Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E9: The Hall of Narvandor

July 29, 2024 Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 9
S1:E9: The Hall of Narvandor
Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience
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Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience
S1:E9: The Hall of Narvandor
Jul 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Dan Milner

Having discovered the source of the tunneling, the party now faces the challenge of what to do about it and how... 

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Show Notes Transcript

Having discovered the source of the tunneling, the party now faces the challenge of what to do about it and how... 

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Episode 9: The Hall of Narvandor…

The party begins the journey back to the previous tunnel bifurcation which is about an hour’s journey. Their intentions are to follow the ancient tunnel to Hall. They are moving at a slow, cautious pace, fearing the explosion may attract attention. After about half an hour, they pause, do a group check, drink some water, and begin moving again. 

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) makes Stealth checks] Roll 24, 8, 12, 21, 9, 8, 17

Fodinis, Malege, and Piece have no issues with the rough terrain and remain quiet moving through the tunnel. The tunnel floor still proves a challenge for Enacelle, Kace, Umgurn, and Theophania who catch their feet in the ruts and slip on loose stones, their weapons clanging and dinging off of stones and armor. 

[The party make (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) makes Perception checks] Roll 14, 24, 13, 20, 13, 21, 6

Piece is distracted by their colleagues slipping and tripping, watching to see if they can help them. Fodinis lends a hand here and there to Kace and Umgurn trying to reduce their struggle with moving through the tunnel. Despite struggling with the tunnel's rough terrain, Enacelle and Theophania hear a distinctly odd clicking sound that they’ve not heard before and pause. Malege moves into the light of their lanterns and points up. Malege points a finger at Umgurn.

[Malege casts Message]

“There is something above us!” Umgurn hears the message in his head. He grabs Kace and Fodinis arms and looks up. Piece notices the party all suddenly looking up and turns their attention up as well. Where the tunnel was cut by the cone of the device in consistent strokes, a fifteen foot diameter hole appears. Whether the hole was there before when they passed, no one is sure because they were concentrating on the ground and the tunnel ahead. As everyone stares up, the clicking grows louder and two large forms drop from the ceiling.

[Everyone rolls for initiative]

[Piece spends 1 Ki point to make three unarmed attacks (cat’s claws) (furry of blows) at Hook Horror B] Rolls 19, 21, 19 for 19 total damage.

The large creatures fell between the party, separating them. Piece is immediately face to face with one of the beasts and makes three aggressive ki-enhanced slashes with their claws, cutting deep into its chest and causing it to howl.

[Umgurn casts Searing Smite, then makes a scimitar attack at Hook Horror B] Rolls 15 versus AC15 for a hit for 8 slashing damage and 5 fire damage.

The creature facing Piece has its back to Umgurn who murmurs a few words causing his scimitar to ignite with fire. He makes a slashing attack across the creatures back for a solid strike which ignites with flame.

[Kace activates the Dancing Longsword, attacking Hook Horror B, then makes a spear attack] Rolls 10 and 20 for a miss and then a hit for 11 damage.

Kace tosses his longsword into the air and it floats swiftly over to pause between the two creatures and then slashes at the one between Piece and Umgurn which bounces off the creature's chitinous arm. Kace stabs at the beast with his spear, piercing it in the back.

[Hook Horror B rolls Con saving throw, attacks Piece with two hook attacks] Rolls 18 Con save; rolls 11 and 19 versus AC18 for a miss and a hit for 14 damage

The damaged and flaming beast facing Piece shakes its head and swings its arms, extinguishing the flames from Umgurn’s strike. It then swings its massive hooked arms towards Piece, one deflected by their spear but the second sinking deep into their thigh.

[Theophania casts Hunter’s Mark on Hook Horror A, makes two shortsword attacks] Rolls 9 and 11 

Theophania murmurs a few words and a red ring appears over the head of the uninjured beast who Theophania charges and makes two shortsword attacks, both of which bounce off the creature’s hooks with a clang.

[Fodinis moves into melee with Hook Horror A, attacks with two shortsword (surprise attack, sneak attack, assassinate)] Rolls 17 vs AC15 for a critical hit for 41 damage and 18 for 6 damage.

Fodinis seizes on the second creature’s lack of action and rushes to attack it with two shortsword slashes, the first of which hacks deep into the creature’s back, striking its spine. The second swing makes a lighter cut in the opposite direction.

[Enacelle casts Healing Word on Piece, attacks Hook Horror A with scimitar] Rolls 5 hp, Rolls 24 versus AC15 for a hit for 10 damage.

Enacelle sees the vicious attack on Piece and casts a healing spell on them. She then strikes the creature in front of her with her scimitar, slashing it across the belly.

[Malege casts Catapult, then moves into melee with Hook Horror A] Hook Horror A rolls 15 Dex Save versus DC14, saving.

Malege points at a large stone on the ground and it hurls towards the beast who raises up its hooks, allowing the stone to pass by without striking it. Malege runs into melee with it and prepares to attack.

[Hook Horror A attacks Enacelle with two hook attacks] Rolls 13 and 19 versus AC19 for one hit for 11 damage.

The creature, enraged by the slash from Enacelle’s scimitar, brings its hooks down, striking Enacelle’s shield and her arm.

[Piece spends 1 Ki point to make three unarmed attacks (cat’s claws) (furry of blows) at Hook Horror B] Rolls 19, 8, and 13  for 9 total damage.

Piece, still face to face with the injured beast, makes three aggressive ki-enhanced slashes with their claws, cutting deep into its chest again with the first but, aching from the last hook attack, misses with the latter two.

[Umgurn casts Searing Smite, attacks Hook Horror B with scimitar] Rolls 24 versus AC15 for a hit for 6 slashing damage and 4 fire damage.

The flames from his last strike gone, Umgurn reignites his blade with another murmur and brings the scimitar blade down on the creatures back, igniting it again.

[Kace attacks Hook Horror B with Dancing Longsword and then with spear] Rolls 7 for a miss and 21 for a hit for 10 damage.

Kace commands his longsword dancing between the two creatures to slash again at the one closest to him but the creature spins towards it and deflects it with its beak. Kace lunges with his spear with two hands, driving it into the beast's now visible chest.

[Hook Horror B makes a Con save then turns to Kace and makes two hook attacks] Rolls 18, saves; Rolls 20 and 24 for 21 total damage.

The creature responds to the chest stab by swiping with both hooks at Kace which catch him in his ribs on each side deeply.

[Theophania attacks Hook Horror A (Hunter’s Mark) with two shortsword attacks] Rolls 10 and 24 for one hit for 7 damage.

Theophania strikes again at her marked target with two cuts of her shortswords, landing one deeply in its chest.

[Fodinis attacks Hook Horror A with shortsword (sneak attack); attacks Hook Horror B with shortsword] Rolls 24 for a hit for 16 damage, killing it; rolls 11 for a miss

Still flanking the beast, Fodinis swings his shortsword at its neck, slicing halfway through its neck. It falls to the tunnel floor. He pivots a few paces and brings his second shortsword attack down on the other creature’s arm, but it deflects the blade.

[Enacelle casts Produce Flame, attacks Hook Horror B; moves into melee with it] Rolls 20 for 5 damage.

With the beast in front of her down, Enacelle produces a ball of flame in her hand and hurls it at the other beast, striking it in the face. She then runs over to be in melee with the creature.

[Malege casts firebolt at Hook Horror B, moves into melee with it] Rolls 7 for a miss.

Malege launches a firebolt at the remaining creature which bounces off its arm and explodes harmlessly in the air. He rushes over into melee with the beast.

[Piece makes a two-handed spear attack against Hook Horror B] Rolls 23 versus AC15 for 10 damage, killing it.

Piece grabs their spear firmly in both hands and charges the creature, impaling it through the neck and driving the spear out of the top of its skull.

[Each party member receives 250 XP]

[Umgurn uses Lay on Hands for 15 hp for Kace]

[Kace drinks a potion of health for 10 hps of healing]

[Enacelle drinks a potion of healing and gives one to Piece]

Umgurn quickly moves to Kace after the battle ends and places his hands on the two large wounds in his sides, healing him. Kace pulls out a potion of healing and drinks it., bringing him to full health. Enacelle drinks a potion of healing, almost to full health. She gives Piece a potion as well, healing them to full health.

[Enacelle makes a Nature check assisted by Theophania] Rolls 10 (10)

“Theophania, the shell of these creatures, which I believe are hook horrors, is highly valued by armorers. I believe we can easily remove them. However, the hooks appear to be destroyed beyond value from our repeated blows.” Theophania nods and the two begin carefully removing the shell. The stink of the dead creatures is hideous. Umgurn watches and nods. Malege still stares up at the hole from which the beasts dropped, confused by the limit of his darkvision to see much. Malege grabs Kace’s arm and tugs.

“Kace. I can’t see anything in that hole. No details. Can you? Can you guys throw me up to that hole? I want to check it out.” Kace looks at Malege with concern and shakes his head.

“We don’t know what’s up there?” He looks displeased at Malege’s ill-advised courage. Malege, saying nothing, moves directly under the hole and begins tossing small balls of flame into the air, well into the hole. He does it so quickly, that he manages to keep a ball of flame roughly in the space as one rises and another falls. The space becomes illuminated and, as was evident by their darkvision, the space seems to be just a small cavity, no more than 10 feet high from the opening of the hole. Malege stops the flames and looks back at Kace.

“The four of you, Piece, Umgurn, Kace, and Fodinis, can make a basket with your hands and toss me up. I’ll take a quick look and jump back down. I am concerned this could be another tunnel and we may need to collapse it.” He looks demandingly at the party.

[Malege makes a Persuasion check versus party’s Insight check] Rolls  4 versus 12

“I’m afraid it’s just too dangerous, Malege.” Umgurn folds his arms across his chest. Theophania frowns and steps forward.

“Umgurn, what if I boost Malege up just as high as I can so he can take a look.” Umgurn looks at Theophania’s long body and legs and estimates that it would be at least 15 feet. He nods.

“Yes, I think if you can simply raise him to the level of the hole and let him look in he should be able to assess the space.” Malege smiles and climbs onto Theophania’s back. She places her hands on her shoulders and he steps into them, carefully balancing, assisted by Enacelle who has her quarterstaff held up as a point for balance. When Malege is set, Theophania rises up on her back legs as high as she can and pushes Malege into the air.

[Theophania makes a Athletics check; Malege makes an Acrobatics and a Perception check] Roll 17, 7, 16

Theophania’s powerful push up sends Malege almost a full head into the hole and he can quickly see that the hold opens into a medium sized cave with smooth walls and a small hole leading out of its southern wall. There is what appears to be a collection of sticks and rags piled in one corner and the shiny surface of what could be an egg. As Malege attempts to spin his head and body enough to see everything, however, he loses his balance and begins falling forward.

[Malege makes a Dexterity Saving Throw] Rolls 4

Though his hands are outstretched, he fails to grab the side of the hole and begins to fall forward out of Theophania’s hands.

[Fodinis, Umgurn, Piece, and Kace make a group Dexterity check] Roll 15

Fodinis, Umgurn, Piece, and Kace, who anticipated something bad might happen with this idea, quickly form a basket with their arms and Malege lands in the middle, unharmed.  Unphased by this near catastrophe, Malege hops down and smiles, still looking up.

“Okay! It’s a cave with a small tunnel exit. But, there is also a nest! And there were eggs!  We have to check it out!”

[Malege makes a Persuasion check versus Party Insight] Rolls 8 versus 16

“No, I think that’s been quite enough adventure for you for today.” Theophania, now back down to the ground, has a look of concern on her face as if the last stunt was dangerous enough and partly her own fault. 

“Eggs?” Enacelle pipes up and looks at the hold. “Umgurn, you know these creatures best. What will happen to the eggs if the parents are dead?” Enacelle looks at the corpses and sighs.

“They will likely not hatch and die. Or some other predator will eat them.” He looks sternly at the hole but seems unconvinced that his opinion is the best outcome. Malege smiles and begins pulling his rope from his bag. 

Kace and Fodinis drop their heads, realizing Umgurn’s good hearted nature and Enacelle’s concern for all creatures have convinced them to check out the cave. A few minutes later, Malege has a rope tied around his waist which Theophania holds loosely in her hands. Enacelle finishes securing the hook horror shells to Theophania’s back, making her look like a very large snail.  Fodinis, Umgurn, Kace, and Piece have remade the basket and are squatting on their knees. Malege climbs in.

[Fodinis, Umgurn, Piece, and Kace make a group Strength check; Malege makes an Acrobatics check] Roll 4 (nat 1) and 20. 

The four bolt up quickly and force their arms up but their timing is off and Malege goes flying off to the side of the tunnel. Theophania snatches the rope and Malege performs a mid-air backflip and lands on her back safely.

“Let’s try that again, okay?”

[Fodinis, Umgurn, Piece, and Kace make a group Strength check; Malege makes an Acrobatics check] Roll 18 and 19.

The four repeat their upward bolt and arm lift, this time with almost perfect timing, and send Malege through the hole very near the edge of it. When he reaches the apex of his ascent, he leans forward and catches the edge of the hole with his upper body and then pulls himself up. He surveys the cavern again and can clearly see stalactites and stalagmites scattered around. 

[Malege makes a Dexterity check with Advantage] Rolls 19 (5).

He ties the rope to one of them tightly and ties the loose end to another for security. As he further searches, he can hear several others climbing to join.

[Malege makes an Investigation check and a Perception check] Rolls 22 and 11.

Malege sees now that there is a large nest here made of sticks, bones, cloth, moss, mud, and other material, most of which would not be found in this cave which appears to be a natural formation. Within the nest itself, there are bones within rusted chain mail and rusted splint armor along with a rotted leather bag. In the middle of the nest are three shiny black eggs the size of giant ground fruits. Inside the bag and scattered among the bodies and debris, he finds 173 cp, 1300 sp, 52 gp, 1 star rose quartz, 1 zircon, 1 bloodstone, 1 chalcedony. A few weapons, all of which are broken or shattered, are littered through the debris. Enacelle and Umgurn have joined him and look at the bodies as well. 

[Enacelle, Umgurn, and Malege make Medicine checks] Roll 16, 4, and 16. 

Umgurn seems disgusted by the nest and stands to look elsewhere. Enacelle begins removing the bones and placing them to the side very carefully. Malege joins her in this activity. After a few moments, they have reconstructed at least 5 humanoids ranging from very old to killed within the last week. Enacelle is confident that two of them are drow, one is a goblin, and the other two are possibly human.

[Enacelle makes an Investigation check] Rolls 18

“The ground of this cave is solid stone. I cannot give them a proper burial here.”

“Not to worry, Enacelle. We need to collapse this cave anyway to seal off the tunnel.” Malege begins pulling sticks of dynamite from his bag. Umgurn surveys the entire perimeter of the cave and looks out of the small exit which is barely big enough for a humanoid to fit through.

[Umgurn makes an Intelligence Check] Rolls 3

He scratches his head and looks back at the nest and back to the hole. Something is odd but he can’t piece it together. He looks out the exit and sees that it is a small tunnel leading north and upward slightly. He returns to Malege and Enacelle. Enacelle has placed cave moss, underdark mushrooms, and shiny stones on each of the assembled bodies and covered them with loose debris from the nest. The hook horror eggs are no longer in the nest.

[Umgurn makes a Perception check] Rolls 10. 

Umgurn looks for Malege who appears and smiles.

“I have one stick in the entrance over there. That will collapse it. I will have three sticks in the ceiling here. That should collapse the rest of it. We will have to ignite the entry way from here and then I can ignite the other from below.” Malege moves towards the main hole in the floor.

“Is that safe?” Enacelle looks up from the corpses now in repose.

“Of course!” 

[Malege makes a Deception check versus Enacelle and Fodinis Insight] Rolls 16 versus 18

“Malege, I don’t think it's safe and you know it.” Umgurn shakes his head. Enacelle frowns.

“Okay, okay. It is risky but this is the safest way to do it. Okay?” Malege motions for them to exit down the rope. Umgurn and Enacelle quickly repel down the rope to the bottom. Malege moves to the edge of the hole with the rope in one hand and his feet pressed against the edge, his whole body leaning over the hole. He throws a ball of flame at the entrance.

[Malege makes a ranged attack] Rolls 16

The ball of flame lands very close to the fuse on some of the dry sticks and moss that Malege took from the nest. The little pyre ignites and within a second, the fuse bursts into sparks.  He immediately repels down the rope and lands on the ground. As quickly as he can, he begins throwing additional balls of flame over the lip of the hole into the nest where his fuses run. 

[Malege makes a ranged attack] Rolls 19

The little balls of flame vanish out of sight and after a few seconds the cave illuminates. 

“Okay! Run!” The party looks at Malege with horror and begins sprinting out of the tunnel away from the device. After a few seconds, a first loud bang is heard overhead followed by a second closer bang and  burst of bright fiery light from the ceiling hole. A slow rumble starts and stones and rocks begin to fall through the hole. After moments, the entire tunnel ceiling gives way and collapses into a solid pile of stones. As the dust clears, the party sees that the explosion has collapsed about 20 feet of the tunnel centered on the hole and no more upper exits are visible.

“We need to have a serious conversation about your communication skills, Malege.” Fodinis dusts dirt and debris from his clothes and stares rather angrily. Malege smiles and looks at the rest of the party who all have Fodinis’ same look. Malege frowns and joins the group as they walk further along the tunnel.

After another half hour, they find themselves at the bifurcation which leads, per Kace and Umgurn’s estimation, to the Hall of Narvandor. Malege removes the dynamite he had placed previously and travels back down the tunnel towards the device for one hundred feet and places the charges there. He moves back to the group and launches firebolts until the fuse ignites. After a few seconds, a loud explosion shatters the silence and the tunnel collapses for 50 feet on either side of the blast. Umgurn smiles and sighs.

“Alright, let’s make our way to Narvandor.” 

“Usstan xun naut talinth ji.” [I do not think so] A sleek sly voice emanates from the darkness. Umgurn turns towards the tunnel to the Hall of Narvandor and sees three drow standing silently on the path, each holding a shortsword raised in one hand and having a hand crossbow pointed in the party’s direction. 

[Enacelle makes a Stealth check versus group Perception, Wildshapes to spider, moves 15 feet behind Drow] Rolls 22 versus group Perception 17

Hidden by the edge of the tunnel which the party has not yet passed out of and into the main tunnel, Enacelle vanishes out of sight, shrinking quickly to a small spider and vanishing over some rocks. No one notices.

“Vendui Dalharen d'l'Drathir. Udos doer wun Gre'as'anto. Udos lac seil wun l'yath.” [Hello Children of the Moon. We come in Peace. We seek solace in the temple] Umgurn speaks in Undercommon to the drow which none of the rest of the party can follow. Malege moves slightly and Fodinis puts a hand to his shoulder tightly.

“Ele zhal'la udos ori'gato dos k'lararl, vlos og'elend?” [Why should we let you pass, blood traitor?] The drow who speaks steps forward a few steps to within a few feet of Umgurn. Kace and Piece flex their claws while holding their spears, glinting in the light of Theophania’s  lantern.

“Ussta zhahn zhal'la naut jivviim nindolen lodias.  Nind lac seil wun lil' yath.  Lil' Tullus de' Narvandor calls nind.” [My past  should not harm these people. They seek solace in the temple. The hall of Narvandor calls them]  Umgurn steps forward as well, now so close to the drow that the handbow is over his left shoulder and the shortsword is at his neck. Theophania, who was taking up the rear of the party, looks nervously at the group and notices that Enacelle is missing. She looks quickly around without moving her head. 

[Enacelle moves to an alcove in the tunnel 20 feet from the party, dismisses Wildshape, casts Moonbeam, centered on the three Drow] Drow make Con Saving throws 9, 19, 17 versus DC14 (1 fail, 2 saves), Rolls 14 damage (7 on a save).

A bright beam of moonlight splits the darkness and shrouds the three drow in phosphorescent light. The leader standing closest to Umgurn collapses instantly to the floor and the other two attempt to step back out of the light but suffer nonetheless. 

[Umgurn moves around the Moonbeam and makes two scimitar attacks] Rolls 17 and 16, both hit for 12 damage

Umgurn, without a sound, moves around the beam of light and slashes one of the drow belly with his scimitar then brings the back end up into its chest. The drow falls flat into the beam of moonlight. The remaining drow drops its shortsword and falls to its knees with its hands raised. 

“Dos orn Ssin'kyorlin udossa ulu l'Tullus d'Narvandor. Udos orn naut jivviim dos.” [You will Escort us to the Hall of Narvandor. We will not harm you]  Umgurn removes the drow’s hand crossbow and searches it quickly for other weapons, removing a dagger and a leather pouch along with its chain shirt. He binds the drow’s hands behind him and places the blade of his scimitar in the drow’s back. 

“Walk!” Umgurn returns to common and pushes the drow forward. Malege snatches up the disarmed drow’s things. Fodinis, Kace, and Piece had already removed the similar items from the other two. 

[Malege receives a chain shirt, shortsword, hand crossbow, 5 crossbow bolts, crossbow bolt case, 13 sp, silver ring, and a dagger]

[Fodinis receives a shortsword, 5 crossbow bolts, and 16 sp]

[Piece receives a shortsword, a hand crossbow, a chain shirt, and 4 gp]

[Enacelle makes a Medicine check] Rolls 18.

Enacelle checks the two drow on the ground and finds them to be unconscious but still alive. She binds their hands with help from Theophania and gives them each ½ of a healing potion. They awaken, stripped of their belongings and gagged. They are pulled to their feet and Kace and Fodinis guide them behind Umgurn towards the Hall.

The drow drag their feet and attempt to be difficult but the blades in their backs keep them moving forward. After an hour of walking, a purplish light illuminates the tunnel ahead. As the party gets closer, the purple light turns into five large floor to ceiling glass windows mostly of a dark purple, almost black shade with images of the Dragon Moon in different states of illumination. At the base of the windows creatures of all shapes and sizes seem to sway in unison. The middle window does not go all the way to the floor as it begins at the top of an archway of dark black polished stone. Where the windows do not make up the wall of the temple, the wall alternates between polished black stone and whitish-gray stone in a jagged pattern. Sconces on either side of the archway glow bluish purple. As the party approaches, a female drow wearing a long white gown with long silvery hair steps out of the archway and stands patiently just outside the arch. A few feet from the door, Umgurn turns his drow captive away from the door and cuts its bonds and removes its mouth gag. He pushes it forward and says, “GO!”. Kace and Fodinis repeat this action and the three drow move close together, whisper, and then sprint back the way they came.

“Greetings, Children of the Moon. I bade you enter this sanctum. We are all at peace here. I am Ennelsia Thaneseeker. I preside over this temple. You are all welcome.” She turns towards the archway and points her hand inside, palm up. The party moves inside quickly.

 Ennelsia walks the party through a short hallway of gray tiles inset with dark black polished stone that opens into an enormous vaulted room. The point of the ceiling is at least 150 feet high and the walls leading from the arch form a circular room of at least 450 feet in diameter. Every 2500 feet or so, another arched doorway leads away from the main circular room, a total of 6 doors including the archway entrance. From this point, the archways all look very similar to the entrance.  The wall behind the entrance way has five thin panels of dark purple, almost black light, much more narrow than seen from outside. Similarly, the other 5 archways have five thin panels of light glowing red, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The floor of the Hall drops down in tiered levels, all of which have various tents, stalls, and canopies. Humanoid forms of various types can be seen on each platform. At least five of such platforms are arranged around the dropping floor. At the center of the room, at the base of the floor, an enormous red crystal shard extends from out of the floor at least 75 feet in the air, about halfway up the floor depression. Around the top platform, there are multiple staircases leading down to the lower tiers. Additional stairwells between all the other layers are also visible.  

“Here you will not need to eat or drink but your body will be nourished and you will have your thirst quenched. Your mind is already benefiting from the positive psychic energy that emanates from this place. You may choose to visit any of the platforms below or the mother crystal. The closer you are to any of them, the more rested, rejuvenated, and reinvigorated you will feel. If you are a master or mistress of the arcane, you will find your contact with it amplified. If you practice the mastery of ki, you will find your ki inexhaustible here. If you are aligned with the natural world, you will feel engulfed in it here. If you seek divine fervor for your guidance, you will be immersed within the glory of your passion. If you speak to your patron for guidance and power, you will be possessed by your patron here. All contact with the world is heightened and accelerated here. You are welcome to stay for as long as you like.” Ennelsia bows to the party and turns to walk away.

“Ennelsia, I seek the guidance of an elder. I also need to commune with drow. If there is an elder or drow here, could you please assist us?” Umgurn bows and Ennelsia bows in return with a nod.

[The party immediately benefits from a long rest; Inside the temple, casting spells or using any ability that has slots does not consume slots and any spells known can be cast without preparation]

An awkward looking gnome riding a small stark white donkey clops across the polished floor towards the party. He stops and smiles at the party. He wears bright blue robes, tied at the waist with a brown cord, and brown sandals. His head has approximately four hairs on top which stick straight up and out of a tarnished, possibly silver crown which sits on his ears. His skin is very pale and smooth but occasionally pocked by small blue limpets. As he hops down from the donkey, his robes flutter open and it's clear to the group he is ONLY wearing the robe. Enacelle and Theophania quickly look away. Umgurn, Piece, and Kace all drop their heads and look at their shoes. Fodinis and Piece both appear unphased by the flash of intimacy and smile. 

“Ello, dar. Eyes Peter. Eyes tings for sale. Eyes appy to buy tings.” He raises his hands with open palms and flexes his fingers, motioning them to come closer and trade. 

Theophania, with the help of Enacelle, removes the hook horror shells and places them on the floor in front of Peter. The party move their heads together for a few moments, whisper among themselves, and then separate and pull their packs off their backs. They begin removing various mundane or unneeded items from their bags and  lay them out before Peter, keeping items in their bags they want to keep or are unsure of. They place the blue dragon wyrmling skin, two blue dragon wyrmling wings, 5 sturdy spears, 5 heavy hide shields, 5 sets of leather armor, 16 daggers, 8 leather slings, two scimitars with animal bone handles, a longsword with steel blade and corded metal grip, carpenter’s Tools, woodcarver’s Tools, smith’s Tools (2 sets), tinker’s tools, 10 lbs of Dragon jerky, 5 lbs of cooked Dragon meat, three large shiny black eggs, 2 chain shirts, 3 shortsword, 2 hand crossbow. Peter looks over the items and smiles, a bit of spittle forming in the corner of his mouth. 

“Yes, yes! All very good, very good!” Peter removes a half inch in diameter green emerald from his pocket and holds it up to the light. It is clear and captures the lights of the room with glints and flashes.

“Eyes give you dis for all of dat except them eggs.”

[Enacelle makes a Nature Check with advantage] Rolls 22

“I think that will be very fair, Peter.” She takes the emerald and puts it in her bag, nodding to the others. Peter claps his hands. He opens one of the chests on the back of the donkey and begins placing the items inside. Malege watches with wonder as the chest seems only about 2 feet by 3 feet but it never seems to fill. Peter sees him and nods, waving him over.

“Why don’t you want the eggs, Peter?” Malege watches the box swallow the items.

“Aye, ittle guy. Dos der are highly valued by deese drow don ear. Eyes think dat one” (He points at Umgurn) “is not so well iked by deese drow. Best ew keep deese eggs. Ew till have to get back to da surface.” Peter winks at Malege. Malege ponders this information.

[Malege makes an Intelligence Check] Rolls 8

Malege grimaces a bit, not quite sure what Peter means but places the eggs back in his bag and nods to Umgurn.

“How does this box work?” Malege turns his attention back to the items vanishing into the box.

“Dis ere…tis a special box. Aye has a special friend who did make it yest fur Peter. Dat in dare? Dats another dimension! Tis ike a big room! Eyes can even go inside!” Peter smiles and continues placing the items inside. 

“What friend?” Malege moves closer and watches the items slide inside. 

“Orilia.” Peter smiles and then frowns and then ignores Malege and places the last of the items inside. 

[Malege makes an Insight check] Rolls 8.

Malege shrugs his shoulders and smiles at Peter. Peter quickly remounts the donkey and moves on from the party, disappearing into the distance. Malege moves over to Enacelle.

“Hey, Enacelle. What did he trade for all our junk?”

“An emerald, Malege. I am sure it is worth at least 1000 gp. My estimate of the stuff we sold him was around 800 gps or less. I think we are better off and certainly lighter.” Malege nods. 

The party separates and wanders around the Hall, moving to various platforms and investigating the spheres and crystals. 

Encelle walks with Piece and Theophania around the top of the platform, looking down into the various tiers, structures, and people below. She sees a large tree that appears to grow from the stone floor, nods to her colleagues, and ventures down to the lower platform. There are several people standing near or touching the tree. The eldest of them smiles at Enacelle and walks over to her.

“Hello. I am Ganna. And that is Noorie.” The male elf druid points to a female elf druid touching the tree who looks over and smiles. “We are from Villachine, far to the north, and have traveled to this temple through the Feywild, on a pilgrimage.” He bows low with his hands behind his back as does Noorie. Enacelle bows in the form of her people and smiles. 

“I am Enacelle Zalane of the Great Swamp of Pathilia, daughter of Noach and Irthir Zalane, Druid of the Circle of the Moon. My friends and I are… visiting this temple to regain our bearings and renew our magic.”

[Enacelle makes a Deception check versus Ganna’s Insight check] Rolls 18 versus 12.

“Ah! I see. We are Druids of the Circle of Dreams and hail from the Court of the Highland Lakes. Noorie is my sister. Why have you lost your bearings and what has separated you from your magic?” He smiles curiously.

“Our colleague, a drow, was leading us through the Underdark on a bit of a tour. He knows the place very well. And we, unfortunately, ran into a nest of hook horrors. It shook us a bit.” 

“Hook Horrors! I can imagine. That sounds dreadful. If only a temple such as this existed everywhere. But, it is the only one of its kind in all of Angedrian!” Ganna claps his hands together lightly.

“How long will you stay?” Enacelle looks at the other druid’s near the tree who seem in trance.

“Stay? If possible, we would never leave. Some days I feel like I have just arrived as I am so excited with what I see. Other days, I miss my home terribly. Just the other day, I thought about how delicious my favorite fruit is from home and I was suddenly so hungry, I thought I would die!” He looks happy but vacant and walks towards the tree. Enacelle moves over to the tree as well and places her hands on it.   

[Enacelle makes a Wisdom Saving Throw DC12] Rolls 8

As the vibrations of the tree flow through her claws and arms, fill her chest, engulf her mind, and cascade down her legs, Enacelle feels the most intense connection to nature she has ever felt. In the chamber of the temple, there are many living things and she can feel each of them, and feels connected to them directly. She closes her eyes and sees the vast network of living things in shades of green and blue, all around her. And the inorganic stone and rock appears as a light gray scaffolding upon which life is living. Outside of the temple, throughout the Underdark, she sees a variety of creatures and knows them as if they were herself. Far above her, there is a canopy of green and blue, of life filling the sky of her mind, the surface of Angedrian. ‘I could stay here forever,’ she thinks. She focuses on the living things around her most closely and looks with her mind at the way they had come.

[Enacelle makes a Perception check DC15] Rolls 22

Where the Underdark is cut by the tunnel, the rock looks diseased and the gray is replaced by deep, poisonous red. She can see the remains of the device, crushed. The tunnel of red moves back through the Underdark as they saw on Kace’s maps. Back towards Woodshead and then it turns south. It approaches the mountains, traveling in a straight line. And then, it turns upward and the red scar vanishes. Enacelle concentrates intensely and tries to push her vision as far as she can.

[Enacelle makes a Wisdom Check DC15] Rolls 19 

Enacelle sees the scar’s end. She sees the high mountain pass and the frozen forest below. She removes her hands from the tree. The knowledge and the connection were powerful and helpful. But she cannot stay here. This place is a blessing and a curse. She moves away from the tree to a small side table where reagents and vials of alchemy and herbalism are abundant. There is a shelf of glass flasks and vials that refills itself whenever she takes one. As she studies the table and its ingredients available, it is clear that she can make better potions of healing that she currently has. She begins quietly making healing potions and focusing on that image of the scar’s end.

[Encelle makes 10 potions of greater healing]

Fodinis walks the perimeter of the great hall near all of the archways. From this distance, he cannot see down into the tiered platforms but the tip of the red crystal just juts above, providing a flood of light all the way to each archway. With the exception of the colored sets of panels above them, all of the archways look the same, constructed of the same material. Within each one, however, the floor of the archway leading out has a scene made of mosaic tiles that creates an image. When he entered the primary archway, the scene was the same as the windows–moon dancers. In the red (Alara) panels, the floor has a mosaic that shows five scenes swirling around a central maelstrom and connected by lines of red, blue, green, black, and white. The orange (Ravnica) panels show ten spheres of two colors each interlocked in a network of bridges, roads, skyways and paths all surrounded by clouds. The yellow (Shandalar) panels had a mosaic floor shows a cluster of spellcasters of different races and powers manifesting spells all around them. The green (Zendikar) panels have a mosaic floor showing forests, mountains, oceans, and plains in various states of flux swirling around a central pool of voided waste. The blue (Innistrad) panels had an archway floor of a dark graveyard around the outside with an enormously bright moon in the middle. The indigo (Feywild) panels are over an archway with a mosaic of elves, fairies, unicorns, and other beasts running through a vast open field with mountains all around. The violet (Shadowfell) plane plane looks like a bleak and dreary plane of blackness and nothingness with horrifying creatures looming in deep shadows. After he completes his circuit, Fodinis moves over to the edge of the platform and peers down across the smaller platforms. He is just about to give up when a glint and sparkle catches his eye. He squints and then smiles. A few minutes later, he has made his way to the platform and sees at least a dozen different gambling games in progress. He sees various games using playing cards, a large table using dice, and a flat table with a large spinning wheel. He goes immediately to the closest table and watches the game. 

[Fodinis makes an Intelligence check] Rolls 15

The dealer who controls the game gives each player two cards face up and gives herself one card down and one card up. Each player then has a chance to ask for more cards. The goal seems to be a total of 21 points without going over. There are some sort of side bets possible. If the dealer goes over 21, everyone seems to win. He considers the goal and the dealer’s odds and decides this game highly favors the dealer. He moves to another table. On this one, there is a large wheel spinning at one end.

[Fodinis makes a Perception check] Rolls 7 

The players around the table seem to be randomly placing chips onto the numbers on a field of numbers that match the numbers on the wheel. After all bets are placed, a small white ball bounces around the wheel and lands in a small pocket that correlates with a number. Half the players screamed with excitement and the other half seem to be angry. Fodinis thinks the field of play is a confusing mess. He doesn’t feel comfortable with this new game. He moves to the large table using dice, which he has played many ways, and observes.

[Fodinis makes a Wisdom check] Rolls 3

Fodinis watches the six people saying various bets and throwing chips of various colors to several game masters who place the chips on a series of numbers, words, and space. One of the players rolls the dice and, again, several people cheer and some people seem unhappy. The game masters throw chips randomly to players. Fodinis is very uncomfortable with this game as it is nothing like the dice games he is used to. He moves to another table with a game of cards and observers.

[Fodinis makes an Intelligence check] Rolls 6

In this game, players are given two cards face down and then the dealer reveals multiple cards in the middle of the table. Each time a card is revealed, the players throw in more chips. Because he cannot see their cards, the strategy for betting confuses Fodinis. When the players finally flip over their cards, some of them have hands of 5 cards that are superior but others have nothing. Fodinis is confused and walks away from the table. As he moves toward another table, a small drow wearing a brightly colored robe with playing cards and dice embroidered all over it, approaches Fodinis.

“What’s your game, sir?” The drow is jovial and kind, smiling and standing with his palms open and face up.

“I will play any game I know how to. But these games are foreign to me.” Fodinis sighs and looks away.

“Oh, that won’t do, sir. Please, let me show you.” The drow takes Fodinis by the hand and pulls him back to the first table. While Fodinis watches, the drow explains the entire game in Fodinis head without speaking. The explanation flies through Fodinis brain and within a few hands, he has a complete understanding of the game. The drow immediately drags him to each subsequent table and explains the games. After less than 10 minutes, Fodinis understands all four games well and decides he will try the last one because the first three do not rely on the players ability to be deceitful or bluff which is part of his talent. He takes a seat at the table. The other three players smile at them and say hello and their names, ‘Cadwall’, ‘Jessup’, and ‘Argonon’. He throws 50 gps on the table and the dealer hands him a stack of multicolored chips that includes 5 white, 4 red, 1 green. Fodinis notices that the other players have many of each color plus some blue chips. The dealer deals the two cards to all four players, and Fodinis is the second player, sitting between Cadwall on his left and Jessup on his right.

[Fodinis receives two random cards] 6D, 4S

Cadwall already has three white chips in front of them.   Jessup has one red chip and one white chip in front of them. Argonon has no chips and the dealer nods to them. Argonon puts one red chip and one white chip in. Fodinis follows suit and bets one red chip and one white chip. Cadwell puts in three more white chips. The dealer deals out three more cards.

[Dealer shows 6S, 9S, AS]

[Fodinis makes a Deception check with advantage (brooch); other players make Insight checks] Rolls 18. Roll 15, 15, 12.

“Check.” Cadwell does not seem to want to bet. Fodinis throws two red chips into the pile. The other players immediately fold their cards. 

[Fodinis receives 5 red chips and 10 white chips from the pile; he has 14 white chips, 6 red chips, and 1 green chip]

Fodinis continues playing the game with the bet lead moving around the table and the minimum bet increasing every four rounds of play.

[Fodinis makes 10 Deceptions checks with advantage (brooch) versus 10 collective Insight checks] Rolls 13, 21, 19, 21, 20, 7, 19, 23, 23, 11 versus (paired) 20, 19, 9, 20, 5, 3, 3, 17, 4, 10 (9 consecutive successes)

As Cadwell, the last player with money goes all in, Fodinis turns over his two cards, revealing four aces and takes the pot.

[Fodinis receives 65 white, 28 red, 13 green, 3 blue] 

“Well, that was fun. I think I’ll try another table.” Fodinis pushes all of the chips to the dealer who exchanges them for 1 red, 1 green, 3 blue, and 1 black. Fodinis slides back from the table and moves over to the drow who stands behind a small podium.

“How did you do, sir?” He takes the chips from Fodinis. “Quite well, I think!” Fodinis smiles. The drow counts out 83 pp and pours them into a small cotton sack embroidered with a large N on the outside. 

“Here you go, sir. And congratulations!” The drow smiles again. Fodinis looks back at the other tables, throws the small bag up into the air and catches it. 

[Fodinis makes an Intelligence Saving throw] Rolls 22 (nat 20).

He is very satisfied with the clink of the coins. He nods to the drow and leaves the platform.

[Fodinis receives 83 pp]