now two days into their journey and at the halfway point of this lawless desolation of unending greenscape, when they decide to make camp for the night to rest.
“Let's camp here.” Umgurn pulls the wagon to a stop about an hour before the setting of Isvara. Theophania stops as well, and Enacelle and Malege immediately hop down from the back and begin gathering wood and stones for a safe campfire.
[Enacelle and Malege make survival checks] Both roll 12s
They spend some time and have to scamper a bit off the road and into the woods but eventually find sufficient fuel and stones.
Umgurn looks into the back of the covered wagon to see Fodinis impossibly snuggled between Kace and Piece, a large pile of sleeping, comfortable fur. Their combined snores are deafening. He chuckles to himself.
[Umgurn casts Dancing Lights]
He pulls a small bit of wychwood from a small compartment in his amulet, mumbles a few words with some gesticulations of his fingers and four small balls of light appear over the three sleeping beings. He begins bouncing the lights off their foreheads repeatedly until all three have blinked awake. Fodinis sits up suddenly, bouncing two of the balls of light off his head again. Piece and Kace both awaken slowly and stretch their cat bodies at long, odd angles. Eventually, all three of them move out of the wagon and assist with the fire.
Enacelle has arranged the stones for optimal protection of the dry grass and Malege has built a pile of logs and branches.
[Malege casts Create Bonfire on the pile]
The campfire ignites easily and the cool chill of evening is quickly dissipated by the warmth.
By this time, Theophania returns with two rabbits and a pheasant which she begins cleaning and preparing for cooking over the spit that Malege has already set up.
“I assume we will need to set up a night watch.” Kace yawns and stretches again. “After I’ve eaten, I’ll be happy to do so as I feel quite rested.”
“We can take it in four hour shifts. Everyone should get a good night's sleep.” Enacells stokes the fire.
The fire is crackling and burning brightly with the smell of roasting rabbit and pheasant wafting from the spit as Isvara vanishes below the horizon. So far from any town, the landscape is absolutely pitch black outside of the glow of the campfire.
[Everyone makes Perception checks DC20] Roll 3, 13, 16, 11, 23, 13, and 15.
While everyone is preparing to eat, Piece suddenly stands up and looks around.
“We are not alone.” They point towards the woods. Everyone quickly stands to join them and face the woods. A low growling noise from just outside the firelight turns into a hooting roar as two large whitish gray beasts charge in from the night. They have beaked faces, fierce front claws, and appear to be covered in feathers.
[Everyone rolls for initiative]
[Malege fires his shortbow] Rolls a 7 vers AC 13 for a miss.
Malege fires a magical shot from his shortbow from behind the others but misses the owlbears completely.
[Owlbear #1 attacks Kace with its beak] Rolls a 10 vers AC 18 for a miss.
[Owlbear #1 attacks Kace with its claws] Rolls a 20 vers AC 18 for a hit with 21 damage.
The first owlbear moves towards Kace who was closest to the woods with a roar and snaps of its jaws, missing Kace’s arm, but swipes his chest aggressively with its foreclaw. Kace shrieks in pain from the deep cut.
[Owlbear #2 attacks Umgurn with its beak] Rolls 27 (critical hit) vers AC 18 for a hit with 14 damage
[Owlbear #2 attacks Umgurn with its claws] Rolls 14 vers AC 18 for a miss.
The second owlbear moves viciously towards Umgurn standing next to Kace and lands a bite into his thigh with its powerful jaws but consumed by the blood lust misses wildly with its claws.
[Piece uses unarmed strike on Owlbear #1] Rolls 25 (critical hit) vers AC 13 for 9 damage
[Piece spends 1 Ki point to use Flurry of Blows] Rolls 13 vers AC 13 for 7 damage and 10 vers AC 13 for a miss.
Piece slides in next to Kace and unleashes three ki-enhanced punches into the ribs of the owlbear with harsh, unashamed fury, causing the owlbear to howl in pain.
[Umgurn swings double-bladed scimitar at Owlbear #2] Rolls a 7 vers AC 13 for a miss.
[Umgurn backswings double-bladed scimitar at Owlbear #2] Rolls a 20 vers AC 13 for 7 damage.
Umgurn, afraid for his compatriots with these ferocious creatures attacking them, swipes wide with his double-bladed scimitar on his first pass but lands a strike home on his back swing, slicing the owlbear’s face.
[Kace attempts to grapple Owlbear #2] Rolls a 26 Strength check versus Owlbear 13 Strength check. Owlbear is grappled. Grapples.
[Kace uses Second Wind for bonus action] Regains 11 hp.
After the claw slash from the creature leaps onto the it’s back, grappling the beast. Holding on to the head and shoulders, he takes a long, deep breath to regain some of his strength and health.
[Fodinis uses shortsword to attack Owlbear #2] Rolls 25 vs. AC 13 for 11 damage and 5 sneak attack damage.
[Fodinis uses shortsword to bonus attack Owlbear #2] Rolls 28 (critical) vs AC 13 for 11 damage.
Fodinis slides next to Umgurm in flanking position and unleashes two vicious shortsword swings on the owlbear, cutting deeply into its left shoulder and side.
[Enacelle using a bonus action to cast Healing word on Kace] Rolls 1 for 5 healing
[Enacelle moves to the space vacated by Kace and in front of Owlbear #2 and attacks with scimitar] Rolls 23 vers AC 13 for 8 damage.
Enacelle sees both Kace and Umgurn have been injured but casts a healing word onto Kace who seems in more danger atop the back of the owlbear. She then runs in and slashes at the owlbear’s back legs with her scimitar, slicing one deeply.
[Theophania uses a bonus action to cast Hail of Thorns]
[Theophania fires longbow at Owlbear #2] Rolls 18 vers AC13 for 9 damage.
[Both owlbears make Dex Saving throws vers DC 15] Roll a 3 and a 2, taking 2 damage and 5 damage from thorns.
From the back next to Malege, Theophania murmurs a few mystical forest words and her arrow notched in her bow glows with the images of thorns. She launches an arrow at the second owlbear, striking it in the hindquarter and releasing a hail of small thorns from the enchanted shaft which pepper both owlbears.
[Malege casts Catapult on a large stone towards Owlbear #1] Rolls a 15 dex save vers DC 14, saves, no damage or effect.
Malege, frustrated with his bow, resorts to his magic and launches a stone off to the side of the melee straight towards the closest owlbear but it ducks its head as the stone zings by harmlessly.
[Owlbear #1 tries to bite and claw Umgurn again] Rolls 9 and a 17 versus AC 18, missing with both.
The first owlbear rears back its head and claws to return blows with Umgurn but only just brushes his arm and leg.
[Owlbear #2 tries to bite and claw Kace] Rolls 16 and 12 versus 17 AC, missing with both.
Kace’s position on the back of the second owlbear makes it very difficult for the creature to land a bite or swipe with its claws though it tries to anyway and misses.
[Piece uses unarmed strike on Owlbear #1] Rolls 24 vers AC 13 for 4 damage
[Piece uses bonus unarmed strike on Owlbear #1] Rolls 9 vers AC 13 for a miss.
Piece, still next to the owlbear that Kace is grappling, attempts two more punches into the ribs of the owlbear but only lands one.
[Umgurn swings double-bladed scimitar at Owlbear #2] Rolls a 6 vers AC 13 for a miss.
[Umgurn backswings double-bladed scimitar at Owlbear #2] Rolls a 23 vers AC 13 for 5 damage.
Umgurn, redoubling his efforts to stop the beasts, swings again wide with his double-bladed scimitar on his first pass but again lands a solid blow on his back swing, hacking into the owlbears shoulder.
[Kace deals grapple bludgeoning damage] Rolls 1 damage.
[Kace uses unarmed punch on Owlbear #1] Rolls a 14 vers 13 AC for 13 damage
Kace, holding on to the owlbear’s head, squeezes him with his arms and then takes a swing, slamming his fist into hits shoulder.
[Fodinis uses shortsword to attack Owlbear #2] Rolls 28 (critical) vs. AC 13 for 12 damage, felling the beast.
[Fodinis uses shortsword to bonus attack Owlbear #1] Rolls 15 vs AC 13 for 9 damage, felling the beast.
Fodinis sees that Kace is struggling to injure the beast despite grappling it and feels this fight must end quickly. He slashes at the first owlbear with his shortsword and strikes true, as the beast collapses. The second owlbear looks quickly at its fallen mate but cannot react before Fodinis second swing slices its throat.
[The group 200 XP each]
“These creatures appear to have been a mating pair.” Theophania breaks the silence of the frightening, unexpected encounter. “If that is the case, their den may be nearby. Orphaned cubs would be a shame. Enacelle, will you join me in a quick search?” Enacelle nods and the two move off into the woods following a trail.
[Theophania makes a survival check, aided by Enacelle] Rolls a 15
Following the path of broken bushes and branches as well as the easily spotted tracks in the grass and dirt, Theophania finds a large cave a quarter of an hour from where the attack occurred. Enacelle, being smaller and more agile, quickly crawls inside and searches the cave.
[Enacelle makes an investigation check] Rolls 14
Among the bones of many victims and the rags of their clothes, she finds copper, silver, and gold pieces, nearly 50 lbs worth, along with 9 gemstones.
[Enacelle receives 26 gps, 40 ep, 53 sp, large golden brown tiger eye (75 GP), cloudy striated green malachite (3 GP), pale blue lapis lazuli (25 GP), striated green malachite (60 GP), cracked blue zircon (50 GP), radiant brown jasper (250 GP), flawed banded black onyx (70 GP), muddy gray-black hematite (50 GP) and deep red coral (700 GP)]
She places them in her backpack. She then carefully pulls out as many of the bones as she can and begins piling them up. Theophania understands the exercise and assists her in organizing them as best they can. After about an hour, the cave is empty and they have the partial skeletons of at least 6 creatures.
[Enacelle and Theophania both make medicine checks] Roll 25 (nat) and 15.
The skulls of all 6 are easily identifiable. After carefully studying the bones and taking the time to assemble them, they recognize that these are three humans, one kobold, one elf, and a tabaxi. They dig six equally deep and spaced graves and place the bones in them along with fresh flowers, some herbs, and a few shiny stones. After burying them, Enacelle produces flames and burns the den of the owlbear with herbs and flowers to cleanse it. Satisfied that there are no baby owlbears alone and starving, they return to the party.
While Enacelle and Theophania are away, the rest of the party examines the owlbears.
[Malege makes a nature check] Rolls 12.
“If I’m not mistaken, the feathers of owlbears are quite useful and I am pretty confident I can harvest them” Malege begins plucking the most pristine feathers.
[Malege harvests 52 and 43 owlbear feathers in excellent condition]
“I think the claws and liver are also quite valuable but I lack the skill to properly harvest the livers and the claws look very damaged.” He frowns and moves back to the fire.
Kace moves over next to Malege, slightly salivating. “What about the meat? Can we eat it?”
Fodinis walks over from behind the wagon wearing nothing but a very tiny loin cloth and carrying his two steely daggers that gleam in the fire light. “Yes, yes we can.”
[Fodinis makes a Survival check] Rolls a 19
He begins skinning the owlbear and removing slabs of meat, obtaining 60 lbs of high quality owlbear steaks.
Kace, Malege, Umgurn, and Piece quickly discuss the obvious problem of the amount of meat that Fodinis is likely to produce and decide to construct a larger oven to cook the meat. They gather stones, rocks, wood, and leaves.
[Malege makes a smith’s tools check] Rolls 25
Using some supplies from the wagon and the gathered materials, Malege constructs an oven that has two shelves and enough room for 20 large pieces of meat. The others began placing the meat, which Fodinis has sliced into 1 inch thick steaks for faster cooking, on the racks and, once full, Malege seals it and ignites the fire underneath. He spends most of the next hour blasting the chamber with firebolts to stoke the fire and rotating meat after it is cooked. Once done, they have about 40 pounds of cooked owlbear meat which Malege wraps in oilcloth and places inside his bag of holding. Malege then adds the rest of the meat to the chamber, seals it, and stuffs the bottom with leaves. After igniting it, it begins to smoke.
“This will cure the rest of the meat and it will keep for longer. If we had a nice full day of sun, we could make some jerky, I suppose. But I don’t think we should linger too much beyond today, no?” He looks out into the dark woods fearfully.
Umgurn shakes his head. “No, I hope our journey doesn’t require more food than this but, of course, owlbear is certainly tastier than rations.” He smiles and moves over to the carcasses where Fodinis has finished up. He is drenched in blood. He smiles at Umgurn and nods.
“I think I need to find some water to clean up in.” Fodinis seems very pleased with the bloody drenching but knows it may be off putting for the rest.
“Yes.” Umgurn frowns, concerned that water may not be in enough quantity to clean this mess.
Enacelle and Theophania emerge from the woods at about the same time as Fodinis begins looking for water. They explain that there is a small stream 5 minutes walk along the path that has a dammed area from some beavers that should be deep enough to submerge himself. He thanks them and moves quickly to the water.
Enacelle and Theophania move to the carcasses of the owlbears.
[Theophania makes a survival check with advantage aided by Enacelle] Rolls 27 (nat 20)
Working quickly, Theophania and Enacelle remove the hide of the owlbears and lay them out flat on the ground. Enacelle begins digging a large hole, assisted by Kace and Piece, and buries the remainder of the carcasses with some herbs, flowers, and several shiny stones. Theophania gathers long grass, sand, and uses some salt from her chest to cover the pelts in a layer of sand and salt and then a layer of dry grass before she rolls them up.
“We will have to drape these over the top of the wagon tomorrow but they should dry quickly.”
The group eats their fill of rabbit, pheasant, and owlbear before retiring for the evening.
Near midnight, Fodinis returns to the camp to find almost everyone bedded down for the night and snoring loudly. Kace is on watch with Piece curled up around his feet. He is eating another owlbear steak with a huge smile and gleaming eyes.
“Thank you, brother, for this glorious meat. It has been a long time.” Fodinis nods down to the tabaxi.
“My feet were cold.” Kace seems to go a bit purple even in the darkness.
“Well, you’re most welcome for the meat, my friend.” Fodinis dries himself by the fire, redresses, and then bundles down for a long rest.
The following morning, the party rises early, has a quick breakfast mostly of leftover owlbear, packs up the wagons, and moves further along the road. Malege disassembles his oven and brings the usable parts with him in Theophania’s wagon. Enacelle spent several minutes gathering stones, flowers and herbs, as she always does, and added them to piles in the cart that are growing. After less than an hour of traveling, Umgurn slows the wagon and then halts without saying a word. Theophania also stops abruptly, causing Enacelle and Malege to jolt forward and look up surprised. Umgurn is staring ahead off to the right side of the road. The rest of the group stares as well, including Piece, Kace, and Fodinis who peer out of the wagon.
“There.” Umgurn points a finger. As their eyes adjust in the early morning light to the shadows and the grass, it becomes clear that there is a small cave-like opening or burrow eruption on the side of the road. It looks quite fresh as there are clods of dirt and large stones strewn ahead on the road and in the grass.
Fodinis leans next to Umgurn’s ear. “What could have done that?”
“Something I don’t want to run into THIS early in the day.” Enacelle makes a low guttural throaty noise which normally would be heard commonly in the forests of any land but, as the noise came from the cart, Umgurn turns to look which was Enacelle’s goal. She holds up one of the shiny stones in the cart. She points at a stone, makes a gesture to suggest magic, and makes a silent motion to throw. Umgurn nods.
[Enacelle casts Magic stone and makes a ranged attack] Rolls a 23
The magically charged stone flies through the air with razor-sharp accuracy and strikes the opening of the burrow, making a clinking and clacking sound as it bounces off other stones that fades as the stone bounces down the hole. The party watches silently for a response including Theophania who has her bow drawn already. After a minute, nothing happens. Umgurn lets out a long sigh and says, in his normal voice, “I guess it is nothing. But let’s be careful.”
As the horses neigh at the start of their walk and Theophania moves forward, bow still in hand, five giant spiders emerge from the forest's edge, fangs chittering and making screeching sounds of hunger.
[Everyone rolls for initiative]
[Giant Spider E moves 30 feet towards wagons onto the road, uses Web to attack Umgurn on the head of the wagon] Rolls 24 versus AC 18, Umgurn is restrained
The giant spider closest to the mouth of the eruption streaks towards the party on its eight bristled legs and makes it to within 15 feet of the horses before launching a web through the air at Umgurn which entangles him.
[Piece throws his spear at Giant Spider A then moves into melee with it] Rolls 26 (critical) for 10 damage
Piece gauges the spread of the spiders and thinks it best to protect the horses, their likely interest. They hurl their spear towards the closest spider north of the wagon, striking it in the back, then leaps from the cart and run up to it for melee.
[Fodinis hurls each of his daggers at Giant Spider A then moves into melee with it] Rolls a 26 for 7 damage and an 11 for a miss
Fodinis follows the same logic as Piece, hurling each of his vicious daggers towards the nearest northern spider, one of which strikes it in the head, and then charges it with his short swords drawn.
[Theophania casts Hunter’s Mark on Giant Spider E, then fires her bow] Rolls 20 for 7 damage plus 5 marked damage.
Seeing Umgurn restrained and his horses close to the oncoming spider, Theophania murmurs a few words and her notched arrow glows briefly red as a faint red glow encircles the spider's head. She launches an arrow, striking it directly in the face.
[Enacelle casts Magic Stone then hurls the stone at Giant Spider E, then moves into melee with Giant Spider B] Rolls a 7 (nat 1) for no damage.
Enacelle pulls a shiny stone from the pile in the wagon she’s been collecting, murmurs a few words over it while twirling her fingers, igniting it with a magical aura, and hurls it at the spider threatening the horses but misses. She leaps down from the cart and charges the second spider to the north with her scimitar drawn.
[Kace throws his spear at GIant Spider B, then leaps from the wagon to engage Giant Spider E in melee, and uses his bonus action for Daunting Roar] Rolls 26 for 11 damage, Spider rolls 20 versus DC14, and saves.
Kace pushes past the entangled Umgurn, hurling his spear as he does at the spider Enacelle is charging, striking it in the back. He lands on the ground in front of the horses and charges the spider that threatens them, roaring directly in its face to which the spider responds by chittering its fangs ominously.
[Giant Spider D moves into melee with Kace and attacks] Rolls a 20 for 10 damage, Rolls 9 CON saving throw versus DC 11, takes 3 poison damage.
The giant spider near the cave and closest to the party charges into melee with Kace, striking with a poisonous bite and sinking its fangs into his arm.
[Malege casts Create Bonfire and prepares to attack Giant Spider B with his shortbow] Giant Spiders D and E roll a 20 and a 17 Dex saving throw versus DC 14, no damage.
Malege stands up in the wagon, murmurs a few words with some hand movements, and produces a large bonfire right behind the two spiders in melee with Kace. He readies his shortbow.
[Umgurn fires hand crossbow at Giant Spider E, then casts Shield of Faith on Kace] Rolls 4 (dis, restrained), missing.
Umgurn, entangled in the spider’s web, launches a hand crossbow shot shakily at the beast but misses wide. He murmurs a few words while clutching his amulet and making a circle with a slash in the area, surrounding Kace in a gleaming magical shield of faith.
[Giant Spider C moves towards Enacelle and Giant Spider B, launches web at Enacelle] Rolls 21, Enacelle is restrained
The remaining spider by the cave charges towards Enacelle and launches a web at her, covering her in sticky threads.
[Giant Spider B attacks Enacelle with a bite] Rolls a 12 (adv, restrained) for a miss
The giant spider in front of Enacelle is excited that his prey has been incapacitated and moves in for a bite but Enacelle manages to wiggle away enough to avoid it.
[Giant Spider A attacks Piece with a bite] Rolls 19 for 7 damage, Piece makes a CON saving throw of 7 versus 11 and is poisoned with 11 more damage, falling unconscious.
The giant spider that Piece and Fodinis have engaged bites Piece in the thigh deeply and the poison seeps into his veins, knocking him unconscious.
[Giant Spider E attacks Kace with a bite and then moves away from bonfire but still in melee with Kace] Rolls a 14 versus 19, misses.
The large spider threatening the horses that Kace rushed to attack makes a vicious bite attack but misses Kace’s arm by more than a foot. It chitters as it moves away from the fire but is still in melee with Kace.
[Piece makes a death save] Rolls a 9, 1 failure, 0 successes.
Piece lies unconscious on the ground next to Fodinis.
[Fodinis attacks Giant Spider A with two short sword attacks] Rolls 13 for a miss and a 19 for a hit for 10 damage.
The giant spider that knocked Piece unconscious takes two swipes from Fodinis’ short swords, one of which slices through the spider's face and it falls.
[Theophania moves her hunter’s mark to Giant Spider B as a bonus action; Theophania attacks Giant Spider B with her long bow] Rolls 19 hit for 5 damage plus 4 damage from hunter’s mark.
Theophania sees Enacelle ensnared by the spider’s web and turns her hunter’s mark towards the threatening beast, striking it with a longbow shot.
[Enacelle swings at Giant Spider B with her scimitar and uses her hungry jaws as a bonus action, both with disadvantage as she is restrained] Rolls a 14 for a hit for 9 damage, and then a 10 for a miss, no damage.
Enacelle, slightly angered by the sticky web that restrains her, slashes at the looming spider, striking it across the side with her scimitar but missing with her lunging bite as the spider falls dead from the scimitar slash.
[Kace attacks Giant Spider E with spear, two-handed; uses second wind to regain hp] Rolls a 8 for a miss, rolls 3 for 5 total hp.
Kace’s spear returns to his hand and he grabs it with both and lunges towards the giant spider but misses. He takes a deep breath and regains some composure and health.
[Giant Spider D tries to bite Kace, then moves out of the range of the bonfire but still in melee with Kace] Rolls a 15 for a miss.
Seeing Kace thrust at the other spider engaged with him, the newly arrived spider makes another bite attempt but misses. It also scurries away from the bonfire but remains in melee with Kace.
[Malege casts Catapult launching a 5 lb stone on the side of the road at GIant Spider C] Spider Dex Save is 9 versus 14, fail, takes 13 damage.
Malege, still in the back of Theophania’s cart, sees the far spider moving towards the group and casts catapult on a large stone on the side of the road, sending it crashing into the spider’s face.
[Umgurn casts Toll the Dead on Giant Spider E] Giant Spider Wis Sav rolls 4, fail, takes 12 damage.
Umgurn, still restrained, murmurs a few words and manages to maneuver his hands, causing the sound of a loud tolling bell which casts necrotic energy at the injured spider engaged with Kace, crippling it with damage.
[Giant Spider C does not recharge his web, Giant Spider C moves into melee with Enacelle and makes a bite attack] Rolls 23 (adv) versus 19, hits for 6 damage, Enacelle fails WIS sav throw with a 3, for 14 damage, falls unconscious.
The furthest spider charges into melee with Enacelle and bites at the still restrained lizardfolk, sinking its teeth into her side and injecting poison, causing her to fall unconscious.
[Giant Spider E recharges its web; Giant Spider E attacks Kace with a bite] Rolls a 10 for a miss.
The giant spider now next to Kace who is struggling on his last legs takes another bite at Kace but misses.
[Piece makes a death save] Rolls a 17, saves (1 save, 1 fail)
[Fodinis moves into melee with Giant Spider C and attacks with two shortswords] Rolls 12 for a miss and 27 for a hit doing 11 damage.
Fodinis moves quickly to the next spider that just downed Enacelle and slashes twice with his shortswords, hacking off a leg.
[Theophania slashes at Giant Spider C with first shortsword, moves into melee with Giant Spider E, and slashes at Giant Spider E with second short sword swing] Rolls 24 for 8 damage, killing it, moves, rolls 21 for 7 damage, killing it.
Theophania is face to face with the giant spider next to Fodinis and slashes it with her shortsword, bringing it down. She moves to the spider fighting with Kace and slashes again, bringing it down as well.
[Enacelle makes a death saving throw] Rolls a 9, fails (1 fail, 0 saves).
[Kace attacks with an unarmed punch; takes an action surge to attack with spear, two-handed] Rolls 13 for a miss, rolls 26 for a hit for 6 damage.
Kace punches the last spider but misses. Frustrated, he grabs his spear in both hands and thrusts it into the spider's abdomen, sinking it deeply.
[Giant Spider D attacks Kace with a bite] Rolls 14, for a miss
With the spear sticking from his abdomen, the last spider tries to bite Kace’s arm but misses.
[Malege casts catapult at Giant Spider D] Spider Dex Sav rolls 4, fail, takes 13 damage.
Still in the back of Theophania’s cart, Malege targets another large stone on the side of the road which whizzes towards the last giant spider and explodes when it hits its abdomen.
[Umgurn casts Toll the Dead on Giant Spider D] Spider rolls 11 on Dex Sav versus 14, fails, takes 5 damage.
Umgurn repeats his tolling assault on the last spider with another tolling echo, crippling it though it’s still up.
[Fodinis moves to Giant Spider D and attacks with shortsword] Rolls 20, for 7 damage, killing it.
Fodinis sprints to the last spider and swings violently with his shortsword, decapitating the spider's head from its abdomen. All of the beasts have fallen.
[Umgurn uses Lay on hands for 5 hp each to Enacelle and Piece to remove poisoned condition]
[Piece and Enacelle each drink a potion of healing] Enacelle regains 5 hp and Piece regains 7 hp.
Malege and Theophania stabilize Enacelle and Piece. Theophania removes two potions of healing from Enacelles bag while Umgurn lays hands on each of them, healing them to consciousness. When they are both conscious, Kace pulls Piece into an embrace with small tears forming in his large cat eyes.
“We are alright, mitra.” Piece stands and looks around as does Enacelle.
[The party receives 150 xp each]
“This hole or cave or burrow is very concerning.” Umgurn walks toward it with Malege who has his shortsword drawn.
[Umgurn makes an investigation check aided by Malege (advantage)] Rolls a 19
He studies the area immediately around the hole and ventures down it a few feet. After a few moments he and Malege return to the group.
[Umgurn makes a survival check] Rolls 14
“I suspect that this hole was made by a kruthik, an adult, if I am not mistaken. These are hive creatures of the underdark that are known to burrow in Pathilius. But they do not venture to the surface. Based on these small tracks, I would guess it was an adult with several young kruthik. The smaller ones are likely what pulled the spiders to the road as easy prey.. But what made the kruthik burrow out here in the first place?” Umgurn continues to study the area.
While Umgurn is investigating, Fodinis collected the empty potion flasks from Piece and Enacelle and moved next to Theophania.
“Say, Theo, my dear lady, would you mind terribly collecting some spider venom for me?” Theophania looks at him slightly sidewise, frowns a bit, and takes the vials.
“What are you going to do with spider venom?” Theophania crosses her arms over her chest with a vial in each hand.
“You never know when it might come in handy. And Enacelle is an herbalist. Perhaps she can make some anti-venom in case we run into some more of these things.” Fodinis smiles broadly, nodding his head.
[Fodinis makes a Deception check versus Theophania’s Insight check] Rolls a 12 versus 20.
“I will collect the venom and give it to Enacelle.” She moves over to each spider.
[Theophania makes a Nature check aided by Enacelle] Rolls 5 successes (16, 21, 19, 15, 17), no failures at DC 15,
Theophania sets to work milking the venom from the 5 spiders as well as collecting silk from their spinnerets. She hands Enacelle the two flasks which each hold the equivalent of 7 vials of spider venom as well as 10 lbs of spider silk.
“Excellent.” Fodinis recovers his steely daggers from the corpse of one spider. “I’m going to harvest some spider meat. As you may or may not know, it’s quite a delicacy in some cultures.”
[Fodinis makes 5 Natures checks to harvest meat DC10] Rolls (14, 12, 11, 4, 7) 3 successes and 2 failures.
Fodinis sets to work butchering the spiders which have been fairly heavily damaged. After working for a while he has a pile of 36 pieces of spider meat weighing 144 pounds. The group look on with a bit of disdain but Fodinis simply smiles, slices each piece of meat into thin cuts, and packs it in salt and oil cloth from the wagon. When he’s done, he adds it to his bag.
Kace, having heard Umgurn’s pronouncement about the burrow, set off into the woods with Piece. Umgurn looks quite distraught and both Enacelle and Theophania consider going after them. Fodinis looks up from his work.
“Let those two go alone. I think it will be good for them.”
[Kace and Piece make Survival checks] Rolls an 8 and a 21 respectively.
Kace can barely focus on the path ahead as he keeps looking at Piece with concern and fear over the tabaxi’s recent brush with death. He doesn’t seem to see much other than the tracks of the spiders near the road. Piece notes a trail through the forest that was clearly taken by the spiders. They point quietly and begin walking.
[Kace and Piece make Stealth checks] Rolls an 11 and a 19 respectively.
They begin moving through the forest following the trail that Piece has identified easily, though Piece moves quietly, barely disturbing the bushes and trees around him. Kace moves a bit more slowly and occasionally causes a bush to rustle but maintains the quiet, his attention focused on Piece. After about 15 minutes, they enter a small grove with large amounts of spider silk strewn from trees and across the ground. The canopy of the trees is almost completely covered in spider silk, blocking out the rays of Isvara easily. Piece points towards the middle of the clearing where the silk is thickest. They move closer and peer inside a large burrowed bowl of dirt.
[Kace and Piece make Investigation checks(advantage, time)] Rolls a 15 and 14 respectively.
Although nothing obvious stands out, both spend 10 minutes or so rooting around the nest and find some items that must have belong to previous victims including 45 gp, 206 sp, 234 cp, a gold locket, a silver ring, a dagger with hematite, malachite, and moss agate stones inlaid in the blade, hilt, and knob, a short sword, some horse tackle, and a holy symbol.
[Piece acquires 45 gp, 206 sp, 234 cp, a gold locket, a silver ring, a dagger with hematite, malachite, and moss agate stones inlaid in the blade, hilt, and knob, a short sword, some horse tackle, and a holy symbol]
There are a few bones here and there but nothing identifiable. They gather the items and begin to leave the nest. From a nearby tree covered in spider silk, a few small spiders, the size of rats, begin emerging slowly and moving off into various parts of the forest. The tree they emerged from has a very large hole from which they were crawling which is now empty.
[Kace and Piece make Investigation checks and Perception checks] Roll a 19 & 1 and a 20 and 6 (nat 1).
Inside the hollow tree, in addition to a few small spiders, Kace and Piece see the hilt of a sword barely visible a foot or so down into the hollow. Kace looks at Piece and they both smile. Kace reaches down in the hole and grabs the hilt.
[Kace makes a Strength check and a Stealth check (disadvantage)] Rolls a 19 and a 15.
With a silent but forceful tug, Kace pulls the sword from the tree hollow. It is a longsword and, despite being immersed in spider filth within a tree, is gleaming and sparkling as if it were made yesterday.
[Kace and Piece make Arcana checks] Roll a 4 and a 3 respectively.
Although neither of them can tell if this sword might be magical or even valuable, they decide it's best to take it with them. As they turn to leave the clearing, a few larger spiders have emerged from the woods, two of which are dragging some sort of creature that they’ve wrapped in silk, towards the burrow.
[Kace and Piece make Nature checks] Rolls a 12 and a 4 respectively.
Although Piece can see nothing, Kace gets the impression that the beast in the web is a sort of reptile, but not a normal one. They look at each other soundlessly and move quickly back towards the road as quietly as possible.
Back at the roadside scene, Kace and Piece report what they have found and show the sword to the group along with the gold locket, silver ring, dagger, short sword, horse tackle, and holy symbol.
[Malege makes an Arcana check] Rolls 18
“Hmmm…. the locket, ring, dagger, shortsword, tackle and holy symbol do not appear to be magical although they are nice pieces. But, THIS sword! What a find! This is certainly a magical longsword of some type and I’d venture to guess it can do some real damage. I’d have to spend some more time with it to know for sure.” Malege takes the sword in hand, intending to begin his identity ritual.
Umgurn holds up both hands. “No time for that now. We had barely been traveling an hour when these creatures attacked… and in daylight! Fodinis, if you are finished with those carcasses, let’s pack them into this hole and have Malege torch it. The stench of the spider bodies should drive back any underdark creatures. Then we can fill it with stones.” The group spends another half an hour completing this task and, when done, the burrow is now just a pile of stones with tendrils of smoke occasionally floating up from it. It is now mid-morning.
“Let’s get going. We need to make the watchtowers of Pathilia before nightfall. I don’t care to have any additional… issues today.” Umgurn’s face is one of deep concern and he watches the woods constantly as they set off.
With everything packed back in the wagons, Enacelle lays down in Theohania’s cart for a short rest and Piece lays down in the wagon for a short rest. Malege casts his identity ritual on the longsword found by Kace to determine its properties entirely, sitting next to a sleeping Enacelle.
[Piece rolls two hit dice and regains Ki] Hp now at maximum
[Enacelle rolls two hit dice] HP now at 16 of 20.
[Kace drinks a potion of healing from Enacelle] HP now at maximum
[Malege casts identify on the sword]
After completing his short rest studying the sword and casting identify, Malege hands the sword to Kace.
“My friend, this is Dancing Longsword. The word it answers to is, ‘ballar’. My understanding is that you will need to attune to this sword, should you choose to, and then it will answer to the word and attack creatures for you at a distance. Since you are an unarmed fighting master, having a weapon, sort of like your spear, that you can use in battle while keeping your hands free might be a real advantage. You could also try to sell it. However, I have to tell you… this is a very rare item. I would imagine it is a known sword in this kingdom and, should you advertise that you want to sell it, someone may come looking to claim it. Perhaps a relation of the one killed by the spiders.” Kace admires the sword, asks Malege what he has to do to attune to it, and then begins a short rest himself to complete the attunement process.
[Kace attunes to a Dancing Longsword]
The first watch towers of Pathilia come into view about an hour before the setting of Isvara on day 3 of the journey. The clash with the spiders has left the group shaken by the fight as well as disturbed by the subsequent discovery. Umgurn and Kace discussed the spider’s nest and the reptilian creature Kace thinks he saw which leads Umgurn to believe the spiders were hunting the fresh meat of the kruthik. Everyone was recovering physically but the near death experience had put a new lens on their lives. As the wagon and Theophania’s cart passes the first tower, a guard waves from the closest one and then crosses his arms across his chest.
Umgurn returns the gesture. “It is a local custom. It means, ‘We are all loved.’”
“Owlbears, Giant Spiders, and Kruthik excluded??” Malege makes the same gesture awkwardly.
“Well… exactly.” Umgurn sighs looking at Piece and Enacelle. He must apologize to them at some point before the day ends.
Only a few minutes from the watchtowers, an inn appears along with several stalls selling food. The wagon is on the crest of a hill and, to the west, all they can see are farms in every direction. Fodinis grabs Malege's shoulder, smiles, and pulls him over to the stalls while Umgurn navigates the group to the inn.
“There is this inn here and then another tomorrow. We should sleep more soundly this evening.” Umgurn pulls the horses up in front of the Watchtower Inn.
Fodinis greets the three people selling food and smiles.
“My friend here and I have a load of owlbear steaks and giant spider steaks. Would you be interested?”
“Owlbear? How much do you have?” A confident little dwarf walks from behind his cart. The other two vendors also look on with interest.
“Thirty-five pounds roasted and 20 pounds smoked,” Malege announces proudly.
[Malege makes a Persuasion check versus the vendors] Rolls 20 versus 7, 18, and 20.
“100 gps for the lot, young firebrand.” The dwarf walks close to the genasi, watching his hair of fire dance with excitement. Malege looks at Fodinis who smiles and nods in return.
“Deal!” Malege begins extracting the meat from his bag.
“And the spider meat?” Fodinis looks at them nodding to suggest they should want it. The dwarf shies away from the question but a tiefling woman wearing a long purple cotton dress cut low across her chest walks up.
[Fodinis makes a Persuasion check versus the Tiefling] Rolls 22 (nat 20) vs 16.
“Yes, I want the spider meat but only if it is fresh today and salted?” She sneers.
“Of course, my lady. Thirty-six pieces, about 140 lbs.” Fodinis smiles and bows.
“Excellent. 100 gp for that, yes?” She nods, folding her arms across her chest indicating there is no room for negotiation.
“Yes, ma’am.” Fodinis also begins removing the meat from his bag. The tiefling begins tapping her temple and whispering. Fodinis and Malege rejoin the party who move into the inn for the night.
[Malege and Fodinis each gain 100 gp, they sell all of their meat]
[Enacelle adds Giant Spider to her wild shape potential]