Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E8: The Mysterious Tunnel of the Underdark...

July 26, 2024 Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 8

Far below ground, the party faces some immediate challenges and explores the source of another intrusion... this time, an intrusion into the Underdark itself...

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Episode 8: The mysterious tunneling creature…

Having landed at the bottom of the first eruption in the Underdark passageway, the party is immediately charged by kobolds!

[Everyone rolls for Initiative]

[Kobold O moves into melee with Umgurn, attacks with dagger with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls rolls 11 and 13 for a miss, no damage

A smaller kobold wielding a dagger charges toward the front and stabs at Umgurn but misses.

[Piece moves into melee with Kobold Dragonshield G and makes an unarmed clawed strike followed by a Fury of Blows for 1 Ki point] Rolls 21 versus AC15 for 8 damage, Rolls 9 and 14 versus AC 15 for two misses.

Piece moves forward towards the closest kobold which is more heavily armored while they are wielding their kensei weapon in their off hand and makes three swipes with their cats claws, landing one slash across its chest.

[Kace moves into melee with Kobold O and Kobold Dragonshield E, attacking Kobold Dragonshield E with a spear, then activating Dancing Longsword on bonus action to attack Kobold Dragonshield E.] Rolls 19 versus AC15 for a hit for 9 damage and Rolls 24 versus AC 15 for a hit for 8 damage

Kace moves next to Umgurn into melee with a heavily armored kobold and a smaller kobold and stabs at the armored kobold with his spear, striking it in the shoulder. Kace throws his longsword into the air, speaks, ‘ballar’, and it flies behind the armored kobold and slashes its back.

[Kobold L moves into melee with Kace and attacks with a dagger with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 18 and 12 for a miss.

Another small kobold with a dagger enters the space in front of Kace and makes a vicious slice with his dagger but misses.

[Theophania casts Hail of Thorns, attacks Kobold H with longbow, attacks Kobold Dragonshield G with longbow (Horde Breaker)] Rolls 11 versus AC 12 for a miss, Rolls 26 versus AC15 for 8 piercing damage; Hail of Thorns rolls 9 piercing damage; Kobold H rolls 8 (fails) and Kobold Dragonshield G rolls 18 (saves) for 5 damage. Piece rolls 10 (fails) .

Theophania mumbles a few words and the arrow notched in her bow glows with magical thorns. She releases it but misses the smaller kobold. She notches another and aims for the heavily armored kobold closest to Piece and strikes home but Piece and the smaller Kobold get caught in the resulting hail of thorns.

[Enacelle charges into melee with Kobold Dragonshield G and attacks with her scimitar and uses hungry jaws] Rolls 12 vers AC 15 for a miss and 9 versus AC15 for a miss.

Enacelle rushes towards the armored kobold next to Piece and slashes at it with her scimitar but swings wide. She lunges forward and snappers her jaws at its arm but misses as it steps to the side.

[Fodinis moves into melee with Kobold Dragonshield F, attacks with shortswords (advantage from assassinate)] Rolls 12 and 9 with main hand versus AC15 for a miss, Rolls 24 and 21 with off hand for a hit, critical, plus sneak, plus surprise for 37 damage

Fodinis charges towards the armored kobold to the south of him that has yet to act and slashes at him with both shortswords, scoring a critical hit from his sneaky surprise.

[Kobold M attacks Umgurn with a sling] Rolls 12 for a miss.

A small kobold at the back of the pack of creatures hurls a stone from a sling at Umgurn but it bounces off the ground at his feet.

[Kobold Dragonshield E makes two spear attacks at Kace with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 12 and 17 for misses with both.

The armored kobold that Kace stabbed with his spear and slashed with his dancing sword makes two attempts to stab Kace with its own spear but Kace weaves and bobs out of the path of the tip.

[Umgurn uses Fairie Fire on the northeast kobolds (x6)] Saving throws versus DC13 are 5, 14, 21, 13, 13, 13 (1 fail, 5 saves)

Umgurn murmurs a few words under his breath and all of the kobolds northeast of the party tense up and shift their feet but only one is illuminated and lined in a bright pink glowing light.

[Kobold Dragonshield D (fairie fire) attacks Umgurn with two spear attacks with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 22 and 15 for one hit for 3 damage.

The illuminated kobold howls in anger and stabs at Umgurn with his spear, striking him in the thigh but missing his thigh on a second lunge.

[Malege moves between Kace and Umgurn, casts Burning Hands] Kobolds O, L, N, M make Dex saving throws (DC14) Rolls 8 damage, saves are 5, 12, 11, and 16

Malege moves forward to stand between Kace and Umgurn with four kobolds ahead of him, places his thumbs together, and releases a line of fire in a cone into their chests. Three are killed instantly from the eruption of flames but one dodges, still badly wounded.

[Kobold I moves into melee with Enacelle and attacks with dagger at Enacelle with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 20  versus AC19 for 6 damage

A smaller kobold moves from the darkness into melee with Enacelle and swipes with its dagger, slashing her shoulder.

[Kobold K moves into melee with Fodinis and attacks with dagger with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 24 (crit) for 8 damage.

Another small kobold slinks from the darkness into melee with Fodinis and stabs viciously into Fodinis’ side.

[Kobold Dragonshield G attacks Enacelle with two spear attacks with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 23 (crit) and a 19 for two hits doing 15 damage.

The larger forward kobold facing Piece and Enacelle stabs angrily at Enacelle, piercing her in the chest and stomach.

[Kobold Dragonshield F makes two spear attacks at Fodinis] with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 16 and 18 for one hit for 5 damage

The armored kobold that Fodinis first slashed and stabbed deeply lunges at him with its spear, missing his shoulder but landing a strike in his back.

[Kobold J makes a dagger attack at Fodinis with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 13  for a miss.

The smaller kobold in front of Fodinis stabs with his dagger but it deflects off Fodinis shortsword.

[Kobold O makes a dagger attack at Umgurn with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 22 for a hit for 4 damage.

The weakened and burned kobold in front of Umgurn stabs at him desperately, striking Umgurn in the shoulder.

[Piece makes an unarmed clawed strike at Kobold Dragonshield G followed by a Fury of Blows for 1 Ki point] Rolls 20  versus AC15 for  6 damage, Rolls  15 and 18 versus AC 15 for 13 damage.

Piece unleashes a series of fast claw swipes at the kobold who stabbed him, slashing its chest, stomach, and face viciously.

[Kace manifests an Echo behind Kobold Dragonshield D and makes an unarmed attack at Kobold Dragonshield E and then with his echo (unleash incarnation)] Rolls 10 for a miss and 23 for 12 damage.

Kace slams his fists together and a pale gray echo of him forms behind the kobold in melee with Umgurn. He then slams his fist into the kobold in front of him but it lands squarely on its shield. His echo then slams its fist into the back of the kobold near Umgurn, solidly punching its back.

[Theophania moves into melee with Kobold Dragonshield F and attacks with shortsword; moves into melee with Kobold I and attacks with shortsword] Rolls 22 for 7 damage, knocking it unconscious and 24 for 9 damage, killing it.

Theophania pulls out her shortswords and gallops down the the armored kobold nearest to Fodinis, slashing it with a blow across the head which knocks it unconscious. She turns and moves into melee with a smaller kobold and slashes it across the throat, felling it.

[Enacelle attacks Kobold Dragonshield G with her scimitar] Rolls 24 for 6 damage, killing it

Enacelle looks at the stab wounds in her chest and stomach and squawks with rage as she slashes the armored kobold with her scimitar, catching it in the throat and nearly decapitating it.

[Fodinis attacks Kobold K with shortsword; attacks Kobold I] Rolls 15 for a hit for 11 damage and Rolls 9 (crit 1) for a miss.

Fodinis turns to the remaining small kobolds near his position and slashes at each with a shortsword, decapitating one but missing the other by an inch and letting go of his shortsword which clatters under Theophania’s feet.

[Kobold Dragonshield E makes two spear attacks at Kace] Rolls 20 and an 18 for one hit and 5 damage.

The armored kobold facing Kace alone stabs at him two times with his spear, striking him once in the shoulder.

[Umgurn makes a double-bladed scimitar attack at Kobold Dragonshield G x 2] Rolls 8 for a miss and 15 for a hit for 6 damage

Umgurn spins into attack with his double-bladed scimitar, bouncing his first strike off of the kobold’s shield, knocking it to the side, and landing a blow to its chest with its return swing.

[Kobold Dragonshield G attacks Umgurn with two spear attacks with advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 22 and 13 for one hit of 5 damage.

In response to Umgurn’s scimitar slash, the kobold lunges with his spear and stabs Umgurn in the chest then stabs again but Umgurn deflects it with his scimitar.

[Malege casts firebolt at Kobold K] Rolls 18 versus AC12 for 7 damage, killing it.

Malege realizes the two armored kobolds near Kace and Umgurn are the only remaining threat and unleashes a firebolt at the lone kobold engaged with the other half of the party, striking it in the face and knocking it dead.

[Kobold O attempts to flee] Umgurn takes an AOO and rolls 15 for 8 damage, killing it.

The badly burned kobold shrieks as Malege takes down another kobold with a firebolt and tries to run away but Umgurn slashes at him with his scimitar, killing him instantly.

[Piece moves into melee with Kobold Dragonshield D and makes two claw attacks] Rolls 8 and 10 for misses.

Piece sees the last kobold on this side fall and dashes to join the other group, slashing at the armored kobold engaged with Umgurn but both swipes scrape across its shield.

[Kace makes a spear attack and a dancing longsword attack against Kobold Dragonshield E] Rolls 20 for 11 damage and 20 for 12 damage.

Kace grabs his spear with both hands and lunges into one of the last two kobolds, spearing it in the belly. He commands his dancing longsword to slash at the kobold and strikes it across the back.

[Theophania attacks Kobold Dragonshield E with her longbow] Rolls 16 for 10 damage, killing it.

From the other side, Theophania takes aim with her bow and fires an arrow at one of the last two kobolds, striking it in the face. It falls dead.

[Enacelle moves 15 feet and casts produce flame, attacking Kobold Dragonshield D] Rolls 20 for 8 damage.

Enacelle moves closer to the engaged group, produces a ball of flame in her hand, and hurls it at the last kobold, striking it in the chest.

[Fodinis moves 25 feet and makes two ranged dagger attacks at Kobold Dragonshield D] Rolls 11 for a miss and 16 for a hit for 3 damage.

Fodinis charges close to the group and hurls both of his steely daggers towards the last kobold but one goes wide and strikes the wall and the other catches the kobold in the arm.

[Umgurn attacks with double-bladed scimitar twice] Rolls 21 for 8 damage and 14 for a miss.

Umgurn continues the assault on the last kobold and swings with his scimitar, slashing through the kobold’s thigh on the front swing but striking his shield on the back swing.

[Kobold Dragonshield D attacks Umgurn with two spear attacks] Rolls 15 and a 23, one hit for 3 damage

The struggling kobold lunges at Umgurn angrily and pierces his shoulder lightly.

[Malege cast firebolt at Kobold Dragonshield D] Rolls 13 for a miss

Malege launches a firebolt at the last kobold but it slams into his shield and explodes harmlessly.

[Piece attacks Kobold Dragonshield D with two claw attacks] Rolls 14 for a miss and 25 (crit) for 8 damage, killing it.

Piece makes a slash at the last kobold who moves back to dodge the claws which allows Piece to make a second upward swing where their claws catch the kobolds throat and slash it open, bringing him down.

[Each party members receives 200 xp]

Umgurn pulls everyone close and begins whispering. “Malege, please set an alarm at all of the entrances of this chamber… There are three. Fodinis, guard him while he does it. Kace, Enacelle, Theophania, move these bodies into the eruption as quickly as you can and get them buried in the soft dirt there. Piece, help me search this area.” He nods to everyone and they move off on their tasks.

Malege moves 20 feet past the last rubble of the eruption in three different directions and sets silent alarms across the passageway that exclude their party members. Fodinis, having retrieved his daggers and shortsword, peers into the darkness of each tunnel carefully and listens.

[Fodinis makes an Investigation check and a Perception check x 3] Rolls 1 and 13 in the northeast tunnel, rolls 10 and 10 in the eastern tunnel, rolls 15 and 6 in the southwestern tunnel. +25 xp

The northeast tunnel is primarily of the freshly dug type as far as Fodinis can tell but rubble and debris prevent much detail though he can hear what sounds like a low murmur slightly echoing. The eastern tunnel is both empty and quiet. The southwestern tunnel appears to extend beyond his vision but nothing makes a sound as best he can tell. Malege spends 11 or so minutes at each tunnel entrance except the southwest which is so wide, he has to place two different alarm spells. 

Kace, Enacelle, and Theophania easily haul the bodies of the small, lifeless kobolds about 150 feet into the eruption to a plateau of the passage and begin digging lateral passageways, perpendicular to the eruption tunnel. Enacelle checks them all and finds one only unconscious but alive. She stabilizes it and binds its hands and feet tightly after removing all of its gear. The three of them dig three long tunnels in the soft soil of the eruptions. Kace and Theophania strip the bodies of all belongings while Enacelle uses some  gathered flowers, herbs, and shiny stones to place in the bodies. On the corpses, Kace and Theophania find 4 sturdy spears, 4 heavy hide shields, 4 sets of leather armor, 8 daggers, 8 slings, 9 cp, 12 sp, 2 tiger eye (40 gp each), 25 gp, and 1 star rose quartz (50 gp). They place the bodies in the tunnels. Enacelle adds the flowers, herbs, and shiny stones. The three of them quickly push  the dirt back in to bury the tiny draconids from predators. 

[Umgurn and Piece make 3 investigation checks with advantage (time spent)] Roll 15 (5), 22 (nat 20, 5), and 7 (5) & 15(4), 18(2), and 19(2).  +25 xp each

Umgurn and Piece carefully search the eruption, the natural caves and tunnels, and the new tunnel they have found, spending quite a bit of time investigating. When Fodinis and Malege return and Kace, Theophania, and Enacelle descend back into the cavern, Umgurn pulls everyone close.

“Based on my knowledge and experience with the Underdark, these tunnels,” (He points to the eastern tunnel and part of the southwestern tunnel) “are natural Underdark passages, likely hundreds to thousands of years old. But this,” (He points to the northwest tunnel and the northern half of the southwest tunnel) “is fresh and recently dug, likely by some sort of giant creature based on the consistent repeating marks along the floor, wall, and ceiling.” Piece nods.

“These tunnels are freshly dug, likely within the last few weeks, as there is old, lichenous growth on these stones but nothing on the stones in this tunnel. You can see by the dig marks and the debris in this tunnel from the eruption that something dug its way out of this area in a hurry. That was probably our kruthik.” Umgurn nods and both pause and look at the group. 

[Kace makes an Survival check while looking at his Underdark notes (with advantage plus proficiency)] Rolls 24 (nat 20, 12) +25 xp

“I am certainly not an expert but, based on what I learned from the mindflayer, this northwest tunnel should not exist. As you say, it is new. This eastern tunnel will lead us to the small city of Ullmloma but it is at least a day’s journey. This tunnel, however, to the southwest should end in a cavern called the Hall of Narvandor only a few hours' journey.” He puts his map away and looks at the group who all seem stunned. Umgurn smiles and nods.

“Kace is correct. Typically, drow cities are not located directly under surface cities and the Hall of Narvandor is the last drow structure before you reach Pathilia. It is a temple of sorts but hard to explain as the Hall of Narvandor holds something unique for each person who visits it. Although typically tended by many drow, it is a place of peace even among them. Kace and Piece would find it most interesting.”

“We did not find any eruptions west of this one and even spoke with farmers all along the road.” Theophania pulls out her map and shows the group and Enacelle nods. 

[The party makes an Insight check(Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi)] Rolls Rolls 3, 17, nat 20, 11, 17, 6, 21 25 xp for En, Ka, Um, Pi

Fodinis scratches his head and looks at Malege who seems equally lost in thought. Theophania is carefully guarding the tunnel entrances, walking softly in a large, wide circle. Enacelle, Kace, Umgurn, and Piece all seem to realize the implications of these tunnels at once, and move close to continue whispering.

“Something freshly dug this tunnel, causing creatures of the Underdark to flee in its approach.” Kace opens his paws, pad up.

“The direction of digging appears to be from the northeast to the southwest.” They point from one tunnel to the other. Umgurn and Enacelle nod in agreement.

“If we continue southwest, it is highly likely that we will find this tunneling creature.” Enacelle folds her arms and looks down the long, dark tunnel. 

“But what, pray tell, will be coming through this newly dug tunnel.” Umgurn points back to the northwest.

“The line proceeds directly from Woodshead, according to Enacelle and Theophania’s map except for this random eruption to the south. Could this process have begun in the mountains or the forest to the south and then turned towards Pathilia?” Kace scratches his chin and looks concerned. “Enicryn was leading the deer into the forest! Maybe she was rounding up food to feed forces of Santernafulse!”

“This is the threat the king spoke of.” Umgurn sighs and drops his head. “Ignoring the rogue  mindflayer’s mind replacement experiments or Enicryn’s Blight expedition map, this tunnel could be a direct conduit for the forces of Santernafulse to invade the city of Pathilia directly.”

“Theophania!” Enacelle moves away from the group and motions to Theophania to join them.

“What is it?”

“What did you say we have in the wagon that could collapse a tunnel?” Enacelle wrings her hand while Umgurn pats her on the shoulder. Theophania gives a wide, knowing smile.

“I mentioned I did secure some explosives. I procured many sticks of dynamite. I thought with these eruptions there might be a need to blow up something.” She smiles at the group proudly. 

“Assuming our theory about the eruptions occurring along a route of this new tunnel, if we collapse the tunnel here,” (Umgurn points to the southwest side of the new path), “There won’t be any way to re-enter the new tunnel from the surface of from below, I think.”

“That is a theory.” Malege joins the group and quickly catches on to the discussion. “For an explosion that collapses this cavern to be successful, we have to be sure there are no other entrances or exits and we have to destroy the tunneling creature. Since the tunnel has proceeded that way, I think we should pursue it and destroy what we find. Then, with this leading end secured, we can search back towards the source.”

“Brilliant as always.” Fodinis pats Malege on the shoulder and looks at the group.

“With Malege’s alarms, we are safe to camp here tonight but, if we are to succeed, we need the dynamite. Enacelle, would it be possible for you to transform into a giant spider and climb to the surface and back within a few hours. The rest of us can take our rest and recover, and then explore this southwestern tunnel when Enacelle returns. Time of day is of no matter in the Underdark.” Enacelle nods at Umgurn. Enacelle suddenly transforms into a giant spider and begins her ascent. The rest of the party settle in around a small fire that Malege has built and eat a ration before taking a long rest.

Scrambling as a giant spider for an hour up the mostly cylindrical tunnel is quick and graceful for Enacelle. She makes it to the surface in just over an hour, transforming back into her normal self as she crawls from the eruption. She moves to the wagon and cart and finds them safe and undisturbed. She locates the dynamite and places the sticks in her pack. She feeds and waters the two horses and gives them a gentle brushing and scratches their heads, necks and chins for several minutes.

“We will be back soon, ladies.” Enacelle takes a short rest while they eat. When they have had their fill, she stows the feedbags and settles the horses down onto the ground for the night. She throws large blankets over them. Tasks completed, she returns to the eruption, transforms into a giant spider, and flies down the tunnel. Within an hour, she has returned to the bottom to find her party resting with Kace and Fodinis on watch.

[Enacelle receives 25 xp]

[The Party takes a Long rest]

After a long rest, the party breaks down their tunnel camp, eats a bit of food, and prepares to explore the southwest large tunnel. Only Enacelle and Theophania need a lantern to see and they stay at the back of the party with Malege, whose hair brightly flickers providing more light. Kace, Fodinis, Piece, and Umgurn lead the way quietly down the tunnel, moving at a medium pace and as quietly as possible.

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) makes Stealth checks] Roll 12, 7, 22, 11, 16, 7, 23, 12

The tunnel cuts are at regular intervals in the floor, wall, and ceiling which are mostly easy to navigate. The party moves along slowly and quietly until Umgurn steps on a stone that gives way and he falls flat on his face. Enacelle loses Umgurn in the brightness of her lantern and trips over him, falling flat as well. The crash echoes down the tunnel. The party freezes and listens.

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) makes Perception checks] Roll 18, 20, 18, 6, 14, 12, 16

Malege, in the rear, does not hear anything after the cacophony of his falling friends ceases. Umgurn, Piece, and Theophania hear a slight rumble far ahead of them. Fodinis, Enacelle, and Kace distinctly hear the light echo of voices and a soft, distant clang of metal. The three of them alert the others and Enacelle and Theophania extinguish their lanterns. Umgurn takes Enacelle’s hand and Kace takes Theophania’s hand. They continue down the path but now stick to the sides of the tunnel, using the walls for support. The faint echo of voices and light clang of metal comes and goes as the party continues silently down the tunnel. After an hour, the tunnel bifurcates. The southwestern freshly cut tunnel continues but another tunnel branches off and heads more south. The walls and floor of this tunnel are smooth and ancient like the other old Underdark passages. Malege points a finger at Umgurn.

[Malege casts message]

“Umgurn, this tunnel will have to be closed. I will rig it with dynamite.” The message rings in Umgurns ears and he whispers in return. “Set it up but do not blow it yet”. Malege moves to Enacelle and gathers four sticks of dynamite from her. He binds them together and connects the fuses with about 30 seconds of time. He attempts to scale the wall of the smooth ancient tunnel which has several ledges and sconces.

[Malege makes an Athletics check] Rolls 18

Malege manages to scrabble to the top of the tunnel wall and embed the dynamite so that only the fuse is exposed. When he is done, he climbs down and stands facing down the side tunnel.

[Malege makes a perception check] Rolls 7

Though he listens intently, Malege cannot determine if the noises are from the new or old tunnel. He shrugs and signals to Umgurn they are good to move on. After nearly an hour of walking at a reasonable pace, the tunnel ahead becomes a dot of light. As the party moves closer, the dot grows bigger and, after another few minutes, they can see that something is ahead in the tunnel. It seems to fill the whole tunnel space and is producing quite a bit of noise. There is movement of some kind and the party stops to observe.

[The party (Fo, En, Ka, Ma, Um, Th, Pi) makes Perception  checks] Roll 11, 16, 3, 20, 2, 24, 23

Fodinis, Kace, and Umgurn cannot quite make out what the shadows and movements are at this distance. Enacelle can see that there are humanoid forms moving back and forth past some sort of large device that fills the tunnel cavity. Malege, Theophania, and Piece are able to count at least 11 creatures the size of kobolds to hobgoblins ahead and can see that there is some sort of creature with  sparkles of lightning. The noise from the tunnel ahead is quite loud now and no noise the party is making is likely to be heard. There is sufficient light for the party to all see each other clearly. Malege waves everyone to come closer.

“The tunnel ahead is about 20 feet wide. This necklace will cast a fireball. The explosion will conform to the tunnel.”

[Malege makes an Intelligence check DC15] Rolls 16

“If my estimate is correct, the explosion will extend 50 feet in each direction from the strike point. But, if that creature is digging the tunnel, the fire blast will extend this way. I don’t know how long the creature is but  I can only throw this 60 feet. So, I have to get within 60 feet to throw it but the blast will extend about 90 feet or more. So, after I throw it, I will have to run as fast as I can to get away from the blast. Wait! I have a spell that makes me run faster! That should get me away from it.  Regardless, any creatures down there will be incinerated or heavily burned.” He wrings his hands a bit and looks to the group for input, a bit scared and unsure of this plan. 

“You are likely the only one who would know that, Malege, so I think we will just trust you. I can also fill the space with moonlight in the area of the creature. That would force the creatures towards us and we can attack them from a distance.” Enacelle pats Malege on the shoulder and nods to the group.

“Then it’s a plan. We don’t know everything that’s down there but this initial onslaught should even the odds.” Umgurn turns from the group and looks back down the tunnel. The creatures are about 120 feet away. The party positions itself across the tunnel and readies their weapons. Enacelle moves forward with Malege to about 100 feet. 

[Malege uses Longstrider (1 hour)] 

He looks at Enacelle, smiles, and runs down the tunnel quickly. When he thinks he’s about 60 feet from the commotion, he pulls one of the baubles off the necklace and hurls it as hard as he can.

[Malege makes a Dexterity check] Rolls 16

As soon as the bauble leaves his hand, he begins sprinting back towards Enacelle who has begun her incantations for the radiant moonlight.

[Enacelle casts Moonbeam]

The fireball bauble strikes the ground right at the device and explodes in a burst of flames which illuminates the tunnel and sends a burst of light and fire barreling down the tunnel. Enacelle can see the small form of Malege running towards her.

[Malege makes an Acrobatics  check] Rolls 5

Despite his best effort to outrun the blast, Malege trips over a stone and falls into one of the deep ruts cut by the unknown creature. The wave of fire fills the tunnel above him but he is unburned by the flames in the sheltered rut.

[Creatures within the fireball roll Dexterity Saving Throws] Fireball damage 27 (14 on save), roll 17, 6, 19, 18, 7, 12, 10, 22, 5, 12, 9, 16

As the fireball dissipates and the beam of moonlight illuminates the end of the tunnel, the party hears a roar and a scream heading towards them. The creature appears to have caught fire in a few places, adding illumination to the tunnel.

[Everyone rolls for Initiative]

[Enacelle moves 15 feet to Malege and Readies an Attack Action if a foe enters melee]

Enacelle sees Malege fall, gasps, and runs to be next to him. She prepares her scimitar and shield, waiting to see what comes down the tunnel.

[Kace moves 30 feet, and Readies an Attack Action if a foe enters range]

Kace runs past Enacelle and stops a few feet past, preparing his spear and longsword.

[Fodinis moves 30 feet, and Readies an Attack Action if a foe enters melee]

Fodinis runs past Enacelle and stops a few feet past next to Kace, preparing his shortswords.

[Kobold Dragonshield moves 20 feet and dashes 20 feet]

Illuminated from behind by the moonbeam and the burning creature, a heavily armored kobold charges towards the party.

[Umgurn moves 30 feet and Readies an Attack Action if a foe enters rangebl]

Umgurn runs passed Enacelle and Malege to stand, scimitar ready, waiting.

[Malege stands up and casts firebolt at Kobold Dragonshield] Rolls 18 versus AC15 for a hit and 8 damage.

Malege stands up from the rut, sees the charging kobold, and casts a firebolt directly at it, striking it in the chest.

[Theophania moves forward 30 feet, casts Hunter’s Mark on the Kobold Dragonshield, and attacks with her longbow] Rolls 14 versus AC 15 for a miss

Theophania charges forward with an arrow notched, murmuring a few words which cause a ring of red light to appear over the kobold’s head. She fires an arrow which bounces off its shield.

[Piece moves 30 feet and attacks with a dart twice (kensei weapon), disadvantage (distance)] Rolls 18 versus AC15 for a hit for 5 damage, Rolls an 8 versus AC15 for a miss.

Piece moves up with the group and hurls two darts at the armored kobold, one of which strikes it in the chest and the second sticks into its shield.

[Blue Dragon Wyrmling flys 60 feet, Uses Lightning Breath Weapon] Rolls 26 damage (13 on save), Fodinis, Enacelle, Piece and Malege make Dex Saving throws; roll 17, 13, 24 and 19 (4 saves, 13 damage)

[Kace uses held action to throw his spear (advantage, within 20 feet)] Rolls 21 (9) versus AC 17 for 6 damage

[Umgurn uses held action to fire hand crossbow] Rolls 12 versus AC17 for a miss.

A small blue dragon flies into view with the flames behind him and lands less than 20 feet from the party. It opens its maw to release a bolt of lightning breath and Enacelle and Fodinis dive out of the way. The bolt of lighting steaks towards Fodinis, Enacelle, Piece and Malege who move as fast as they can but are singed by the electricity. Kace responds with a chuck of his spear which stabs the dragon in the arm and Umgurn launches a crossbow bolt but misses as the dragon ducks away.

[Enacelle moves 30 feet past the Blue Dragon Wyrmling to flanking and attacks with scimitar, then lunges to bite] Rolls 14 for a miss and 15 for a miss.

Enacelle charges from behind the party with her scimitar raised and circles the dragon to flank it, making a swipe with her scimitar and mouth but misses.

[Kace’s spear returns to his hand, moves to flanking Blue Dragon Wyrmling opposite Enacelle, attacks with spear, manifests an Echo behind the dragon] Rolls 9 versus AC17 for a miss.

Kace follows Enacelle’s lead and charges to flank the dragon opposite Enacelle. His spear flies back to his hand as he is running to the dragon’s side and he attempts to pierce its hide but the spear bounces off. He slams his fists together and a pale gray echo of him forms behind the dragon.

[Fodinis moves into melee with Blue Dragon Wyrmling and attacks with two shortswords] Rolls 24 versus AC17 for 7 damage plus 4 sneak attack damage, rolls 10 for a miss. 

Fodinis charges into melee with the dragon and slashes it with his shortsword across the maw but misses on his second swing as the blade bounces off the creature's wing talon.

[Kobold Dragonshield moves 20 feet into melee with Enacelle, attacks twice with spear, advantage (pack tactics)] Rolls 23(crit, 10) versus AC19 for 5 damage and 23 (crit, 17) for 12 damage

The armored kobold races towards Enacelle and, empowered by the dragon ally’s presence, stabs at Enacelle with its spear, striking her twice in the chest. Enacelle falls unconscious.

[Umgurn moves into melee with the Blue Dragon Wyrmling and makes two scimitar swings] Rolls 17 vs AC17 for a hit for 8 damage and 10 for a miss.

Umgurn charges towards the dragon with his double-bladed scimitar raised and hacks into the dragon’s shoulder on his first pass but misses on his return swing as the blade skips off the dragon’s scales.

[Malege moves 10 feet to his right, casts Catapult] Rolls 15 damage, Blue Dragon Wyrmling rolls 9 Dex save (fail), takes 15 damage, killing it.

Malege moves cautiously to the side of the tunnel still out of melee of the dragon and sees a large stone on the ground in front of him. He undulates his hands as if throwing the stone and it hurl’s towards the dragon, exploding on its neck and felling the beast.

[Theophania attacks Kobold Dragonshield with Long bow] Rolls 14 versus AC15 for a miss

Theophania notches an arrow at her marked target and fires but the dead dragon’s tail twitches, deflecting her arrow.

[Piece makes two dart attacks (kensei weapon) at Kobold Dragonshield] Rolls 9 and 13 versus AC15 for misses

Piece, trying to recover from the lightning blast, hurls two darts as the lone kobold but both stick into the wing of the dead dragon.

[Enacelle makes a death saving throw] Rolls 10 (1 success)

Enacelle lays unconscious on the ground.

[Kace moves into melee with the Kobold Dragonshield, makes an unarmed attack, uses Action Surge to make a second unarmed attack, uses Unleash Incarnation to make a third unarmed attack from Echo] Rolls 18, 25, and 21 for 11, 5, and 8 damage (24 total)

Kace and his echo unleash a relentless series of punches on the kobold, killing it on the first blow and then shattering its neck and face on the last two. 

With the last kobold down, the party pauses to catch their breath. Umgurn lays a hand on Enacelle to revive her and Theophania gives her a potion of healing. Umgurn looks at the dead dragon and the kobold then looks up to the group.

“Theophania and Enacelle, please check these two and whatever may have succumbed to Malege’s fireball down by that device. Malege, please put your intellect to work and determine what that is exactly. Fodinis, Piece,  and Kace, please secure this end of the tunnel. We will fall back to the far end, if it is safe, to camp and plan. I will join Malege in his investigation.” Everyone in the party nods in agreement and splits up for their tasks.

[The party receives 200 XP each]

[Theophania makes a Nature check, aided by Enacelle (advantage)] Rolls 22 (12) 

Theophania and Enacelle study the dragon. They determine that this is a blue dragon wyrmling that is less than 4 years old. Theophania feels across the creature's body, back, wings, and neck. Although it was killed, most of the body appears preserved. She begins harvesting with Enacelle’s  help and they are able to recover 12 piece of dragon meat (48 pounds), 3 vials of dragon wyrmling blood (1 pound), Blue dragon wyrmling skin (8 pounds), Blue dragon wyrmling breath pouch (5 pounds), and Two blue dragon wyrmling wings (8 pounds).

When they have finished, Enacelle additionally collects several bones from the dragon. She begins excavating a large space in a patch of softer dirt in the cave wall and Theophania assists her. They succeed in completely covering the carcass in the wall and covering it with dirt and stones after Enacelle places flowers, herbs, and shiny stones in the grave. Enacelle nods to Theophania and they move to the other corpses.

The armored kobold is carrying a sturdy spear, a hide shield, leather armor, 8 gold pieces, and a packet of papers inside a leather wallet. They strip all the items and move the body to the side. Further down the tunnel, they find that Malege’s fireball was much more effective than they could have imagined with ten corpses strewn around some sort of device  in various states of crispiness for the excessive damage dealt. Malege looks to Enacelle and Theophania as they approach and see the carnage with a deep sadness and embarrassment. 

“Do not fret little one. I think when the day concludes, you will find you have done Pathilius a great service.” Theophania smiles and nods as she stoops to check the first corpse. 

[Enacelle and Theophania make Medicine checks and a Nature Check (advantage)] Roll 6 and 6 on medicine and 17 on nature.

The damage to the bodies is extensive and nothing can be determined about them other than they are dead. Based on the size and weaponry, they can determine that kobolds, goblins, and possibly a hobgoblin are among the dead. Their soft items like clothes and armor, are all destroyed beyond use. There are shortbows, a longbow, and some slings but they are all burnt beyond repair and useless along with the arrows. In the ash, they do find two scimitars with animal bone handles, a longsword with steel blade and corded metal grip, and seven iron daggers with brass handles. Enacelle spends some time working through the shriveled and charred clothing and is able to find  26 gp, 40 ep, and 53 sp. They do not bother to remove anything else and stack the bodies on either side of the device that Malege and Umgurn are studying. While Enacelle is finishing the placement of bodies, Theophania retrieves the other kobold and adds it to the piles. They both sigh and watch Malege work.

When Umgurm gives them their orders, Malege bolts down the tunnel to what is not a creature but, rather, some sort of device. He puts out all the fires, which are only a few. There are torches in a box on one side of the device. He removes six of them and places them in the walls of the tunnel at even intervals then ignites them, creating enough light to study the machine. By the time he is ready, Umgurn joins him, having walked at a more cautious pace.

[Malege and Umgurn make an Investigation check] Rolls 9 and 7

It is easy for Malege and Umgurn to see the bodies scattered around but their relative positions do not help them understand the device as they all seem to have moved or run when the fireball exploded. The front of the device is shaped like the yellow coneflowers that grew in the garden of the mage tower but made of metal with many sharp steel teeth. Umgurn has never seen such a flower but notes that the front looks like a bullette of the Underdark. The bottom of the device are heavy wheels like a wagon but much wider and larger. The body of the device is the size of a small house and there is a door at the back. Malege points at the door and waves at Theophania and Enacelle. Theophania notches an arrow and nods. Umgurn draws his scimitar and nods.  Malege opens the door which reveals the inner workings of the device.

[Malege and Umgurn make an Investigation] Rolls 23 and 15

Now that they can see inside, Malege understands the device a bit better. There are four small seats, one over each of the large wheels, with several shafts of metal that end in knobs. Towards the front of the device, there is a cage-like structure large enough to hold the wyrmling as well as a series of struts and gears. Malege moves into the cage and notices that there is a cone of metal with the wide end in the cage and the smaller end leading to a pipe which connects to the struts and gears as well as several boxes. Malege and Umgurn search through the interior and find a large wooden rough-hewn box which is not locked. Inside, they find several sets of tools including Carpenter’s Tools (2 sets), Woodcarver’s Tools, Smith’s Tools (2 sets), Tinker’s Tools, and Cartography Tools.

In addition, there is a leather folder with a few dozen pages with diagrams and annotations in draconic. Malege places everything in his bag of holding and continues searching. At the front of the large room where the cone connects, there is a great shaft which leads from the gears and struts near the cage and goes to the tip of the cone.

[Malege and Umgurn make an Intelligence check] Rolls 6 and 10

Despite studying the insides and having a clear understanding of the inside contents, they are still unsure of exactly how the device works though Umgurn assumes it is somehow tunneling through the rock. They return to Theophania and Enacelle and explain everything they see on the outside and inside as best they can.

[Theophania and Enacelle make Intelligence Checks] Roll 20 and 2

“I am certainly as perplexed as you are. This is a mechanical device and it is not the way of druids to understand metal and steel.” Enacelle walks around to the front of the device.

“I think I understand what this is.” Theophania joins Enacelle at the front then turns back to Malege and Umgurn. “The blue dragon wyrmling can produce lightning. This device, by whatever magic it is constructed, must channel that lightning to turn this large cone very fast and with great power to cut through the stone. The dragon was the powersource and the device was tunneling towards Pathilia.” Malege slaps his hands together and laughs while Enacelle stares at Theophania blankly. Umgurn nods in agreement but smirks with confusion.

“That’s it! You’re right! This is a mechanical tunneling device driven by the dragon’s breath. Fascinating!” Malege goes back inside to look around again. 

“Don’t waste anymore time in there, Malege. We have to destroy it and collapse this tunnel immediately.” Umgurn moves to the door and motions for him to exit. 

“Yes, I agree. If we had a blue dragon wyrmling, we could at least test it and see if you are correct.” Malege drops his head in defeat. Theophania gasps then smiles.

“Try this!” She hands Malege the breath pouch from the wyrmling. His eyes widen with excitement.

“Yes! Let’s try it.” Malege enters the back of the device again. With as much force as he can muster, he hurls the breath pouch towards the mouth of the cone leading from the cage.

[Malege makes a ranged attack] Rolls 19

The breath pouch strikes the cone and explodes in a blast of lightning that sparkles and ricochets throughout the room. Some of the blue energy moves into the cone and for a few seconds, the large cone on the outside rotates its steel teeth and the wheels below move forward a foot or two. 

“Of course! I get it.” Malege exits the room and drops back down. “I think we should take some parts of this as evidence and ask Piece to make a painting or two of it for reference.” 

“That’s a brilliant idea, Malege.” Enacelle pats his back and turns towards the party who is now approaching as a group.

[Malege, Umgurn, and Theophania receive 25 xp each]

After Umgurn assigned tasks, Piece, Fodinis, and Kace move back out of the tunnel and take up positions in the darkness, listening and peering as deeply as they can.

[Piece, Fodinis, and Kace make Perception and Investigation checks] Roll 22, 14, 15 and  18, 8, and 20

Piece’s eyes seem best adapted to the darkness and dustiness of the tunnel and they can see clearly down the tunnel with no movement. Fodinis and Kace can also see down the tunnel but their eyes constantly blink from the dust in the air. Piece and Kace’s cat-ears attune to the tunnel’s echoes and noises, hearing nothing of concern. Fodinis tries his best to listen down the tunnel but has begun to sneeze from the dust which makes listening impossible. The three of them keep their positions for many minutes. Eventually, the dust settles and Fodinis’ sneezing subsides and the tunnel becomes deathly quiet and still. A glint of blue light from behind them forces all of them to turn quickly. Assured that the tunnel is secure, they dash back to the party.

“Kace and Umgurn, where are we relative to the rest of the Underdark?” Theophania assists Malege with rigging the dynamite around the device. 

Piece completed two paintings of the device from the outside and the inside while Malege made copious notes on parchment from Piece. When the paintings were done, Malege asked Kace to assist him in collecting some pieces from the device using the tools. They collect Three struts, Four gears, Two shafts, The cage cone, and Several teeth from the main cone. Kace and Umgurn now stand in the tunnel studying Kace’s map and notes in the light of a lantern.

[Kace and Umgurn make Intelligence checks (with advantage from maps)] Roll 18 and 18

“The tunnel that Malege previously rigged to collapse a while back is the main passage to the Hall of Narvandor. If we collapse that tunnel, the rest of the Underdark will no longer have access to it. I do not think that would be wise.” Kace looks up at the dynamite Malege has placed in the ceiling as well as the several sticks inside the device.

“Agree, Kace. There will be drow in the Hall and we cannot trap them there.” Umgurn continues to look at the map. 

“We have rigged enough dynamite in this area to bring the tunnel down and destroy the device. I am assuming this is the only device. If we backtrack through the tunnels, we can find the origin of the device.” Malege folds his arms and furrows his brow.

“This is a good plan. However, I do not think it is safe for all of you. My suggestion is that we destroy this tunnel here and, perhaps, collapse it again near the passage to the Hall. That will close off this unnatural section to the Underdark. We can then journey to the Hall of Narvandor and discuss this with the drow there.” Umgurn still looks at the map and does not notice the rest of the party staring at him, mouths open. He looks up and smiles.

“I am still a drow. And the Hall is a place of peace. If I bring Enacelle, Malege, and Theophania, all of whom are versed in the magical arts, I believe I can convince them we mean no harm. If they will listen, perhaps we can recruit a group of drow to follow along the Underdark tunnel while we follow on the surface, checking and sealing the eruptions. When we reach the origin, we can consider further what to do.” He folds the map and hands it to Kace and nods quickly as if nothing more needs to be said.

[Umgurn makes a Persuasion check versus the party’s Insight check] Rolls 21 versus 4.

The party all nod in return, implicitly trusting Umgurn’s knowledge regarding the Underdark. With the area secured and Malege placing alarms a hundred feet up the tunnel, the party takes a long rest, with alternating night watches.

 [Malege makes a Smith’s tools check] Rolls 23

Using pieces from the device, Malege constructs a drying oven and a stove, cooking and drying the dragon meat over the long rest. The party eats some of the cooked dragon meat (10 lbs). 

[Malege receives 20 lbs of Dragon jerky and 10 lbs of cooked Dragon meat] 8 lbs of raw meat is discarded.

Once the long rest is completed, the party packs up and moves further back up the tunnel to a distance that Malege assures is safe. Malege launches a firebolt at a spot on the device where he placed the fuse for the dynamite.

[Malege casts firebolt] Rolls 14

The bolt strikes the device close to where Malege intended. As the flames of the blast dissipate, nothing seems to happen. Then, after a second or two, a sparkling ball appears, moving slowly in  line. It then splits into two with one vanishing into the device and the second heading towards the ceiling. A loud, thunderous roar follows a bright blast of light as the ten sticks of dynamite explode. The device shatters into multiple large fragments and the wooden components inside and outside catch fire. After a very brief delay, the ceiling begins to cave and drops hundreds of tons of stone, dirt, and debris onto the device, burying it and the bodies of the creatures–each of which had flowers, herbs, and shiny stones placed on them.