Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience

S1:E2: The Gangs All Here

July 05, 2024 Dan Milner Season 1 Episode 2
S1:E2: The Gangs All Here
Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience
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Angedrian: A D&D 5e Experience
S1:E2: The Gangs All Here
Jul 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Dan Milner

Is it chance or machination that brings together a disparate cast of characters? Within the walls of Woodshead, safe to commune and share, the group become acquainted but also learn of an unpleasantness that may be stalking one or more of them...

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Show Notes Transcript

Is it chance or machination that brings together a disparate cast of characters? Within the walls of Woodshead, safe to commune and share, the group become acquainted but also learn of an unpleasantness that may be stalking one or more of them...

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Episode 2: The gangs all here...

Kace Amberdream and Fodinis Oradurk awake before Isvara has risen, refresh themselves with clean water brought by the house boy, dress, and make their way down to the tavern main floor for breakfast. Kace wears the same shabby shirt and grungy pants. Fodinis now sports a brown shirt, black tunic, gray pants, and his boots. A slight female halfling brings over bread, cheese, fruits, and hot tea and places it on the table. 

[Fodinis pays 1 gp for breakfast] 

“So, now that we are rested, Kace, I want to hear the story of how you came to be here in this land,” Fodinis chews on bread spread with fresh butter.

“Yes. It is a story I need to tell. Maybe you know what it means. I am from a land called Theros. We have many gods there.  Some are cruel and some are nice. But they spend their time bothering my people. My people are leonine, or man-lions. We are the fiercest and most loyal warriors and devotees of our gods, despite their behavior. My parents were highly respected in our community. I am strange in that my black fur and hair is quite rare.” Kace pauses and looks at Fodinis, realizing Fodinis' dark black hair and dark black skin, for a bugbear, may be normal or unusual. He has no idea. 

“Most leonine are white to light brown in Theros. But every few generations, a black lion like myself can be born. People call me an omen or a sign of the gods favor or… or.. possibly a curse. It depends on who you ask. I just think I’m funny colored. But I was only three years old, a cub still, when I was stolen by strangers to Theros. They took me from my pride along with a young satyr named Ramdibold. Ramdibold died within a few weeks of us being stolen because satyrs require the magic of the land to survive until they are adults in Theros. I was taken to a place called The Luctus. I don’t know how we got there but it was not a ship or a cart. We moved through magical doorways, I think. Wherever The Luctus is, no man can walk from there to Theros…or to here. The Luctus was a savage place filled with many arenas for fighting. To the death. And I was forced to be part of a training camp for fighters. I spent years training before I was ever forced to compete. But I had watched hundreds of matches before my first time in an arena.”

“My first fight I remember well. It was versus a human who was from another place of which I’d never heard, and, sadly, now… don’t remember. I spoke with him for about an hour before we were forced to fight. He was terrified of pain and wanted nothing more than to be home again with his parents. He had been stolen as a child as well. He spoke of his god, Pelor, and how he would see his family with the grace of Pelor in this life or the afterlife. He died with very little pain. And after that, I don’t remember many matches… only the slash of my claws on throats over and over again. And, then, my last match happened on my 16th birthday, just a few moon-turns ago in your time. I entered the ring and there was the most peculiar creature about to fight me. He had a large, round, bulbous head, two white eyes, and the bottom of his face ended in four tentacles. He only had four fingers on each hand. I know now that he was a mindflayer or illithid as they are called.  I had never seen one before. As we entered the ring, he spoke to me in my mind. He told me that there was a dampening device on the back of his neck that was restricting his full power. He wanted me to slash it with my sharpest claw to destroy it. And then he would, in return, help me escape. The thought of freedom was overpowering.  I agreed. When the battle started, he made a weak attempt at a swipe to expose the back of his neck. I slashed the control collar easily. He immediately rushed towards the nearest exit. People fell before him for no reason I could see. I leaped ahead, protected from whatever he was doing, and ripped out the throats of all in our way. We eventually found a safe place far from the arena. The mindflayer, Drebask, produced a small magic dagger and cast something he called the dream of the blue veil on us, transporting us here, where the dagger was made. Drebask thanked me and gave me a small medallion with illithid symbols on it. He said it would possibly protect me from other mindflayers--but no guarantee. Drebask then left me in the sewers of Pathilia. I begged on the streets for a few days and then a man asked me if I was a good fighter. And he brought me here in a caravan. I was so tired and hungry, I don’t even remember the journey.”

Fodinis looks puzzled  for a moment, takes a deep breath, looks away, and then sighs. “My friend, our acquaintance was more than just a coincidence or a chance meeting. Perhaps Grankhul has a plan for me to exact a swift death to a creature in my past for which you could be the key. You see, my own history, which is very brief, also includes a mindflayer. Though I am 21 isvarana, my memory is only of the last year.  This mindflayer, in fact, stole all of my memories.” He pulls a small glowing vial from his pocket. “These are my memories. The mindflayer and his colleagues were performing some sort of experiments. I escaped but not before… well… let’s just say the mindflayer is the only one I am still looking for. I need to find him because, I hope, he can give me my memories back. And then, I will kill him.” Fodinis pockets the vial.

“Are you a typical bugbear, Fodinis. I can’t help but also notice the deep ebony of your hair and skin. Do all bugbears look like you?” Kace eats a bit of cheese that is particularly pungent in odor but delicious in flavor, causing him to smile.

“Well, Kace, in fact, I am very similar to you–in my rarity. Most bugbears have yellow to reddish brown skin with brown or red hair. I am, therefore, very unusual. At least, as far as I know.” They continue to eat their breakfast in silence.

The rise of Isvara joins the morning along with more sounds of the awakening day. Theophania, with Enacelle still riding in her cart, moves through town towards a tavern inn that Enacelle informed her has tables for larger creatures in the back. 

Yesterday, when they arrived at the furrier’s home, Enacelle had spent more than an hour shuffling through the chips and shards of antler he had in a large wooden crate to find the exact pieces she needed to accent her quarterstaff. She spent most of the afternoon into the evening imbuing the chips of antler and the staff itself with magical spells and carving additional runes. The furrier provided her with some small brass nails and she used some strong bonding tar to affix each one to the faceted spaces she had previously carved, securing each with a nail. Just as the sun was setting, she had finished placing all of them securely and then put it in a thin oil overnight to soak and swell the wood, so the pieces were bonded. This morning, when they awoke having slept in the furrier’s barn, the quarterstaff was finished, and she was very happy with the outcome of her 4 moonturns of work. 

[Enacelle gains a +1 Quarterstaff ( druidic focus)]

Theophania turns down the alley next to the tavern, walks to the back, and finds a large open courtyard with blossoming trees and thick, gentle grass. In the back wall of the tavern, a large open window most of the length of the building is raised and has tables that protrude from inside to outside. Theophania leaves her cart to the side, nods to another centaur who sits in a back corner next to a small tea table, and settles into the indoor-outdoor table. Enacelle walks through the back door, nods to the barkeep, and sits at the same table on the inside. The barkeep brings over some hot tea, bread, and cheeses, shaking Enacelle’s hand and smiling at Theophania. Enacelle, being extremely friendly and overly curious, spent many hours chatting with the barkeep on her way through Woodshead a few days ago and she is always easily remembered.

[Enacelle pays 1 gp for breakfast] 

In the front corner of the tavern, near the window, Enacelle sees a bugbear having breakfast with what looks like a mutated, overgrown tabaxi. She turns her head to the left and then to the right, trying to get the measure of this creature but to no avail. As she nibbles at some cheese, an actual tabaxi along with a strange, slightly flaming child, comes down the stairs. Theophania shrugs her shoulders at the two and continues to sip her tea. Enacelle, being naturally friendly and curious, waves them over to join her table. The tabaxi smiles and gently urges the genasi towards two of the open seats at the large window table.

“Hello, strangers. I am Enacelle, a druid of the Great Swamp to the west, on a trekking expedition to explore the forest south of here. This is my friend, Theophania, a ranger under contract with the king to cull our deer population to reduce predators. Who might you two be? And I ask because I am naturally very curious and some say bold… but I say friendly.” She smiles broadly, exposing her razor sharp teeth. Malege steps back slightly but Piece urges him forward.

“New friends are always good to make and we are, indeed, both strangers in this land. We are Piece of the Puzzle, a poet, and we are from far across the black sea of space and time. This is Malege of the elemental plane of fire. We only met last evening when Malege, unfortunately, was attacked in the middle of town. We are waiting for the night watch, a drow, to come and discuss it with us as well as this land.” Piece bows with their paws together facing downward and Malege awkwardly bows the same way. They sit at the table.

Theophania looks up at the mention of a drow. 

“Drow? You mean Umgurn? I know him well and we are good friends. I met him when I arrived here from Devenmere last year. He is a curious drow but a very decent being and protector of this city and its people.” Piece and Malege both look at Theophania with questioning countenances. Theophania nods.

“Devenmere. It’s to the north of Pathilius. There is a great mountain there called The Dragon’s Back around which is a massive forest. My herd is there. Normally, I would stay with my herd until I was 17 or 18 isvarana. But my archery and tracking skills served my herd so well, they gave me the honor of being an emissary to the King of Pathilia at the age of 14.”

“14!? I am 14 as well!’ Malege smiles brightly and seems to bounce with excitement. Piece and Enacelle laugh. “How old are you, Enacelle? Piece is 17.” Malege puts a piece of bread in his mouth and chews hungrily.

“I am 16 isvarana, Malege. But, that is the age of adulthood in my tribe. Much like Theophania, I was sent by my family as an emissary to Pathilia but spend most of my time in the wilds and forests.” Enacelle adjusts her quarterstaff next to her and looks out the back window.

“Well, Umgurn, the drow, he’s 119!!”

As if on cue or by sheer coincidence, Umgurn opens the tavern door and enters. He sees the genasi and tabaxi seated at a table with his centaur friend and the lizardfolk he’d seen passing through town a while back. He nods and joins them at the table, waving to the barkeep for milk.

“Well, this is indeed a collection of eclectic beings.” Umgurn laughs. Everyone greets each other with handshakes and bows and exchanges names. 

“This little genasi was attacked last night so I’ve come to join them for breakfast before the holiday celebrations begin. I don’t want, whatever it is, to interfere with the festival.” Everyone at the table looks inquisitively at the genasi. He seems embarrassed by the attention and his hair flares a bit with flame.

“Ah, yes, so… now that I’ve slept, I will tell you what I remember. I arrived yesterday afternoon in a caravan. I got paid so I walked around town to see if there might be anything I need for sale. Most of the shops were busy. I am mostly needing new clothes as I think my fiery robes draw a lot of attention. And, of course, these are the robes of my captors so I do wish to forget them.”

The drow and the centaur both laugh out loud and the tabaxi and lizard look at them curiously, then back at the genasi who’s head is flickering with flames, and also laugh.

“Well, I don’t want to draw any MORE attention to myself. Haha. I found a nice tailor and he’s making me some new clothes and is accepting my robes as part of the payment. I really want to leave the wizards behind me. Anyway, it was almost night and I was asking a nice food stall lady for the best place to sleep. She told me about this tavern so I was heading here. I saw an alley that cut through and I could see more people on the other side, so I took the alley shortcut. About halfway down, the alley became very dark. My own flickering light didn’t seem to do anything. Then, I turned and looked behind me and I saw it. A large black… thing… blocking the alley! It seemed to be tall and walking towards me, but I couldn’t make out any details except the blackness. And then the red starlight. It seemed to be filled with red stars.”

“What did you say?” Theophania dropped the piece of bread she was eating. 

“Full of red stars….”

Theophania looks at Enacelle sternly. “I have seen this… thing… as well. It was in the form of a giant stag and it was leading a herd of deer into the forest. I feared for the deer as it is dangerous for the herds with the large number of predators they are attracting. I followed it but lost it.”

Umgurn let out a long deep sigh. “You saw it in the woods yesterday and you saw it in the city last night? This is very concerning. I feel the need to report this to the constable and get his advice on what should be done. If you will excuse me, I will see him now. Please enjoy your breakfast.”

Umgurn stood to leave and saw Fodinis sitting in the corner.  “Ah, and what is my favorite bugbear up to this morning? Corrupting a stranger?” He moves to their table and extends his hand to Kace. “I am Umgurn Luthra, city guard. And you are?”

“Kace Amberdream, sir. I am new to town and Fodinis met me after the cage matches last night.”

“I heard a rumor that there was quite a stir at the last match last night?” Umgurn grins knowingly.

“Yes, that was me.” Kace smiles and eats more bacon.

“I’d love to hear all about it! However, I have some urgent business with the constable. Fodinis, would you please accompany me as your skills and expertise will be of some value in this matter.”

Fodinis frowns. “Well, that can’t be good. That can’t be good at all.” Without another word, he stands to follow Umgurn. Then he stops and turns back to Kace. 

“Kace, please join Umgurn’s companions and recount to them your story. I have a feeling one or more of them may have some insights for you.” And with that, they both exit the tavern.

Kace moves over to the other table, smiles at everyone, and introduces himself as they do in return. Piece grasps Kace offered paw in both of their own and shakes it slowly smiling gleefully with the familiarity of another feline face. Kace mentions Fodinis’ suggestion and then repeats his tale in detail, answering lots of questions as he goes along.

When Kace has finished his story, Malege speaks first. “You’re 16! You are all a bunch of kids. Just like me!” Everyone laughs at Malege’s observation.

Theophania then sighs and smiles. “Did Fodinis tell you about his run in with a mindflayer?”

“He mentioned it a little but not too many details,” Kace takes a slice of bread from the table.

“It is not my story to tell but I will tell you the version I know. I had the good fortune to spend several days with Fodinis a few months ago.  Fodinis is a bugbear and, if you know anything about Pathilius, which you likely don’t, you will know that bugbears along with orcs, kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, and the like, were once the rulers of these parts of the world, led by Thrum the Magnificent. Even more so in the north in Devenmere on the other side of the Great Wall, where I am from. But that was a long time ago. They lived in only a few enormous encampments and the bulk of Pathilus was open, wild country filled with all sorts of fantastic beasts and creatures. To some degree, it still is, mind you. The enormous potential for natural resources here eventually led to the keen interest of Anbeth in the far northwest.  The armies of Thrum were defeated by the kingdom of Anbeth which took over Devenmere and forced Thrum’s forces there against the Great Wall where they were slaughtered. My ancestors were among those forces. The combined armies of Cantheria, Villachifne, and the Forillial Jungle–the other northern allies of Anbeth– invaded Pathilius and, unlike the armies of Anbeth which were driven by humans, the collective army was composed of elves, half-orcs, dragonborn, gnomes, and such. They defeated Thurm’s forces but, rather than slaughter them, made a peace with them. The land was renamed Pathilius and the capital, Pathilia to the west of here, built on Thrum’s largest encampment, was named in honor of General Ardmore Pathil, the commander of the collective army. He allowed the defeated army of Thrum, including Thrum himself, to settle in the dense savannah peninsula west of the West Mournwood where they founded the town of Oldestall. The creatures were very talented beyond war and created a reasonable trade system with Pathilia and the other towns that grew up on the land. They were also key advisors for carefully mining the natural resources of Pathilius to preserve it–unlike Devenmere in the north.  In fact, because of the harshness of the lands, many of those creatures also settled in the woods west of Shaybrow. They have been invaluable in protecting the western border from Santernafulse spies and invaders.”

“Santernafulse?” Piece sips more milk.

“A hideous place of pure evil but also the largest land mass in Angedrian, larger than Anbeth. The history of Angedrian is ancient and I do not profess to know the full story. Only the mages and scholars can know that. But I know that before the dawn of this age a great darkness found its way to Santernafulse from somewhere else. Supposedly, it had been a land of magical creatures and prosperity, strongly connected to the Feywild. But all were destroyed or driven from the land by the evil that grows there, even now. Tribes of kobold, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, minotaurs, giants, and many other humanoids under the influence of that evil live there. Supposedly, they all bear the mark of Santernafulse! To the east of here there was once a great kingdom, one of the greatest of our age, but all that remains is The Blight. Santernafulse laid waste to it. South Canville and Reigel’s Hope now protect this land on the southeastern shores from the hordes. But the west has the scattered Caninthirium Isles which would be  difficult to protect if it weren’t for its fierce people. Mostly tabaxi but also tortle and kenku. And beyond that… Polipine. Polipine was corrupted, it is said, by Santernafulse, long ago but no one talks about it. They are a society of dark wizards. No decent kingdom trades with them but they somehow survive.”

“You were explaining about bugbears?” Kace looked apprehensively at Theophania holding a piece of bacon.

“Sorry, I get distracted sometimes. Yes, so, Fodinis’ people are from Oldestall but, of course, with free trade, can be seen outside of there often. However, Fodinis along with a few others were apparently kidnapped from their home in the west and brought back east somewhere.  Fodinis’ first memory is seeing a mindflayer standing with two dark elves, drow, in fact over the bodies of a kobold and a goblin. The creature's brains were missing through the tops of their heads….

“This one’s memory is completely gone. Here is the vial.” A drow holds up a vial containing a bright glowing white liquid. 

“Are you ready to feed on the brain now?” the other drow asks the mindflayer. 

“I’m full for now,” it replies in a warbling alien voice. “Save him for tomorrow. I must reflect on what I have learned from the other two vials.” 

They all leave the room and the lights go out but the room glows from the vial on the table where the elf had left it. Unaware of who or what he is, Fodinis shifts in his restraints and feels his hands slide out of the manacles. He sits up and twists his feet and slides out of the leg restraints. He can see in the dark around him but only in black and white. He grabs the vial, puts it in his pocket, and searches the room. There are large sharp blades on a table and he grabs two and walks toward the door… 

Less than an hour later, he is standing at the open doors of a manor house, blades dripping in blood, sweating through his clothes, and knowing that he clearly has skills to sneak up on his enemies, kill them quickly, and move on. He never found the mindflayer among the dozens of dead in his wake, but he would…

“So, you see, he seeks this particular mindflayer. When he first arrived in Woodshead, he met Umgurn. They initially had a bit of a rough start–Fodinis experience with drow being not so nice–but came to an understanding and agreement. Drow working with a mindflayer would be almost unheard of, apparently, and Umgurn wanted to understand why. But the stealing of memories from the living without eating their brains, as per the usual function of mindflayers, was even more disturbing to Umgurn. They resolved to investigate Fodinis past together. Thus, I think, Kace, at some point, Fodinis WILL ask you to help him find YOUR mindflayer as he has questions.” Theophania folds her arms across her chest and sighs.

“Are bugbear often black like Fodinis. He bears a resemblance to me and I am of very rare coloration in my pride.” Kace finishes the bacon and Enacelle pushes another plate of food towards him. Kace smiles and begins eating the additional food.

Enacelle smiles and sits up a bit. “I was raised not far from Oldestall and know their people well. Very pleasant when you’ve got things to trade. Not so much for socializing. And, yes, Fodinis is… you might say… unique. I have met many bugbears and I have never seen one with jet black hair and skin. Theophania, you mentioned that Fodinis was kidnapped in the east and brought west. That is the exact same story of my four lost little kobolds that you ran into. I actually only assumed it was slavers but, do you think, it could be this same mindflayer repeating its experiments?”

“A great question, indeed. If that were true, that would mean this creature is not far away. Where is Drebask, Kace?” Theophania and the rest of the group look inquisitively at Kace.

“I am sure Drebask is not the same…” Kace seems embarrassed as he trails off.

Theophania smiles and holds up her hands. “Oh, I am sure not. But the odd behavior of anyone is likely best explained by one who knows them best.”

“I see your point.” Kace sighs and eats a last scrap of cheese. “Drebask left me in the sewers of Pathilia, the capital to the east. And he seemed at home there. I assume he dwells there?”

Enacelle lightly patted the back of Kace’s hand, silently thanking him for sharing. “But Piece, we know not of your journey to this land from across a sea of black. Shall you regale us with the tale while we wait?”

Piece smiled and began to boldly recount his tale. “We were born into a vibrant clan of Tabaxi which were economically very successful and masters of multiple fine arts including writing, painting, sculpture, and magic. Our lineage is long and filled with stellar individuals of high achievement and accomplishment including writers, artists, businesspersons, and magic-users.  Common among our family members is a long tradition of mental and physical exercise, nimbleness, and prowess with martial fighting. When we were very young, our wisdom and insight were found to be shockingly mature and we were admitted to the prestigious Strixhaven School, joining Silverquill, several years before we would have been expected to matriculate. We  thrived at the school and developed and taught fellow students a focus of body and mind that made us both respected and feared physically and mentally. Teachers adored us because of our strict adherence to rules and codes of behavior, though our indifference to good versus evil was, at times, unsetting. We believe that good and evil are a matter of will and anyone can be either if they choose it. But if we all live within a set of rules guided by the universal morality of life, good almost always dominates and evil only arises when laws are violated.” 

Theophania coughs and clears her throat. “You will definitely find Umgurn fascinating, Piece. Drow are typically considered evil by those who meet them and indifferent to law or order. They seek alignment, so it is said, with a surface ally that serves their needs… whether that ally is as regimented as the king’s army or as disorganized as drunk kobolds… they care not. But Umgurn, he is all about law and order. But, he is also a righteous soul. Good to the core. It is no wonder he was expelled from his people in the Underdark.” She pauses, puts a piece of cheese in her mouth, and settles back on her hindquarters. Piece nods. 

“We will have to discuss that with him. Back to our story. The curiosity of young people and our rule-following nature clashed, leaving us in a dire situation. You see, a group of students wanted to open a multiverse gate-way and conjure a beast from a foreign plane as a practical joke. Were they being innovative or evil? It doesn’t matter because the rules strictly forbid gate-way experimentation without a faculty member present. And we felt such violations of the laws of the school and nature would only result in a terrible outcome. As they were threatening everything we care about, we snuck up on the students conducting their magical experiment and intervened in an attempt to stop it, which resulted in the death of another student and our being thrown through the multiverse gate-way, far from our home. When we awoke on this unknown plane in an unknown world, we found our way to a town very foreign and unlike anything we were used to, the one you call Canville Port in the north. After some inquiries, we determined that the magic of multiverse gate-ways was not in the common knowledge of everyday people of this land.  So, we resigned ourselves to the fate that the poor choice had given us and began observing our new environment and writing poems and thoughts to bring them to life. We write poems of our home which are exotic and strange to those that might hear or read them here. By finding our inner peace and focusing on our writing, we have since moved from town to town seeking a passage back to my home while making my way forward in this alien world.”

Enacelle stared wide-eyed at Piece as did the others. “Another… universe? That is very similar to Kace’s story. And.. the mindflayer had a spell? Perhaps you and Kace are not only feline by coincidence but meant to meet so that you may return home.”

Piece nods in agreement. “Yes, we were truly joyful to see Kace’s face and we were rather intrigued by that part of Kace’s story. And the flow of all related rivers leads to the sea.  We must seek out this spell that was mentioned, the Dream of the Blue Veil, and understand its process and workings. There were many such magics in our home but it was not our expertise.  We will need a powerful wizard if not the mindflayer to do it. But, the important thing is, it can be done!”

Kace also smiles and nods. “Yes. It is possible to go home. And that will keep my hope alive.”

Fodinis and Umgurn arrive at the constables office quickly as it was only a few streets over. Hestian McFlanggan, the burly, gray-haired, human constable of Woodshead, looks up from his desk and frowns.

“What could you possibly want on a festival day, Umgurn? What catastrophe is impending?” His face is one of blithe disregard. Fodinis snickers under his breath as everyone in town knows that Umgurn is brave but, perhaps, a little too cautious. But Umgurn is rarely wrong.

“Constable… It has come to my attention per the report of two… citizens…. that an ominous dark figure is lurking around the city and has threatened at least one person. The creature appears magical in nature, possibly a shapeshifter of some sort.”

[Umgurm makes a Persuasion Check, Constable makes an Insight check] Rolls a 16 versus a 4. 

“Let me check with the King’s guard…” He sighs begrudgingly. In his left ear are four different earrings with brightly sparkling stones. He taps the top one and speaks behind his hand. After a few minutes of back and forth, he turns his attention back to Umgurn. 

“The King’s guard have heard several similar rumors from Mistra, Plandeno, and Pendegen. Nothing too ominous but never was this phenomenon sighted inside a city. They’ve asked that you investigate and will reward you for any concrete information. Here.” He hands Umgurn a sheet of parchment with the constable’s seal and a sum of 1000 gps written at the bottom. “Return with this and the information. If it’s of value, you’ll be paid.” 

The constable turns his attention to Fodinis. “So, I heard quite a bit of coin… changed hands… at the cage matches last night, Fodinis. Would you know anything about that?”

“Only about the winnings and losses in the matches, you mean?” 

[Fodinis makes a deception check, Constable makes an Insight check] Rolls a 22 versus 8

“Well, anyone who came away with significant… winnings… might want to think about making a donation to the local school as they are in need of some new supplies for the children. You know the school. Our mayor is headmistress.” He smiles knowingly and with a continuous nod. 

“I will head over to the school right now!” 

[Fodinis makes a performance check, Constable makes an Insight check] Rolls a 9 versus 7. 

“See that he does, Umgurn. That is all.”

Umgurn and Fodinis exit the constable’s office and walk towards the school just down the street. About half-way there, a familiar face hobbles towards them. With one leg made of wood and brass and one hand made of wire, mesh, and bolts, the goblin Tezzerick smiles his nearly toothless grin as he waves them down. 

“Umgurn! Umgurn! Must to show you this, Umgurn. Must to show you!” He holds up a pair of goggles.

“What is it, Tezzerick?”

“Came by these by chance, you see. Found far to the north, above Anbeth. Don’t know much about them but I think yous will be liking them! Try them on!” He pushes the goggles into Umgurn’s hands.

Umgurn looks at the googles which appear to be made of leather and brass with bright red lenses. He pulls back his large dark hood and slips them over his head and looks through. The day is suddenly clear and bright without any pain in his eyes. He can see as if he had normal vision!

“Now, turn the little dialing knobs on each side!” Tezzerick rubs his hands together.

Umgurn feels two small ridges on either side and spins them one click down each. The lenses go very black. Umgurn looks around but can see nothing. Then he looks up directly at Isvara and can see her heavenly orb glowing as clear as day with no pain in his eyes. He looks down and clicks the ridge again. Suddenly his eyes are flooded with bright light and he quickly clicks the ridge again to avoid the painful light. The next setting gives everything around him an odd hue of purplish-green but the light is still too bright.

Tezzerick claps his hands and laughs. “Here’s hows I thinks it, Umgurn. That first setting is for daylight so you can see in bright light and not hurt your eyes! The second setting is for looking at Isvara directly, like observing a Dragon Moon passing! The third is just regular lenses and that won’t work too well for you except at night. The last one’s I’m not sure but I think they would help in very low light or something. Maybe better than your ancestral darkvision? You’ll have to see! Will you take them please and let me know what more you learns?”

“Of course, Tezzerick. Thank you. May I give you some coin for them?” Umgurn asks politely.

[Umgurn gains Four Vision Goggles]

“Nah. I’s too much coin these days. Did too well at the cage matches last night for my own goods. Bet 100 gp on this newcomer, black man-lion fellow. He won!” With a burst of laughter, he hobbles away around a corner. Umgurn sets the glasses to the first setting, puts them on, and drops his hood. Fodinis stops by the school and drops off some coins for the school master.

[Fodinis gives away 500 gp]

“Why, Mr. Oradurk! You are too kind and so thoughtful!” The headmistress, a thin half-elf with deep brown skin and green eyes, gives him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Umgurn sees an impossible flash of purple in the bugbears cheeks. 

“Think nothing of it, Mistress Galenda. Anything for the children.” He bows and exits the school with Umgurn in tow.

“Now, Fodinis. Do you like Galenda or do you like the children or are you just preventing the constable from running you in?” Umgurn laughs and pats Fodinis on the back.

“Perhaps all three.” He smiles in return and looks ahead at the bustling street full of people. No dark figures full of stars that he can see. 

“Shall we return to the others?” Umgurn is already moving in the direction of the inn.

When Umgurn and Fodinis return to the tavern, the group has finished their breakfast and are actively discussing Kace’s mindflayer, the dark starry creature, and the impending festival. Umgurn approaches the table with Fodinis and the group fall silent. Umgurn is impressed by the respect and courtesy these kids show their elders.

“Well, tonight is the festival and the town will be even more crowded with people. I fear this thing will make an appearance. Would it be too much to ask for your help in sorting this out?” Umgurn folds his arms across his chest and stands tall.

[Umgurn makes a Persuasion check, party makes a Wisdom saving throw] Rolls 13 versus 4 fails, 2 saves. 

All six of his table mates seem to nod in unison and smile, though some more slowly than others. 

“Excellent. Here is what I think we should do.” Umgurn pulls a map of Woodshead from his pack and unrolls it on the table. He uses the empty tea mugs to hold it in place. The city of woodshead is laid out in radiating circles with the large fountain in the town center. Five roads lead away from the fountain going southwest to Pathilia, southeast to South Canville, northeast to Canville Port, due north to Pendegen, and northwest to Plandeno. 

“Because of the festival tonight, all of the city gates will close at dusk and no one is allowed to enter or leave the city after that time until morning. It’s some local legend about a dark fairy who will steal your children… traditions.  Since this thing is already in the city and I worry it will make an appearance at the festival, we can station five of us at the main road entering the square. Then Theophania and Malege, as the only ones who have seen it, will make themselves very conspicuous in the crowd. Theophania, I suggest you give little children rides or something to draw the crowds’ attention. Malege, perhaps some fiery showmanship to impress the crowd that you’ve told us about. And then, we wait.”

[Umgurn makes a Persuasion Check, party makes and Wisdom Saving throw], Rolls 10 versus 1 fail, 6 saves

“This seems somewhat dangerous to me. Malege is just a child.  We are not all city guards like you, Umgurn. Are there more we can involve in this plot to assist?” Enacelle looks scared and her emotion seems to register with the others.

“I’m not scared!” Malege stands up with his shoulders back.

“I am sure you are not, my brave little friend but Enacelle has a valid point.” He points to the map. “This is the king’s garrison, sort of reserves, about 5 men. They would normally have the night off. Maybe we should ask them to join us?”

The rest of the party nods in agreement.

“I will go to the city guard today and ask them to join us in the square this evening for some additional help.” Umgurn pauses with a look of reluctance. “But, I must tell you, they could say no but I will try. Please make whatever preparations you may need and meet me here.” He indicates a small cottage just off the square. “This is the city guard station. I will meet all of you there at dusk.”

Umgurn, Theophania, and Fodinis stand outside the tavern discussing the town square and the festival as Enacelle, Malege, Kace, and Piece exit the tavern and head off towards some local shops that sell a range of items and goods.

“Kace, Piece, Fodinis, and myself should be front line if anything comes to blows with this being. Malege can back us up with magic…from afar. Theophania has her bow. Enacelle can try to keep us healthy. But I would prefer it doesn’t come to fighting, especially with the crowd.” Umgurn sighs and looks across the street.

“Perhaps if we lure it down a side alley, I can… use my special skills to dispatch it?” Fodinis balances a thin steel blade point on his fingertip.

“I could equally down the creature from a distance with my bow.” Theophania nods toward Fodinis. 

“Yes, all that would be a better alternative than facing this creature in a crowd because we know nothing about it. But perhaps it is friendly but just awkward and alien. We know not its intentions and ours should not be so negative and aggressive. Let’s just hope all that is required is information gathering and protecting the crowd. When faced with many foes, perhaps it will run.”

Walking through the busy streets on a festival day, Enacelle, Malege, Kace, and Piece turn more than a few heads with their odd assortment of young folk moving together. Kace and Piece are most comfortable fighting with their bare hands and both walk solemnly with their javelin and spear mostly as a walking stick and pole for balance. Enacelle feels comfortable with her imbued quarterstaff backed up by scimitar. But Malege wants to get his new clothes he ordered and possibly replace his dagger or crossbow with something more powerful. Fodinis also hinted to Kace that perhaps he should buy some new clothes which Kace, embarrassed, agreed to do. They travel first to the tailor shop where the new, small fire genasi-proof clothes were waiting. Malege changed into his new outer coat over his existing black shirt, brown pants and black boots while the tailor inspected the red robes in detail.

“Made of very fine silk and cotton, these are.” He inspects the cloth with an eye loop. The tailor is a very tall human of bright silver hair, crystal blue eyes, and a very broad chest tapering down to a narrow waist which is accentuated by the leather corset he wears.  “And lined with dense sheep’s wool and padded with down feathers. A fine garment indeed. I believe I can deconstruct this and make several garments. In addition to the new coat for you, can I give you 100 gps?”

[The tailor makes a persuasion check, Malege mages an insight check], Rolls a 4 versus 8

  “I would be more comfortable with 200 gp…” Malege stands as tall as he can with his chin up.

“Hmmmm… 175 gps, take it or leave it….” The tailor seems impressed by the child’s gumption.


[Malege gains a fire-proof black coat and 175 gps]

“Sir, do you have a shirt, tunic, and pants that would fit me?” Kace looks down, embarrassed by his own clothes.

The tailor smiles, purses his lips a bit, and moves close to Kace. He feels his shoulders and back then pulls a measuring tape from his pocket and makes a few checks, including placing his hand with the measuring tape into Kace’s crotch. Kace seems a bit distressed by the process but says nothing.

“Give me a minute.” The tailor vanishes into a back room and returns moments later. “These pants are made of a thick but stretchable cotton fiber which will give you plenty of movement freedom. This shirt is made of excellent linen. And this tunic has several alternating layers of thin leather that make it flexible. And, as luck would have it, I found these boots which should conform to your beautiful feet well!” 

[Kace pays 50 gps and gains brown boots, blue pants, white shirt, and light green tunic]

Kace goes into a back room to change and returns to the group who gasps at how handsome and fine the leonin looks in the new clothes. He smiles and nods to the group and the tailor.

“Let’s find a weapons shop as I have some questions….” Malege admires his own new coat as the group exits the tailor shop. They move over a few streets to a weapons shop directed by the tailor and find the weapons master, a burly dwarf wearing only a kilt of heavy leather and a halter of fur and leather. His chest ripples with muscles and is covered in thick dark hair.

“Aye, what ya in fer?”

“I’d like to trade in this crossbow and bolts for a shortbow, if possible. And I’d like a simple weapon that packs a punch.” Malege thinks of the dark looming figure that scared him in the alley and what would feel good to strike it with.

“Aye, a fair trade for the crossbow as it appears fine. This shortbow,” he says, handing it across to Malege, “is quite special. Made by elves, you see. They normally only make longbows, mind you. But this one is surely elven-made of the finest wood. It’s not magical, or anything but…” He leans in and whispers. “I was told it’s UNBREAKABLE. I haven’t tried to find out but…”

[The weapons smith makes a Deception check, Malege makes an insight check], Rolls a 4 versus 18

“I don’t know how a non-magical bow could be unbreakable, sir?”

“Well, it’s just what I was told!” The dwarf looks frustrated and a bit angry.

Enacelle takes the bow from the dwarf and looks carefully at it.

[Enacelle makes an Investigation check and an Arcana check], Rolls a 13 and a 5

“It is, indeed, a good bow, Malege. A fair trade, I think.”

“And for a weapon that packs a punch, take a look at this!” The weaponsmith pulls a great club from behind his counter which has a brass and leather handle along with bright brass knobs. He hands it to Malege who promptly drops it to the floor.

“That might be a bit heavy for our small friend.” Kace suppresses a laugh.

“Aye, I can see that. Hmm… Well, this might be more your style.” From behind the counter, he pulls a handaxe which is bright steel and shiny and embossed with flames. The base of the handaxe has a steel cap with flames embossed there as well. Malege’s eyes light up and his hair flickers.

The dwarf smiles triumphantly. “I do believe we have a winner! This fine item will cost you 10 gps.”

“No, I don’t think that is quite the right weapon for him, either.” Enacelle can see that Malege is enamored by the weapon but is holding it wrong and, when he takes a swing, he looks very awkward.

“Why not?” Malege frowns deeply at the beautiful handaxe. 

Enacelle quickly moves her quarterstaff directly at Malege’s head who deftly avoids it with a quick dodge step.

The weapons master nods. “Aye. This little one is very quick but not so strong. Have you ever trained with a shortsword?”

Malege suddenly smiles. “Yes! One of the wizards of the Vinporus taught me well how to fight with a shortsword and I had lots of practice on the caravan coming here. I even fought off a wolf with one! But it was loaned to me by the caravan leader. I had almost forgotten about it.” 

“In that case, I think I have just the item for you.” The weaponsmith pulls a shortsword from the case with a steel blade and hilt, adorned with brass stars and a leather handle with a bright steel knob at the base. “And this will only cost you 20 gps.”

Malege hands over the gold without a question, staring at the shortsword. “It’s perfect!”

[Malege acquires a shortsword and gives away 20 gps] 

Delighted with his purchases, Malege and the others make their way towards the small cottage off the square. On the way, a small jewelry shop appears and Malege claps his hands and runs inside. He returns a few minutes later carrying a small pearl. 

“I need this in order to identify magic items. I had one back at the tower but I had to sell it for food along the way to Woodshead.” He smiles rather ashamedly but the others nod and pat him on the back.