Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E3: The Festival of the Incabulos Lullaby…

July 08, 2024 Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 3

Fearing the appearance of the mysterious dark stranger that's made of red stars, Umgurn recruits the young party to help him lure the stranger to the festival... but is it really luring if the dark stranger wants to be there anyway? 

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Episode 3: The Festival of the Incabulos Lullaby…

The square is almost filled to capacity with more than 1000 people gathered for the festival including those from the surrounding farms. Enacelle and Theophania quickly spot their furrier friend on the edge of the square selling fur-lined items and antlerware, waving to him as the crowd gathers. 

[Theophania makes a Persuasion check, DC10] Rolls 18

Theophania moves to the northwest of the fountain and begins to invite children to ride on her back or in her cart as she parades them around the square in a large circle, ever so often exchanging a few children with others from the crowd. 

[Malege makes a Performance check, DC10] Rolls 13

Malege stations himself on the southeast side of the fountain and begins juggling balls of flame to the great amusement and excitement of adults and children alike. Every once in a while, he fires a firebolt straight into the sky which explodes in bursts of harmless sparks and dissipates. His hair, afire and glowing, occasionally catches one of the juggling balls and another reappears in his hand. The crowd is enamored but Malege notices that several people are looking at him ominously and looking at the fountain. Perhaps his display is acceptable because, at any moment, the water could douse his flames. What is this fear of fire he keeps noticing?

Enacelle stands under a tree on the northern road exit from the square, in shadow. She studies the crowd passing into the square from her road as well as those that have gathered. Fodinis, Umgurn, Piece, and Kace have taken up similar positions on the other four roads leading into the square, each in the shadow of the large trees that ring the square. Because she knows they are there, she can just make out each of them every so often as the light of the encased torches in the square flicker and illuminate their faces. Northeast of the main fountain, a platform raised a few feet off the ground has been erected and now three people climb to the top and address the audience. The first, tallest among them, is a half-elf woman who Enacelle understands is the mayor of this town. The second is a portly, burly human with several badges and pins that may be the constable to whom Umgurn reports. The third is a small halfling wearing formal black robes and carrying only a wand while wearing the smallest little top hat that Enacelle does not recognize. 

Fodinis listens intently to the mayor, the constable, and the business commissioner—who also happens to run the cage match fighting—as they address the crowd. There is nothing of much interest but, as this is his first Incabulos Lullaby festival in his memory, he is curious to hear the details. Mostly it is several prepared soliloquies on harvest, winter, food, safety, preparing for the spring, and, of course, warnings about the dark fairy which make children scream and giggle all around the fountain. He scans the crowd carefully while listening, occasionally looking to Malege and Theophania for any hint of danger.

Kace and Piece, both taking in everything anew from this alien Angedrian festival, have trouble focusing on the task at hand because there is so much going on. They are both very curious and the whizzing lights, screams, colorful costumes, aroma of food, and myriad of faces are quite distracting. Umgurn, on the other hand, is all too familiar with every face in the crowd and looks sternly for any stranger and abnormal activity.

[Enacelle, Theophania, Kace, Piece, Fodinis, and Umgurn make Perception checks, Kace and Piece at Disadvantage, DC 15], Rolls 19, 13, 5, 18, 15, 20. 

From their street positions, Piece, Fodinis, Umgurn, and Enacelle notice that a tall dark figure has entered the edge of the crowd near Malege that seems a bit too interested in his act. They prepare their weapons carefully and begin moving through the crowd. Theophania and Kace do not seem to notice this new person.

Malege continues his juggling and acrobatics, circling and turning constantly. As he comes around to face south with the fountain behind him, a tall figure wearing all black stands at the edge of the crowd. She is impossible not to notice in her dark shiny leathers, long dark flowing hair, amber skin, and purple eyes. She smiles at him and moves a little to the left. As she does, Malege sees the darkness within her long cloak sparkle as if full of red stars. He gasps a bit to himself.

[Malege makes a Stealth check, Performance check and an Acrobatics check DC10] Rolls 8, 15, and 13.

With his back to her, he quickly removes four obsidian chips from his pouch and a small tool, tinkers with them for a moment or two but drops two of them, quickly picking them up, and then places two in each hand. He leaps up onto the fountain and hurls, one at a time, while spinning in the air and smiling, the four chips in the direction of Fodinis, Kace, Piece, and Umgurn.

[Malege makes 4 ranged attacks with tinkered obsidian chips DC12], Rolls 18, 16, 15 and 14

Each of the obsidian chips lands within a foot of their target and begins flashing red light and making noise. 

[Kace, Piece, Fodinis, and Umgurn make Perception checks, Kace at Disadvantage, DC 10], Rolls 12, 8, 19, 11.

Although the brightly flashing chips are near their feet, Piece does not notice. However, Umgurn, Kace, and Fodinis notice, lift it to their ears, and hear, “She’s here!” They each begin quickening their pace through the crowd. Piece continues at a cautious pace.

[Malege casts Message]

When Malege lands on the fountain edge, facing north, still away from the stranger, he quickly points in the direction of Enacelle and whispers. “She’s here!”

Enacelle hears a message whispered in her mind, sees the issue unfolding, and moves quickly towards the fountain.

His best effort to signal his colleagues complete, Malege turns back to the stranger and moves closer to her.

“Hello, there. Fancy a bit of magic, my lady?” He resumes the juggling of his balls of flame. He moves around the open circle made by the crowd which causes the women to step to her left a few feet.

“Little one, magic is the only thing I fancy. In fact, I am most interested in YOUR fire magic. My name is Enicryn Chelpira.”

“I am Malege Urmdal. And why are you interested in my fire magic?” He continues to contort his hands in various shapes and patterns as he juggles the balls of flame. He moves further and she mimics him moving around the clearing.

“I am working on a spell, you see. It’s a very powerful spell that will open a portal and allow me to bring forth several… beings… to do a job for me.”

“Oh, what kind of job?”  He performs a backflip, catching all the balls of flames in his hair, and then producing more. He moves once again as does the stranger. She now stands with her back to the fountain.

“Well, you see, I want to burn the capital city to the ground. I need a few fire-charged fiends to do that.” She smiles and folds her arms in front of her matter-of-factly. Malege gulps but it is neither seen nor heard.

“My lady, that seems a bit aggressive.”  He has stopped moving and quickly scans the crowd. Enacelle now stands on one corner of the fountain, watching intently. Umgurn stands at the other. To his left and right, at the edge of the crowd, he sees Kace and Piece crouched. He does not see Fodinis but he wouldn’t expect to. 

[Malege casts Message]

He twirls in place and as he returns to face her, his fingers are pointing directly at Enacelle and Umgurn for dramatic effect and he whispers, “Gag her quickly!”

[Enacelle makes an Intelligence Check] Rolls 21

Enacelle hears the message intended for her clearly. She pulls 4 feet of rope from her back and cuts it off the main coil and in half, putting both 2 foot pieces in her mouth.

[Enacelle makes a Stealth check] Rolls 17

Malege resumes juggling balls of fire and watches as Enacelle slips beneath the deep water of the fountain soundlessly. 

“It may seem aggressive, child, but I always get what I want. And what I want at the moment, is your heart. You see, for my spell to work, I need the heart of a being from the elemental plane of fire. And, what a coincidence, you happen to be here. I learned of you in Catha but didn’t know which direction you went. I’ve been to multiple towns tracking you but finally got a lead that you were here.  So, you’re it.” She unfolds her hands and a drop of water floats between them. With a flick of her wrists, an ice knife forms and streaks towards Malege.

[Enicryn Chelpira casts Ice Knife; Malege makes a Dex saving throw DC14], Rolls a 14 versus AC 15, misses, Malege fails Dex with an 8 versus DC14, ice knife explodes for 9 damage]

Malege reacts to the incoming dagger of ice to avoid being stabbed but the shattering blade stings him with crystals. He responds by absorbing some of the magical energy.

[Malege casts Absorb Elements, taking 5 damage only and adding 1d6 cold damage to his next attack]

[Malege casts fire bolt plus 1d6 cold damage, Enincryn makes a Dex Saving throw, DC 15] Rolls 22 vs AC 15, dealing 6 fire damage and 3 cold damage, 13 Dex saving throw versus DC15

He responds to her attack with a bolt of fire directed at her chest. The fire bolt explodes followed by a small burst of ice. The crowd gasps and moves back. With the edge of the fountain directly behind her, Enicryn loses her balance, splashing into the water. Umgurn bounds from the back of the fountain to land where she just fell from.  Enacelle emerges from the water with Enicryn, her mouth and hands bound by rope. Kace, Fodinis, and Piece join them. 

“Well done. Let’s take her to the guard’s office quickly before we draw any more attention.”

Only a few minutes later, Umgurn, Piece, Kace, and Fodinis stand next to Enicryn who sits in a chair with her mouth and hands bound by Enacells rope. Enacelle and Malege stand near the door of the guard offices and Theophania is just outside, looking through an open window as the room is not large enough for her. Malege had drunk one of Enacelle’s healing potions and was back to full strength. 

[Enacelle loses 1 potion of healing, Malege regains 5 hps]

The captain of the guard was sitting at her desk with three other soldiers next to her reviewing the notes she’d taken.

“Well, it seems the best thing to do is take this one to Pathilia for them to decide what to do with her.” She shuffles a piece of parchment from a stack and begins writing with a quill.

“That would seem the most prudent course.” Umgurn stands with his arms folded looking at Enicryn with disdain.

Suddenly, Enicryn’s hands are free and a small dagger drops from her hand.

[Surprise attack: Enicryn casts Eldritch Blast targeting captain and guard] Rolls 25 and 25 versus AC15 for two hits doing 8 and 12 damage to the Captain and the guard.

 She quickly pulls down her rope gag, folds her hands around themselves and releases two blasts of eldritch energy at the captain and the soldier next to her. 

The captain and soldier are blasted off their feet by her repelling blasts and fall stunned to the floor. She leaps from the chair onto the desk and turns to face the party.

[Everyone rolls for initiative]

[Enacelle holds her action and movement]

[Piece moves into melee with Enicryn, attacks Enicryn with unarmed strike twice with claws] Rolls 16 versus AC15  for a hit for 8 damage, rolls 9 for a miss 

Piece bounds forward into melee with Enicryn and swipes quickly at her with their claws, slashing her side.

[Enicryn casts Hellish Rebuke targeting Piece as a reaction] Rolls 7 damage, Piece rolls 15 versus 14 Dex Save, takes 4 damage.

Enicryn responds with a rebuke of hellish fire as flames surround Piece and engulf them.

[Guard 3 moves into melee with Enicryn, attacks Enicryn with shortsword] Rolls 10 versus AC15, a miss

The guard to the left of the desk moves forward and slashes at Enicryn with his shortsword but misses and buries his sword in the wood of the desk.

[Theophania attacks Enicryn with her longbow] Rolls 8 versus AC15, a miss

Theophania quickly notches an arrow and releases it from her longbow through the window but the arrow goes wide and shatters against the far stone wall.

[Guard 2 moves into melee, attacks with shortsword] Rolls 16 versus AC15  is a hit for 2 damage

The remaining guard on the right moves close to Enicryn and stabs forward with his shortsword, landing a blow to her thigh.

[Guard 1 is stunned for one round]

[Fodinis moves into melee and attacks with shortsword and bonus action shortsword] Rolls 22 is a hit for 10 damage plus 3 sneak attack damage; 15 is a miss for no damage.

Fodinis charges up to Enicryn next to Piece and makes a slash with both of his shortswords

[Kace charges Enicryn to grapple her] Rolls a 11 versus 4, Enicryn is grappled

Kace runs forward into the fray leaping onto the desk to grab Enicryn her from behind.

[Malege casts firebolt] Rolls 18 is a hit for 10 damage. 

Malege, seeing Kace has her held, fires another firebolt at her chest, striking her in a blast of flames. Her eyes roll back in her head and she falls unconscious. 

[The party receive 50 xp each]

As soon as Enicryn hits the floor, the two guards move to their colleagues to assist them.

[Fodinis makes a sleight of hand check, DC12] Rolls 14

Fodinis drops to the floor next to Enicryn and quickly disarms her. He riffles through her pockets and removes all that she’s wearing except her clothes. He grabs her bag from her shoulder which he recognizes, and places everything she was carrying inside her bag including her leather armor which he deftly strips from her. He tucks the bag inside his overcoat and stands back up. 

After reviving the captain of the guard and using the remaining 46 feet of Enacelle’s rope to bind Enicryn’s mouth, arms, and legs tightly, Enicryn sits in the chair, awakened by Umgurn, staring angrily at the room. She looks down at her bindings and notices that all her possessions are missing. She looks towards Fodinis and stares murder at him.

“It is clear that we cannot let this one speak so I think we have no choice but to send her to Pathilia for the wizard’s of court to question her.” The captain sighs and continues writing on the parchment.

“Actually, captain, we believe that we can let her use a quill and write answers to any pressing questions, no?” Piece moves to Enicryn and frees only one of her arms so that she can move her hand enough to write. With her free hand, all four soldiers pull their blades but then relax. “She has no magical focus and her mouth is gagged. I don’t think there is much she can do.” Enicryn smirks loathingly at the tabaxi.

“Very well. Let’s begin. What is your name?” Fodinis has moved up behind Enicryn and placed each of his razor-sharp daggers next to her ribs such that only Piece can see them and Enicryn can feel them. She scribbles quickly. Piece reads her writing.

“Enicryn Chelpira”

“And what manner of creature or being are you?”

“I am a druid of the forests and a warlock of the archfey.”

“What was your business here in Woodshead?”

“I came to claim the heart of that fire elemental.” She nods towards Malege in the back.

“For what purpose?”

She hesitated and Fodinis pushed slightly with his blades.

“I need it for a ritual I was completing…”

“And what is the nature of this ritual?”

Malege chimes in from the back of the room, “She wants to burn Pathilia to the ground. She told me!!” Enicryn looks over her shoulder at him and gives him an equally loathing look.

“Is this true? You wish to attack Pathilia with fire?”


“And who do you work for? Who are you in league with?”

“No one but myself.”

“You harbor such a hatred for Pathilia that you stalk my citizens, disrupt my festival, in a poor attempt to take this genasi’s heart? How could you succeed on your own? You must have help or back up?” With those words, the other three guards drew their swords again and moved to check the doors and windows. Theophania, still outside the window, looks around at the still bustling square and shrugs her shoulders at the guard who is peering out.

Enicryn drops the quill. She looks sternly at the captain. The interview appears to be over. Fodinis removes the daggers and steps back. Piece goes toward Enicryn’s hand to move it back into the ropes and she flashes her eyes at him. Her hand contorts in multiple movements…

[Enicryn casts Primal Savagery]

…and razor sharp claws erupt from her fingers while fangs appear to jut through the ropes in her mouth, burning them with acid. Her other hand, equally clawed, shreds through the ropes and she leaps from the chair and towards the open window behind the captain’s desk. 

[Fodinis gets an attack of opportunity and slashes with his dagger] Rolls 8 for a miss for no damage.

Before anyone else can react, Enicryn is through the window and vanishes into the darkness.

The following morning, after everyone had a rest at the same inn, they’d agreed to meet first thing in the morning in Fodinis room to discuss what had happened with the druid warlock. Umgurn had already collected the payment from the constable for the information though he had reduced the amount to 500 gp since the party let her escape. Umgurn had not protested but simply agreed.

All seven gather in Fodinis room which, fortunately, has a door to the outside on the back stair so that Theophania could join them. As she settles into a corner, resting on her folded legs, Fodinis pulls forth the bag.

“I recognized this last night as a bag of holding, I think, as I have one myself.” He points towards his own bag under his arm. “So let’s turn it inside out and see what this Enicryn was up to.” He promptly grabs the bottom of the bag with the top open and pushes his fist through, inverting the bag and spilling its contents. The rest take one step back, unclear if something ominous or dangerous might emerge.

Onto the floor falls all of the following items: a hefty leather coin bag that seems full, studded leather, a scimitar, a shield, a wooden staff, bedroll, lyre, mess kit, 10 days worth of rations, a coil of 50 foot silk rope, tinderbox, 10 torches, waterskin, 4 solid gold rings with various gems, and a platinum chain necklace with a large gem pendant. 

Fodinis picks up the leather coin pouch and begins counting the coins. Malege and Enacelle begin probing the armor, scimitar, shield, staff, and lyre with various arcana investigations and the use of magical identification.

[Enacelle makes 5 Arcana checks and Malege casts Identify as a ritual up to 5 times] Rolls 4, 20, 8, 9, and 15. 

Kace and Piece look through the routine equipment carefully

[Kace and Piece make Investigation checks, DC10]  Rolls a 13 and a 15.

Theophania and Umgurn examine the rings and chain.

[Theophania and Umgurn make investigation checks and arcana checks] Rolls 17 & 3 and then 5 & 3.

After an hour, Fodinis looks at everyone and says, “Well, she has about 218 gp total plus the 500 from the constable works out to about 102 gps each.” He shares the money as does Umgurn.

[Each party member receives 102 gps]

Enacelle perks up. “This is magical studded leather and, based on everyone here, would likely best serve Fodinis.” She hands him the leather which he examines and dons it after removing his own. 

“This scimitar is also magical and I think it would serve me nicely as I am the only one using a scimitar now?” The group nods in agreement. She gives the weapon a few swings and places her old one on the floor. 

Malege steps forward.  “This shield, staff, and lyre are all common items.” 

Kace pushes some items forward. “These other items are also all pretty common but I believe Enacelle’s hempen rope was destroyed by the warlock so you should restock from this. It is fine silk. The rations we can split, yes? The rest we can sell.” Everyone takes a ration and Fodinis adds the extra to his own bag of holding. Enacelle takes the rope.

[Each party member receives a ration, Fodinis receives 4 rations and magical studded leather armor, and Enacelle receives 50 feet of silk rope and a magical scimitar]

“And then there is this.” Piece pulls a folded piece of paper from the pile and unfolds it again to show the group. Umgurn, Theophania, and Enacelle peer at it closely as the local natives of Pathilius.

[Enacelle, Umgurn, and Theophania make history checks], Roll 20, 13 , 7

Enacelle’s eyes widen and she gasps. “Fascinating! This is a map of the Blight to the east, I think but it is very old.. However, it has what appear to be cities or possibly ruins marked with name. And there seem to be dates… in the future?” Umgurn looks more closely at the map now that Enacelle has oriented the group.

[Umgurn makes an Insight check] Rolls a 16.

Umgurn takes the map. “What I think this is… is an expedition plan. These dates are after the cold season when the ocean is calmer and the days are warmer… at least 4 moon-turns from now. And each city or ruin is in a specific order. First Sayne and Charl which are the most remote. Then Hespa and Filla. Then finally Kersepinee. But I do not know these names.”

“Nor do I” Theophania and Enacelle both shake their heads.

Malege steps forward and looks at the map. “But people travel here frequently, to this Blight?”

Theophania smiles at the little genasi. “No, the Blight is a vast desert of sand and hideous creatures, corrupted by the magic of Santernafulse that laid waste to it hundreds of years ago. Ships do not sail east of The Fingers, only north, and then only through a large ocean pass that avoids the dangerous waters east of Devenmere. If these are towns or ruins, no one from Pathilia will have ever explored them that I know of. Nor from Devenmere for that matter.”

“But then, why would a druid/warlock have this map?” Piece takes it from Umgurn and reads the names carefully.

Umgurn sighs loudly. “Well, one possible explanation is that she is an agent of Santernafulse. Her desire to burn Pathilia along with this map could mean that Santernafulse plans to invade Pathilius. Had she succeeded…”

“Or if she still succeeds!” Malege's voice is full of anxiety.

“Yes, if she still succeeds, little one, that would throw Pathilius into chaos and no one would notice an exploration or invasion of the Blight.”

“What can be done?” Enacelle runs her foreclaw over the map.

“My close favor with the king. I must speak with him directly and in private. We cannot trust that other agents of Santernafulse are not at work here. This map is old, as you say,  and only the dates are new. So, someone gave it to her. Theophania, you are under contract from the king and Enacelle, your people are great emissaries to the throne and friend to the elves and loxodon in Pathilius. Will you accompany me to see the king?”

“Of course.” They both answered in unison.

“Kace, Piece, and Fodinis. May I ask that you protect Malege until we know that Enicryn is no longer a threat.” Umgurn places a hand on Kace and Fodinis shoulders.

“Happy to.” Kace smiles and puts his hand on the genasi’s shoulder. Piece nods.

Fodinis hesitates. “Hmmm….It seems like Kace and I have some future business with a mindflayer residing under Pathilia, no? Would it not be best for the three of us to protect Malege and accompany you to the city? We can see Drebask while you meet with the king.”

“I WOULD feel more comfortable with you all nearby until Enicryn is caught. She may see any or all of you as a threat or in need of vengeance. And, each of you alone, are still children and she is a heartless person… searching for his heart.” Malege cowered a bit and stood closer to Piece. 

Theophania moves towards the group holding the jewelry. “Before we forget. These rings and necklace appear, to me, to simply be jewelry but I would appreciate it if Malege could take a look.”

The group breaks off into small pairs and clusters to continue quiet discussion while Malege identifies the items. After an hour, he looks up.  “They are probably really expensive but… not magical.”

Fodinis scoops up the items. “Perfect. Give me an hour while you all have some breakfast and I’ll have everything we don’t need… replaced… with some coin.”

“Your fence will certainly be happy to see you.” Umgurn smirks but Fodinis is already out the door.

Fodinis moves quickly away from the inn, across several streets, and ducks down an alley. 

[Fodinis makes a stealth check] Rolls a 10 

Because it is mid-morning, the streets are quite busy and there are no clouds in the sky. He avoids suspicion and wandering eyes, but it is not easy to avoid being seen. He decides to boldly stride across the main square, walking across some trash and debris from the evening’s festivities that still lay around while a few folks are busily cleaning it. He passes close to one, smiles, and tosses her a gold piece.

[Fodinis gives away 1 gp]

She smiles in return and pockets it. As he moves down the southwestern street, the weapons shop is approaching on his left. 

[Fodinis makes a Stealth check] Rolls a 19.

A passing cloud darkens the morning for a moment and Fodinis ducks down a side street, hugs close to a small, quiet home where no one is working, and quickly moves, unseen, to the cellar doors of a small cottage next to the southwest gate. The guards at the gate are looking outward.

Inside, Fodinis goes to a wooden wall of the mostly dirt and stone walled basement, taps three times, then waits. A few moments later, he hears a trap door above his head on the other side of the wall open and close and then the wall in front of him slides open. Portia DeFancy, a slender human wearing a simple blue cotton dress with her long gray hair secured in a tight bun, smiles back at him.

“Come on in.” She is quiet but not whispering.

“Thank you, Portia. I will be quick. I have a few mundane items to get rid of.” He places everything on a table under a large, intensely bright chandelier of magical, never melting candles. “And then there are these.” He places the four rings and the necklace on the table. 

“Mundane indeed but, I dare say, not things we just want to see laying around on the street. But these!” She pulls a jeweler’s loop from her pocket and pounces upon the gold rings and necklace. She studies them for many minutes, looking carefully at the quality, uniqueness and for specific markings. 

“Well, these are VERY fine indeed, Fodinis. And you are lucky that I happen to have just replenished my coffers. Let’s say I give you 10,500 gold pieces for the lot?” She smiles insinuating it’s a good sum for the lot.

[Portia rolls a Persuasion check, Fodinis makes an Insight check] She rolls a 15 versus a 5.

“Well, I think you might be getting a huge bargain, but I don’t have the time just now to examine your shrewdness, my dear. 10,500 will be perfect. Could you divide it between 7 little sacks?”

“Oh, we have friends now? Or just accomplices?” She laughs counting coins from a small bag at her side.

“Remains to be seen. A group of really good kids, actually. Not the type of folks that should be associated with me normally. But I need them for now.” He begins pulling the sacks towards him and placing them in his bag.

“Ah… must be hot on the trail of your ‘mindflayer’?” She laughs bitterly as the last of the coins are dispersed. With a few hand gestures and some mumbling, all of the items vanish. 

“That will do it, I think. Good luck, Fodi. You’re one of the best even if you pretend to be a heartless thief.” She cackles loudly as he exits the wood paneled room and sneaks back up through the basement door to the bright sunlight above.

He returns to the tavern within an hour to find the group at the same table having food. He sits among them and smiles. He pulls six small cloth bags from his own bag of holding and places one in front of each of them. “Don’t count it now and put it away quickly.” He pushes the bags towards everyone. Umgurn picks up the bag and frowns.

“This seems like…”

“Shhhh… Let’s just say our druid/warlock friend was clearly very connected and has some patron out there who bestowed very expensive jewelry to her.” Fodinis nods to everyone whose eyes are large with the hefty sacks.

[Each party member gains 1500 gp] 

“Thank you, Fodinis. While you were away, we have all agreed upon the plan and that we shall leave in one quinday for Pathilia. Enicryn is without resources, we assume, or funds so she is likely to return to her people, if they are nearby, to regroup. That being the case, Kace, Piece, and you will take turns guarding Malege this week while you do whatever you need to do to prepare. Enacelle and Theophania are going to return to the forest and plains to go about their usual activities. We will regroup here in 5 days to depart.” Umgurn looks at everyone in turn nodding as they nod in return to agree.

“Piece, please take this as well. I have a feeling you like books and they just get too heavy without some help.” Fodinis gives Piece the Bag of Holding that he took from Enicryn. Piece smiles brightly and bows. 

[Downtime activities for 1 week]

Piece spends the bulk of their week walking around Woodshead, greeting everyone they see outside, and striking up random conversations. They spend at least an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening with Kace in quiet discussion. They find two different book stores which they peruse tirelessly and finally settle on two new books for purchase along with more writing supplies for a cost of 175 gp. Having also ascended in their prowess, they spend several hours each day working on their newly found ki and how to use it effectively in combat. Lastly, at Hadrian’s Heretics, a small magical shop in Woodshead, they have their family heirloom Agile Spear of the Flowing Stream enchanted to be magical for improved attacks and acrobatics for a cost of 750 gold pieces. During the week, they have done poetry readings, their own and some from their new book,

[Piece makes 4 performance checks] Rolls 3 successes and 1 failure x 4d20 possible gold = 42 gp

…which netted them 42 gp.

Enacelle spends the bulk of the week exploring the forest of East Mornswood to commune with as many animals as she can find in hopes of increasing the usability of her new awakened talent of wild shaping into animals. Because of her familiarity with the woods, she easily found spiders, hares and rabbits, many deer, and wolves. But she ventured quite a bit south towards the mountains and lucked upon a cave near the start of the smallest hills. There she saw several dire wolves. She spent an afternoon with them in her wild shape form of a dire wolf. Lastly, every evening she spent quite a bit of time making healing potions and stocked up 10 in total at a cost of 250 gold pieces. For assisting Theophania with her contracts, she receives 100 gp. 

[Enacelle gains 10 healing potions and spends a net of 150 gp]

Umgurn spends his week working at night for a few hours, splitting his shift with a firbolg colleague so that he has some time in the day to sort himself for the trip. He secures a large wooden paneled wagon and two horses for the journey on lease from a local for 300 gps, which would easily hold the group and supplies. He stocks up on supplies including cooking equipment and supplies, a bolt of oilcloth, some lanterns and oil, and a few other camping supplies for a total of 150 gps.  He also spends some time understanding his growing paladin skills which includes some protective magic and some magical strikes. He has Hadrian take a look at his double-bladed scimitar and he provides some improvements to it magically to increase its protective nature and add some finesse for 500 gps. Lastly, he upgraded to splint mail from chain mail for increased protection. For completing his work, he receives 50 gps.

[Umgurn acquires a wagon, supplies, an improved scimitar, and splint mail and spends a net of 900 gps]

Theophania has her contracts to maintain and, assisted a bit by Enacelle, continues her surveys of the plain’s deer, occasionally culling a few per day as needed. She makes a special request of the furrier that he begin making 7 heavy fur-lined outercoats and gives him the various sizes of the party. She is not sure but she has a sinking feeling they will be asked to go to the Blight sooner rather than later and, with the harsh cold moon-turns ahead, it is best to be prepared. He agrees to make the heavy coats and makes an arrangement with the tailor in town for them to be fine quality and stylish, fit for each person, and very warm at a cost of 100 gp each. Theophania’s practice with her bow shows great increase in her archery skills and she spends some gold to acquire 5 magical arrows for 250 gps. For completing her weekly contract, she receives 400 gps, of which she gives 100 to Enacelle for assisting her.

[Theophania gains 5 +1 arrows, and spends a net of 650 gp]

Fodinis gambles for most of the week including on a few cage matches that do not include Kace–about which he is a little disappointed–as well as at games of dice and cards.

[Fodinis makes a roll on the carousing table] Rolls 20 +2 = 22

Although he ends up even for the week on funds, he has made a new enemy, named Victor “The Viper” Delacroix who is a traveling card shark that Fodinis accused, rather publicly, of cheating which resulted in The Viper being run out of town. However, being flush with gold from his original win off of Kace, he upgrades all of his weapons magically with Hadrian including his special daggers (500 gp each) and his short swords (2000 gp each).

[Fodinis receives 2 +1 daggers and 2 +2 shortswords and spends a net of 5000 gp]

Malege hangs around town and takes some time, while being guarded by either Kace, Piece, or Fodinis, to do some shopping to upgrade his armor. He sells his chain shirt and buys a fine breastplate as he greatly admires Theophania’s breastplate and it adds some extra protection while reducing his weight. His tinkering with magic has improved and he now feels confident enough to attempt infusing larger items with magic. He replicates his own bag of holding and gives his shortbow a repeating shot, increasing its damage and reducing the need for ammunition. He also acquires some smithing tools and tinkering tools to match his skill sets that are now easily stored in his bag of holding. He found a jeweler who sold him some chips of obsidian to replace and increase his stash, shocked at the cost since obsidian is literally everywhere in the elemental plane of fire. Lastly, he spends an hour or so every day as Isvara sets doing some fire juggling and performing,

[Malege makes 4 performance checks] Rolls 2 successes and 2 failures for 50% of 4d20.

…earning him 28 gp.

[Malege receives a breastplate, smith’s tool, tinkering tool’s, obsidian chips for a net spend of 600 gp]

Kace spends most of his days exercising and training, often with a crowd that includes Piece when they are not guarding Malege.. Because of his performance in his first match, there has not yet been any other cage match challenges for him to compete in during this week.

[Kace makes 4 athletics checks] Rolls 4 successes for 100% of 4d20 gp = 43 gps

The crowd loves him and he acquires 43 gps from his admirers who come to see him exercising. Although he prefers to fight bare handed, he decides he should upgrade his attire, armor and throwing weapons since they may encounter something other than a cage match at some point in this land. He purchases splint mail and sells his chain mail and acquires some additional new, more stylish traveling clothes of a dark blue shirt, dark green leather tunic, dark brown pants, and a second pair of very comfortable, made to fit boots of soft leather. Hadrian was unimpressed with his javelin and refused to upgrade it; however, he has a very special magical spear that he acquired recently which he is willing to sell Kace for 1350 gp because he is a bit of a local hero having defeated Goshan whom Hadrian never liked. Kace examines the spear and Hadrian explains that the spear can be thrown accurately for great distances and always returns to the thrower’s hand. Kace finds this fascinating and says he will take it.

[Kace receives splint mail, stylish traveling clothes, a Spear of Faithful Return, spending a net of 1500 gps]

On the fifth day, the last day of the quinday, the group reassembles mid-morning at the tavern. Umgurn smiles at everyone and encourages them to load into the covered wagon and stow their things which Kace, Piece, Fodinis do. He takes the reins and begins the journey to Pathilia of several days alongside Theophania who pulls her own cart in which Malege and Enacelle have chosen to ride. The constable waves them down as they near the edge of town and pulls Umgurn to the side for a private conversation. When Umgurn returns to the wagon, he briefs the group.

“The constable wanted to tell me that I am  taking very serious risks traversing the road from here to Pathilia without an armed guard and…ummm… with a bunch of… young people. As Theophania and Enacelle know well, the wilds of Pathilius are … very wild and dangerous. But with the amount of traffic going to and fro on the roads these days, I don’t think we will have much trouble.” He smiles at the group.

“The constable was telling you this but you were already aware?” Malege stands up from the back of Theophania’s cart and looks concerned with his arms crossed. “The road from Cantha didn’t seem too dangerous…just some wolves, remember, I told you.”

“Well, yes and no. He was telling me that the last two heavily guarded caravans that arrived from Pathilia in the last week reported some troubles. Hearing lots of activity in the woods and marsh at night. Seeing things in the daytime that are uncommon. They may have lost a horse or two in the night to some large beasts but he wasn’t entirely clear. He thinks something is stirring up trouble specifically along THIS road.” He again smiles confidently.

“Should we be worried?” Piece also looks concerned, echoed by a nod from Kace.

“I traversed the woods themselves within the last two moon-turns, traveling by daylight and at night. I did not have any trouble.” Enacelle stands next to Malege and hugs him close.

“But you are a druid, Enacelle. And you were alone. We are quite a large party with two horses.” Fodinis also looks on with a face of worry.

“Our plan will be to travel with as much daylight as possible. Make camp each day while we still have enough daylight to secure our site. And stick close to the road. If we do that, I think we will be okay. I want to be clear with all of you… I don’t trust anyone with this Enicryn running around. I think our confidence with the king should remain that… a confidence.” Umgurn places his hands on his hips with his chest out to assure the group of his confidence.

[Umgurn makes a Persuasion check] Rolls 14 versus a group insight check 11.

Kace nods. “If you say it’s safe, then I am good to go.” The others nod in agreement. The wagon and cart resumes their journey out the gate and onto the road.

[All members of the party have reached 2nd level]

[Umgurn chooses Blessed Warrior Fighting Style, Spare the Dying, Toll the Dead]

[Malege chooses Artificer Infusions: Replicate Magic Item, Spellwrought Tattoo, Enhanced Defense, Replicate Magic Item (Bag of Holding), Repeating Shot]

[Theophania chooses Archery Fighting Style]

[Enacelle choose Circle of the Moon Druid Circle]